Posts: 48
i'm sure we have all been there at some point. In my opinion, two steps;
1) Talk to her honestly about it, if she isn't willing to 'play' then
2) Kick her out and find yourself a dirty bitch...
there's plenty of them kicking about.
In all seriousness, some women will never be sluts, they just have too many hang-ups about themselves/religion etc.etc. and you can't legally power them to either!:shame:
K McDonald
Posts: 412
mikeyj8000 Hey, if you ever figgure out how to get her into the "kinky" sex, let me know. I've worked on my wife for over 5 years to get het into having sex with other men, and all I ever get is "you're all I need" , or , "I could never do that". It's funny how the men who WANT their wives to have sex outside the marriage don't get it, but the jealous man, who uses his wife when she DOES take that liberty gets one. I don't get it! [email protected]
Posts: 38
Tiger falcon has it exactly right, slow conditioning. I told my first potential "hot" g/f that she was so beautiful while she was cumming (I said this while she was cummin)and how nioce it would be to back and watch it, and gradually elevated the talk as time went on. Of course, I was entirey truthful!! next, it was, if you were with someone who would it be so I can imagine it--thank her becasue she is doing it for you, and of course, she would imagine it too. all of this during sex. this proess has worked for me twice.
Posts: 144
From your one paragraph description there isn't much to read into, but I thought I'd chime in and give you some thoughts. First off, I suggest a lot of communication. There are MANY reamisters some women don't have interest (or very little interest) in sex. It could be stress at work, stress with you, financial issues at home, etc. Others might be poor self-image (she doesn't like her body and doesn't feel sexually appealing, self-consciousness about being inexperienced sexually, or even physiological, like low testosterone levels.
And not meaning to be rude, but maybe something about you puts her off, whether it's being overweight, or even the aftershave you wear. Maybe you have bad timing and you keep hitting times she doesn't want to have sex (I permisterally prefer sex in the afternoon or early evening, not first thing in the morning or last thing at night). Wanting a blowjob after you've come in, hot and sweaty, from mowing the lawn is not going to be interesting to her. Shower, shave and get presentable, then approach. It surprises me the double standard of men looking like bums but expecting their spouse/gf to look like a model. I'm not saying you need to need to look like you stepped out of GQ, but men who make the effort to look attractive do catch a woman's eye.
I'd seriously talk with her about it, but remember this is a two way street. Asking her "What's YOUR problem?" is not going to make her want to talk about it. And you comment about making her want to "fulfill some of my fantasies." What about HER fantasies? If you want her to be more interested in sex, then endeavor to do stuff SHE wants to, as well.
Again, none of this is meant to insult, just cover some bases.
At a more basic level, let me also give you my take on the "conditioning" thing. Right on! Read some info about Pavlovian conditioning. A lot of people talk about women calling the shots because they own the pussy. But once you get her in bed, I think women are easier to condition then men. Yeah, men are generally hornier by nature, but we come once and then calm down (I generalize). Women can have numerous orgasms, and that's their "weakness." You make a girl come several times in one session, and she's going to remember it, and want more. And unless she a selfish bitch, she's going to want to please you back, and that's where you can slowly start suggesting things you want. It's going to take patience, communication, trust and initiative on your part, but it can be done.