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The First Time it Happened

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#1 · Edited by: sunkencities
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I read once that the most natural cuckolds are the ones who were cuckolded unintentionally when they were young. This happened to me - my gf cheated on me, and just about everyone knew. I took her back after that. She later told me how much better he was than me, and it was the first time I felt really inferior to a real man. Things with us didn't last long after that.

Since then other real men seem to be able to sense my cuckold-status, even though I've never really been in a cuckold relationship before. They seem to like to push the boundaries and hit on whoever I'm with, and the women I date respond well to that; they seem interested. It makes me burn with jealousy a bit, but is, also strangely thrilling and, against all my efforts, fulfilling. The humil1ation is a huge turn on, reaffirming my cuckold status, even as embarrassing as it is.

Yet the only one who ever really called me out on it was that first gf who cheated on me. I've thought about running into her, thanking her for what she did, and making me realize I'm a born cuckold. It's a very humil1ating thought, but that's also a huge turn on too. I hope she had all the good sex I couldn't give her, hope she still is, while I get nothing.


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I've said it before on here, a good Bull can often 'sense' a cuckold or a potential cuck and hit on his wife/girlfriend accordingly. We know the cuck is torn up with highly conflicting emotions, that's what makes it so good!


Posts: 78
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Well said Kenny. I often wondered if my wife and I gave off some sort of unintentional signal of submissiveness or availability or if it was just that the man was bold and decide to act consequences be damned. However, I always leaned towards the former as you describe it.

Sunkencities: I refer to this as a thrilling ***********.


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Yeah, I always kind of wondered if some of the thrill for the bull was embarrassing the cuck by stealing the girl and kind of rubbing my nose in it a bit. They always had a bit of a gleam in their eye when they hit on whoever I was with and asserted their dominance. I'll keep in mind my angst is part of what makes it so good.

It is thrilling, but it's so humil1ating when it happens...everyone can see it happening and often seem rather amused by it. I do put off a submissive air though, so, as a cuckold, I should learn to get used to it and accept my place.


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...........I often wondered if my wife and I gave off some sort of unintentional signal of submissiveness or availability or if it was just that the man was bold and decide to act consequences be damned........

It is your wife. She is telegraphing her availability to these guys and they are just taking the bait. Hence their boldness when you are approached. Maybe those kind of guys turn her on. Probably she is doing it to fuck with your head for her personal amusement.

I refer to this as a thrilling ***********.

It is a thrilling humiliati0n! For her: Thrilling to place you in awkward situations and see you squirm. For you: Thrilling to have your wife do that and then watch you twist in the wind to entertain herself!

Yeah, I always kind of wondered if some of the thrill for the bull was embarrassing the cuck by stealing the girl and kind of rubbing my nose in it a bit. They always had a bit of a gleam in their eye when they hit on whoever I was with and asserted their dominance. I'll keep in mind my angst is part of what makes it so good.

The girl is placing the guy in embarrassing scenarios by advertising her availability enough to coax the other guy into coming over and checking out his chances with her. Of course he will have a gleam in his eyes as he hits on her! He's practically working on a promise when she signals a green light his way! Your angst is your only portion from all of this excitement!

It is thrilling, but it's so humil1ating when it happens...everyone can see it happening and often seem rather amused by it. I do put off a submissive air though, so, as a cuckold, I should learn to get used to it and accept my place.

The joys of being a sexual masochist! Many a cuckold is happy living pussy free, in uncomfortable chastity and wearing an oversize butt plug as his wife and her lovers wallow in sexual pleasure. It works for the right people!
..............PSEUDO PERSON...YMMV!


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The joys of being a sexual masochist! Many a cuckold is happy living pussy free, in uncomfortable chastity and wearing an oversize butt plug as his wife and her lovers wallow in sexual pleasure. It works for the right people!

Well said! I honestly feel there is a sixth sense that tells me when a guy is a (potential) cuck or his wife is willing to play. For me, the thrill I get out of cuckolding a husband isn't purely the sex I get from his wife, but a large part of it is that it's another guy's wife that I'm fucking. The same woman, but single/unattached etc wouldn't be the same.


Posts: 23
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Huh. So my own jealousy and angst is actually making it better for the bull...I'll remember that the next time it happens to me. It must be pretty obvious who the cuckolds are in public...

I wonder if that was part of the thrill for the guy my gf cheated on me with? The joy of having a lesser man's woman? I certainly was the lesser man, she was quite clear about that...


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I was lucky enough to lose my first serious girlfriend to a black guy there was no going back for me since then. Everyone knew she was cheating on me including her ****** and mine


Posts: 6938
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I certainly was the lesser man, she was quite clear about that...

Look on it as a public service! People like me are fulfilling your subconscious need, and obviously the needs of your hotwife for superior cock.


Posts: 23
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Yes sir. I am working on accepting my station in life, which is serving people like you and women...
Peter C


Posts: 6921 Pictures: 9 
#11 · Edited by: Peter C
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Well said Kenny. I often wondered if my wife and I gave off some sort of unintentional signal of submissiveness or availability

I have always thought this. My work's shift pattern usually meant me working evenings alternate weeks, so my wife Debbie developed something of a social life without me. This could entail dr1nking at my firm's social club with colleagues of mine or out playing darts with a ladies team around local pubs. She was popular and confident and enjoyed the company of men and women. I did start to wonder if any guys would try hitting on her whilst she was out and to be honest, I felt that eventually she would probably be tempted by another man. I was pretty sure not many of my colleagues would worry about me as a threat and over time Debbie did admit to being ogled, chatted up, fondled and groped and that yes, she had been tempted to stray at times.

I had confessed to Debbie how much I enjoyed catching guys checking her out. She liked it too, so her tops got more revealing and a Wonderbra enhanced her cleavage. High heels and ever shorter skirts showed off her great legs and I eventually plucked up the courage to suggest that if she did let things go further with another man, it wouldn't be the end of the world. Indeed, I found it a turn-on and if it did happen, I'd rather know than be kept in the dark. At least 2 years of talking about it, including some role-play in the bedroom featuring a dildo and her fantasising about a couple of young pop stars, eventually culminated in her enjoying some - I think, much needed - extra cock. Afterwards, she always seemed so contented and we both enjoyed knowing that a lad half my age was responsible for making my wife so happy. I took her being eyed up as a compliment, so them wanting to fuck her was really the ultimate compliment.

Real men wouldn't see me as a threat. Tall, but skinny, balding with glasses. "What's he going to do if I hit on his wife? And she looks up for it. Probably needs a decent fuck." I can just imagine their thoughts. Once we had agreed that Debbie could go with other guys, I became convinced that she at least was giving off some secret signal that she could be available. She enjoyed male company and if it was a more manly man she was after, she was now in a position to select ones she wanted to have sex with without worrying about me. One or two she even told that we had "an arrangement", though I preferred them to think they were getting one over on the poor, unsuspecting weedy wimp of a husband. More humi1iating I suppose.

We eventually drifted apart, separated and divorced, Debbie moving in with a neighbour 2 doors away, so everyone in the vicinity knew she was getting cock elsewhere and her husband did nothing about it, just let her get on with it. The whole experience has made me more submissive and I thrive on a couple of women friends that put me down and enjoy bossing me around. "You're more boy than man" they both tell me and even my girlfriend knows that calling me a "good boy" arouses me. Being a cuckold husband certainly changed me.
Peter C


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Peter C

Fantastic. Do you still live 2 doors away from each other?
Peter C


Posts: 6921 Pictures: 9 
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Do you still live 2 doors away from each other?

No baiout. They moved some time ago, but still only about 10 minutes away. We are still on good terms.
Peter C


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Peter C

Great to hear
Peter C


Posts: 6921 Pictures: 9 
#15 · Edited by: Peter C
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other real men seem to be able to sense my cuckold-status

I have always thought it was my wife that gave out hidden signals as to her availability, but two instances recently make me wonder if guys in actual fact pick up on my submissive, wimp tendencies. Out shopping with my much younger, attractive girlfriend (who is quite shy, very vanilla and has not cuckolded me) there have been two times where, despite my presence, the young guy serving us has shown a clear interest in her. The first asked her about her little girl we had with us (actually her grand-dau8hter!) and was keen to chat, whilst the second lad recognised her instantly from a visit some 2 weeks before and seemed genuinely pleased to see her again.

She seems oblivious to this interest and embarrassed when I mention that a young guy seems to have taken a shine to her. I let her know that I'm not jealous and that I'm rather proud when a guy checks her out and she should take it as a compliment.
Peter C


Posts: 6938
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Peter C:
She seems oblivious to this interest and embarrassed when I mention that a young guy seems to have taken a shine to her. I let her know that I'm not jealous and that I'm rather proud when a guy checks her out and she should take it as a compliment.

Keep carefully working on her Peter, slowly she absorbs this information and her curiosity is piqued. She could then want to know more about why she's considered attractive by these younger guys, and then, who know's !
Peter C


Posts: 6921 Pictures: 9 
#17 · Edited by: Peter C
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Keep carefully working on her Peter, slowly she absorbs this information and her curiosity is piqued. She could then want to know more about why she's considered attractive by these younger guys, and then, who know's !

Thank you Kenny, I intend to. I like to think that knowing other men find her attractive will boost her ego and self-confidence and I certainly enjoy catching a guy casting an appreciative eye over her when we're out. I caught a guy checking her out in the supermarket just the other day, but only when his wife wasn't looking!
Peter C


Posts: 6938
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Peter C:
I like to think that knowing other men find her attractive will boost her ego and self-confidence

That's usually the case! Can work wonders!


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Ultimate Cuckold / Ultimate Cuckold /
The First Time it Happened
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