Posts: 17
I've just got one question, why is is that i can't find many women who are into cuckolding. I mean having the sexual freedom to have sex with anyone you want and having a wimp to use and humiliate for fun sounds like a good deal to me. Do women just not know about something like this, or is the entire idea just not something that's very appealing to most women?
QueenB and He
Posts: 308
We suspect its something most woman are conditioned from birth not to do! Sexual freedom is not uppermost in a womans needs. They need to be awakened to the cuckoldress lifestyle by the right kind of people.
Posts: 62
You are truely misinformed Jamister, there are alot of us out there but you can live this lifestyle and be discrete about it. As for your impression that all cucks are wimps, once again you are misinformed...i can assure, as much as my husband enjoys being a cuckold he is far from a wimp. Quite the opposite in fact. Cant speak for anyone else but i got into the lifestyle because I Love my husband very much and it was something he enjoyed....make no mistake there are benefits but the underline reamister always remains the same and thats to please my husband!! Do it for the wrong reamisters and everyone gets hurt in some way.
QueenB and He
Posts: 308
Quoting: Mistress_Lynn I Love my husband very much and it was something he enjoyed....make no mistake there are benefits but the underline reamister always remains the same and thats to please my husband!! Do it for the wrong reamisters and everyone gets hurt in some way Very well put, excellent!
Posts: 762
my wife plays innocence and inexperience 2 perfection.
Quoting: Mistress_Lynn here are benefits but the underline reamister always remains It's under lying, not underline! 
Posts: 57
My fiance was a "reformed" slut when I met her. When we first dated, she claimed that she never wanted anyone but me. Then, solely as a favor to me, she began to take bulls. She is very discreet about it, and still tells her sister and friends that she only does it for me ... but in realty she has discovered that she loves it for herself.
And honestly, she didn't need much encouragement to relax with other men.
Paul pb
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
I was always very sexual, I seduced my school bus driver into taking my virginity when I was 15. I was brought up like everbody else, in tha it was always an either (play the field for life), or (get married and settle down to one man). Then I met my hub, he took me to an adult video store where they had "Glory Holes",,,on the other side was a 9 inch black cock, my hub asked me if I wanted to suck it, I of course (sticking with my upbringing), said NO! He asked me again if I was sure, the look on his face told me he was okay with it, I was on my knees in seconds. A week later I was sucking 11 men off and fucking 4 in an adult theatre,,,the following week I was bringing men to motels. So basically by marrying the right man, within 2 weeks I found I could have my cake and eat it too, why wouldn't I be happily married for 22 years.
Posts: 164
Why should there be more? maybe most women aren't married to wimps and/or cuckolds. What on eath makes anyone think women would want to be married to a man who only gets off on her fucking other men? No, reality is that cuckolding is mainly in the mind of the cuckold. There ARE a few women who are into it for themselves and good luck to them if they can make it work.
Posts: 123
My experience. There are as many ways of being excited as there are people.
But there are some "mating dances" which are hard-wired from our genes. As I have suggested before, human sexual behavior does not differ from other high primates and great apes.
If we think that we are so different, it appears mysterious and complicated. When we see the behavior in naturals, it will help us to see what is happening.
Being a cuckold has survival benefits. If a man has a female partner, encouraging them to have sex with the "Alpha" male might have several benefits. The "Alpha" will then protect your mate and her offspring, being unsure of their paternity, he will protect them just in case they are his.
Further, if it is a large clan, permitting the Alpha to mate with your female might persuade him to protect you and allow you to remain in the troop.
Finally, if there is really an Alpha male, your very survival may depend upon you winning his favor. Without the troop, (family) you will be alone and vulnerable.
Therefore, our genes carry some instinct to 'submit' to the alpha when necessary for our own survival. This surrender when you have no other choice but death is so crucial to survival, that it centers in the pleasure centers of the brain and can become an irresistible obsession.
This obsession can be triggered by a variey of stimuli. We need only look at this website to see what behaviors trigger and cultivate this obsession.
Old English tradition was fraught with cuckolding. The lord of the Manor had the privelige of deflowering any maiden on her wedding night if she lived as a serf on the grounds of his manor. I will make you crazy.
#11 · Edited by: damian70
Posts: 762
those bwasted bwoody widiculouse wable of wuf un woowly womans. *for ppl who hav seen the 'Wife of Bwian'
Posts: 123
#13 · Edited by: jacana
Just got back to this forum.
Agree with damian. Women are not monogamous by nature. My understanding.
Expecting them to be monogamous might be unreamisterable. See my other posts about how cucking is a sexual mating dance which enables the partnership to survive while bringing excitement and erotica at least to the woman's life.
Then, if they are able to cultivate the cuckold thing, the man can achieve real erotic excitement as an additional benefit above and beyond her achieving variety in her sex life.
What a concept. While many married men complain of not enough sex, men have the capability of achieving real sexual satisfaction from being deprived. That is IF they have the ability to find and cultivate the dance of presentation.
It is my opinion that there is evidence that the cuckold tendency exists in all men. Tittie bars are a prime example wherein we are exploited by women with whom there is absolutely no possiblity at all of consummating.
They stand above us, teas us, deprive us, and then turn to another man. They are even protected by large, agressive men who push us little cucks around. AND WE PAY FOR THE PRIVILEGE!
It is like sex symbols on the screen. We can't have them, but we can become obsessed by them. When we are playing, I call my girlfriend "Princess". I will make you crazy.
Posts: 45
mm, wish to marry such Slut ..any single Slut here ;)
#15 · Edited by: damian70
another aspect of why there are so few cuckoldresses... the nature of the word Cuckold...
So negative...
Shrinking Violet
Posts: 39
Its also having a partner that trusts you enough to suggest it... I caught my husband on this site today... and he finally got the courage to ask if I would consider having sex with another man... and i don't know if i can... To be honest a woman is raised (or conditioned if you want to look at that way) by their ladys that having sex with men other than your husband/ partner is WRONG!!! It's taken my husband a number of years to make... (or at least) allow me to allow myself to dress the way I do... With his encouragement I (now) wear clothes that show my body... not completely mind... but my underwear has gone from opaque to transparent, i stopped wearing pantyhose, and have purchased corsets, suspender belts... I've gone from passive to more aggressive... I can now dress in a fake fur coat (nothing else) and go to a holiday home of a friend ad show my husband what I;m wearing (or not wearing) half way through the journey... bad idea that... he took his eyes off the road  So it makes it difficult for woman to know herself, her husband to know himself, and enough trust in hte relationship for him to ask her if she will cuck him... The Goddess rules the Horned God