During this, I had to go down on Ember, which wasn't great. She hadn't shaved in a while, and it was summer in the southwest, so she'd been sweating a bit. There was a smell for sure, and she doesn't like me, remember, so she kind of relished the opportunity to grind my face into her pussy.
??? Girl who slides her little stinker in my face that way really, really likes me! Rubs it into your face to boot, eh! Sometimes we just have to accept the good with the bad.......
Ember is actually a bit meaner about it, but I think Ember's just a mean person. She tells me this is the natural order of things often, and she's definitely not opposed to going on a brisk walk in the midday heat before she knows we'll be meeting up. Half of my job is just licking the sweat from her, so Caleb doesn't have to put up with it, she says.
??? She can be mean like that to me as often as she wants! Try a lick of her goodies after she's been all day in Houston humidity! There is nothing better than her lifting her skirt and your face getting clobbered with a wall of eye watering, pungent scent of girlie! Wait! There
is something better! Her saying "Clean me!!" and allowing you to tidy her hole! Caleb is an idiot.
Thank you both for the reply. IASP, my gf thought your reply was hilarious and has jokingly referred to me as "placeholder" a few times since.
And Kennyboy, you are right. This is the natural order of things, and I am no alpha at all. I am grateful for the chance to be a part of their intimacy at all. My place is at their feet.
is right, but are you listening to him?
Girls do not think things like this are humorous. You should sit down with her and have a quiet talk. I believe that if you have a heart to heart, you may find her feelings about this a tad different than you surmise them to be.
Do not insult her in any way, regardless of how she degrades you! She can replace you with a dog and get plenty of intimacy and much devotion and love from a pup who knows that his place is at their feet! With far less hassle!
You might have been born with KS or other condition. If so than there is absolutely nothing wrong with you! There is no cause for you to let them sh1t all over you. They will try, because they don't understand, not out of malice.
Otherwise, you'd be wise to sprout a sizeable pair of cojones. Doormat boys and girls of any type just don't work!
..............PSEUDO PERSON...YMMV!