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so hot Linda my wife even read every post think she a little envious of you


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Oh Dear I hope I havnt corrupted her..Tell her to message me PLEASE.


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Hi everyone,just dropped by to update (if you don't mind) my life so far, My boy friend ,shawn, is in europe,he was sent there by his corp for retraining, he will spend another 6 months to a year in germany training, then to egypt for further language updates and traing then back to the states.That's hard on a relationship, we are both free to see other's in the meantime.I have met a guy, great lover but not going to be permanent, he isn't very romantic, just does his business then that's it.He is the energizer bunny of sex tho..He does give me more orgasm's per minute than any one I have ever know but I miss the affection the cuddling after sex.It's very intense sex with him..He can have a orgasm then keep going, to me that's amazing..After a couple hours with him I am sore and tired..


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just dropped by to update

Thank you so much for a lovely update, Linda! It's great to hear from you how things are going.




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Hi Christine, things are going good,I miss my boy friend but other than that it's good.My oldest *** (Mikey) is in a travel baseball league and is a junior in high school, he is really good at it..Talked to a few scouts..


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After a couple hours with him I am sore and tired..

Linda, you're one lucky girl! It's sore and tired in a good way though, like you say, he has stamina. I hope you're taking that well used pussy back home to Billy so he can soothe it with his tongue, that is his job after all. xx


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Thanks for the note Kenny, that's a problem (my taking it back to Billy) it's sore so sore that I just want to ******** tongue irritates so no he doesn't get to sooth me that way..This lover is inhuman,never met a guy like him,just a machine, it's 90 min of extreme pleasure followed by 2 days of irritation,I walk like I have a stick up my pooper.He isn't even that big,maybe 7 fat in but he is constant..God save me.


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it's 90 min of extreme pleasure followed by 2 days of irritation,

Linda, despite the discomfort afterwards, you won't stop fucking him, the pleasure is stronger than the discomfort! Just enjoy it babe! xx


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things are going good,I miss my boy friend but other than that it's good.

That's great, Linda! I hope your kid gets a really great offer.




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Christine, thank you...I really want my *** to go to college but I understand the appeal of going to baseball right away but what the hell he is only a junior so who knows..I really want him to go to stanford, thats a great school and only 400 mi away.. . Kenny,yes its good and I do receive a lot of orgasms out of it,some times they feel like one continous orgasm and leave in a rather fugue state of mind, but no romance no real kissing no easing into it..NO ROMANCE just screwing, I feel some thing is missing..


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I really want my *** to go to college but I understand the appeal of going to baseball right away but what the hell he is only a junior so who knows..I really want him to go to stanford, thats a great school and only 400 mi away.

I think that's very understandable.

From my viewpoint, I'd suggest figuring out what he would learn while he's in college. I started college with a bunch of people who didn't have much idea of what they were doing there. I was different from that. I knew I wanted to graduate with a degree that I could use to make a living. Which is how it worked out -- I used that degree for more than 40 years.

If your *** is one of the lucky ones who can make serious money playing baseball, that's worth doing. The question is, what are his chances of making it to where the big money is? The minor league players all live barely above the subsistence level. Their hope is to finally get their chance at getting called up to the big leagues.

Here's an anecdote from someone I know. He's a musician. He started going to a community college, and after he had been there a while, he decided he should talk to a guidance counselor.

The counselor asked him what it was he came there to do. "I came here to find myself." The counselor's reply was:

"Well, you're not here."

My point is to view college as a vocational school. For instance, if your kid had an aptitude in math and science, I'd say he should try Cal Berkeley, which has a great engineering school. Or Cal Tech maybe -- a girlfriend of mine who went there recently retired from a _senior_ management position in ExxonMobil. She and her husband have a house here in Texas worth well over a million.

So if he continues his education, which I'm almost always in favor of, what would he be doing for a living, and how would he use his college education for that?



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Hi Christine, your right about cal/berkley, they do have a great math program and that's what Mikey excells at but cal/tech might be a stretch to far..Maybe not..Cal/tech is really close to home which I think Mikey doesn't care for..He could ride a bike or even walk to the place, it's a mile and a half from our place... .Maybe M.I.T. but that is so far away.. Oh a million dollar home must be really different than here in So/cal..Our house is supposedly worth 2 million..Back in ohio I think we could get maybe at best 4 hundred thousand..I hear Michigan has a good math department..Maybe there, who knows, his chances of going to the big leagues are not good, he plays 2 positions, 2nd base and out field..He is suppose to be one of the best around here..It's a lot to think about,I just want him to be happy..


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Yeah for sure, Linda.

When I was getting out of high school, my parents and I were all very clear that it was better for me to go away to school somewhere.

That million dollar place in Texas backs up to a golf course. I mentioned that it was in Texas, because I know west coast prices are so much higher than here.




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.....Maybe M.I.T. but that is so far away......

I don't know...... M.I.T is only 364.4 Smoots + one ear away from the Back Bay across the Harvard Bridge! Rents on either end of the bridge (and as far as the eye can see in either direction!) are astronomical! I hope he doesn't plan on parking a car because that, tuition and rent is $omewhere past the Moon!

I hear Michigan has a good math department.

It does. Do you really want to sentence him to living 4 years in Michigan, though?
..............PSEUDO PERSON...YMMV!


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I have family in youngstown ( where I was from) thats what 5 hours from detroit and maybe 6 from Michigan..If MIT is any thing like cal tech here they have sports teams and they also suck at it..Mikey wouldn't care for that..Also with all the sports he is into he is only carrying a 3.95 grade point average..Does Harvard have good teams ? Whatever he wants is good with me but Stanford is nice..


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Damn Linda you must be really proud. I don't know if 3.95 is good enough for Harvard but if he can ball then it's probably plenty good. And yes, Harvard generally has good teams but keep in mind it's Ivy League. It's not top caliber.


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Linda, I also grew up in Ohio, near Toledo for me.

I think it'll be worthwhile for him (with your help) to figure out what he really wants to focus on. Not that he can't change that as time goes on, but like with any project I've worked on, the later the change occurs, the more expensive it is.

But on the other hand... What's the latest in your love life?




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Hi Christine,good afternoon..It's really up to him isn't it plus he is only a junior so we have a bit of time yet.Next year he will take trips to visit the different schools with Billy,I get to emotional to be of any use plus he may get drafted my biggest worry is that he will play football, I guess it's a different world in college,they all are so big..He can play 3 sports but football is so violent..His grades will suffer.

As to my love life, it's difficult to describe.I think I may have said this before but Shawn has been in europe 9 months now and we barely talk on the phone or on the web..Met a guy who relieves my physical needs,he is the energizer bunny of sex, my god he cums and keeps going.After being with him my neither regions are really sore and I walk funny, but there is no emotional relief just the sex..something is missing.Something I need...How is yours? How is the houston area?


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I have family in youngstown ( where I was from) thats what 5 hours from detroit and maybe 6 from Michigan..If MIT is any thing like cal tech here they have sports teams and they also suck at it..Mikey wouldn't care for that..Also with all the sports he is into he is only carrying a 3.95 grade point average..Does Harvard have good teams ? Whatever he wants is good with me but Stanford is nice..

I doubt that I could carry a 3.95 GPA with a forklift! Harvard is (arguably) the Cat's Ass of the Ivy League! You can't go wrong at Stanford either! You should have him consult his guidance department to start with, and go from there. Those are the people most able to point him in the proper direction to parlay his talents. You cannot get "too much" counsel! They have the ability to connect with and refer him to the proper individuals at these schools. He may qualify for a scholarship. Figure $75,000 for tuition, books and bare bones dorm life for a September through May stint at Harvard. You DO get what you pay for, however! Consider yourself lucky to find a basic apartment anywhere near a couple miles of Harvard for $4,000 per month. He wants a car? Add plenty more headaches and $$$!
It is a very real experience!
..............PSEUDO PERSON...YMMV!


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Thanks I.A.S.P. It will a start I guess in a few months when he becomes a senior...He will have graduated or have the credits too by jan...He has been contacted by about 12 coleges so far..We banked his entire support money in a college account so we could do the 75 grand, but would be nice if he got a scholarship.Harvard hasn't contacted him..His girlfriend goes to U.C.L.A. and is a soph there..So maybe there but he really wants to get away from here.As to living off campus, omg I hope not..But I don't have much say into that..Billy has more influence than I do..Thanks dear for the information..


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I get to emotional to be of any use plus he may get drafted my biggest worry is that he will play football, I guess it's a different world in college,they all are so big..He can play 3 sports but football is so violent

Yes, it certainly is violent, and the higher you go in that business, the worse it gets. The NFL is the worst. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy watching football occasionally, but to me, it's a sport that needs to get reined in, in terms of the level of violent contact. I don't have any answers as to how, that's an area I'm not qualified to comment on.

As to my love life, it's difficult to describe.

I think you described it very well. The sex is great, but you'd like to have some emotional connection with the guy who's fucking you.

Me? I don't really have much of a sex life right now. My Significant Other and I are very close, but there's very little sex involved. I'm not sure how much of that is from getting older (we're 66 and 60). And as you said, "It's complicated." We have an open relationship, but there's not much going on right now.

That could change, as I just finished a stretch of several weeks of working full time. I don't know, we'll see.




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Hi Christine, sorry about your sex life,no not sorry but I feel saddened..Maybe it's age maybe it's just get's stale? I don't know I guess time is a killer in more ways than one.. . I get plenty of sexual relief (maybe to much) from my current lover, but I miss waking up in a lovers arms,those sweet baby kisses along my cheek and neck...Breathing in his scent,just relaxing holding me.. The furher I go in this cuckold life I see so many changes in me,first was hostility then a frantic need for love,then a need to control my cuck ( the training period ) then and now the need for love not so much sex but real love.. . kisses Christine xoxoxo / Linda


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Thanks, Linda.

Well, fortunately things improved a little yesterday. I begged for it and got pegged yesterday. Loved it.




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Well glad you got some relief Christine... . Linda xoxoxo


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I begged for it and got pegged yesterday. Loved it.

I'd love to know if you were in chastity as she pegged you, or were you allowed some release in a good cum?


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Thanks Linda!

I'd love to know if you were in chastity as she pegged you, or were you allowed some release in a good cum?

I wasn't locked up. I've promised myself never to ask for that. But I know if she ever asked to do that, I'd cave in without a fight.

After about a half hour of fucking me, she was pretty tired. So we switched positions, and I rode it cowgirl style. I played with myself while we were doing it that way, and I came while I was moving up and down on it.




Posts: 6938
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Christine, sounds as Hot as Fuck! I'd love to return the favour some day, but I would insist you were caged first!


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Christine, sounds as Hot as Fuck! I'd love to return the favour some day, but I would insist you were caged first!

Yeah, it was a good time.



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Hey there sexy Linda.... anything new these days? Are you still being a hot little slut wife and getting your fill of cock and cream?
Cuck who loves a creampie.


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I appreciate the latest pictures on your profile page! You are in super fine shape!
..............PSEUDO PERSON...YMMV!
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