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Anyone Spanked?

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I was always turned on when my male friends used to spank me. It hurt like hell but I knew better than protest with any of them, but as hard as they spanked and caned, my ex wife's spankings always seemed so much harder take. it always got my attention and my ability to listen to her and follow her instructions always improved greatly after each session. she showed no mercy and wanted real tears and she got them

It is extremely difficult to be a sissy. There can be much loneliness and often his mirror might be his best friend. Few people understand what it feels to be a sissy. Most people just plain don't give a flying fuck about a sissies' feelings. I pers0nally get along well with sissies and have no problem being friendly with them. I would have no real problem giving the right, cute little 18 year old twink a damn good, solid paddling. Otherwise, (aside from the fact I have more pussy than I can handle) I don't get sexual with sissies because I have no real interest in male genitalia and more importantly, do not want to toy with somebody's heart and feelings.

This post is about spanking. I don't spank sissies because my interests lie in interaction with women as I described in the post above. Also, again it can lead a sissy to think that he might have something going only to have his heart broken to find my heart doesn't share the same deep feelings. I believe that gays and bitchy women are probably the best source of a sissy's spanking. I'm guessing that they can provide the type of spanking sissies seek. Testosterone is probably the main problem that blocks the closeness of the boy/girl spanking I described earlier.

Unfortunately, it is so very hard for a sissy to hook up with some things that he has a real desire or need of!
..............PSEUDO PERSON...YMMV!


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I A S P,

Thank you for taking the time to post and I mostly agree with your opinions. However, there are lifestyles in this world differentiate. My Wife has cuckolded me for the last 12 years with her ex-husband "JCV" I am in constant chastity and she spanks me regularly if not I am often sent to the wall a stare at it for over 2 hours. She holds a high position job and always orders me to shave - everything- She buys me stockings and heels and cute panties to wear. Panties and chastity is a daily thing.

Yes, to the to the outside world we are normal. Only her sisters know she cuckolds me and they cuckold their husbands as-well..

I guess to summerized - different strokes for different folks.

Take care...


Posts: 1040
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I A S P,

Thank you for taking the time to post and I mostly agree with your opinions. However, there are lifestyles in this world differentiate. My Wife has cuckolded me for the last 12 years with her ex-husband "JCV" I am in constant chastity and she spanks me regularly if not I am often sent to the wall a stare at it for over 2 hours. She holds a high position job and always orders me to shave - everything- She buys me stockings and heels and cute panties to wear. Panties and chastity is a daily thing.

Yes, to the to the outside world we are normal. Only her sisters know she cuckolds me and they cuckold their husbands as-well..

I guess to summerized - different strokes for different folks.

Take care...

You are correct. I am sorry! I have a bad habit of painting things with a brush that is just too wide for the topic I'm trying to cover. I have got to remember to say "YMMV"!

Thank you for the critique! I much appreciate your guidance!

..............PSEUDO PERSON...YMMV!


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I am severely caned as an act of giving myself to her and not for punishment.


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I am severely caned as an act of giving myself to her and not for punishment.

Wow! I totally forgot about the masochistic cuckold and launched some posts about the Bitch Wife who strictly keeps him under her thumb!

Your wife has you properly trained! Hats off to her!

I'm guessing that she has you happily in chastity. Do you meekly approach her with the cane and politely ask for her discipline? Has she declared you to be pussy free? Is "severely caned" six of the best or does she really go to town and wale away on your ass? Does she regularly keep you black and blue and make it real difficult to sit down or just reserve the cane for special occasions? If she gave you the choice of receiving a sound caning or taking a little time out of chastity, what would you choose? Does she allow some of her friends to see you subm1t and watch her hum1liate you with her cane?

I'd like to hear the story!
..............PSEUDO PERSON...YMMV!


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Really interesting thread ... waiting for more


Posts: 24
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I was caned about 6 hours ago and it was damn severe. My butt is very red with heavy purple bruising. I was hit many times much more than 20 or 30 and almost crying but she stopped because I was screaming too loudly and neighbours were nearby outside. I am very sore especially when seated.

I used to ask her for the canings but recently we decided canings can also be instigated by her as punishment when I upset her. That was the case today when she found me too controlling and manipulative. I did also get a pretty good thrashing earlier this week at my request and this is the pattern, about 50/50 my request or her decision but twice in one week is excptional.

We have given up on chastity devices as they don't really work. I can only cum with her consent or I am punished. This is a new rule since giving up devices.

I am basically pussy free but occasionally she like me to enter her for a short time without cumming. She gets all her sex elsewhere.

We are very private and as yet no one knows about out kink.


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I used to ask her for the canings but recently we decided canings can also be instigated by her as punishment when I upset her. That was the case today when she found me too controlling and manipulative. I did also get a pretty good thrashing earlier this week at my request and this is the pattern, about 50/50 my request or her decision but twice in one week is excptional.

She wears the pants in your relationship very well! If you start acting bratty, she'll take you to the woodshed!

We have given up on chastity devices as they don't really work. I can only cum with her consent or I am punished. This is a new rule since giving up devices.

??? How is it that the chastity devices don't work? Who's idea was that?

am basically pussy free but occasionally she like me to enter her for a short time without cumming. She gets all her sex elsewhere.

I have a couple of friends in FLRs like yours. Periodically, she'll sit on the dick and get herself off and then leave the guy hanging. It reinforces her control of her man.

The stricter she is with her man, the happier both of them feel about it. It works for the right couples!
..............PSEUDO PERSON...YMMV!


Posts: 24
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Thanks IASP. I have appreciated your comments. I stuffed up again much to my disbelief (the toilet seat cliche) and although a relatively trivial offense still punishable. All my punishments have the same severity regardless of the offense so I am feeling quite nervous. The punishment was supposed to be administered today (Monday) but appointments have allowed me a temporary reprieve until Wednesday. She is having a day with her lover on Tuesday. I love being submissive to her in the cuckolding/flr aspect of our marriage.


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We have given up on chastity devices as they don't really work.

OT, but true. I have tried everything but a piercing, from CB3000 types to full belts.
Cages are very easily escapable and the ring blocks circulation, full belts are uncomfortable to the point of making walking painful after a bit.


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Posarrobba, I have tried a piercing as well and that just brought on additional problems like reaction to the metal and soreness from pulling during night time 'erections'. I would love to be locked but I have not found a suitable device for long term continuous use.


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We have given up on chastity devices as they don't really work.

OT, but true. I have tried everything but a piercing, from CB3000 types to full belts.
Cages are very easily escapable and the ring blocks circulation, full belts are uncomfortable to the point of making walking painful after a bit.

Some men are very secure and comfy in chastity.

Having said that, chastity is designed to make the majority of men uncomfortable! He can't get hard. He is unable to stand to piss. Even sitting to piss is messy. He can't fondle his cock. He can't use his cock to satisfy a woman sexually. He is effectively cockless among men. He can't cum to relieve himself. Women tend to be apathetic and derisive toward men who choose to let them or others lock their cocks and keep themselves chaste. It makes no real sense to the ladies.

Posarrobba, I have tried a piercing as well and that just brought on additional problems like reaction to the metal and soreness from pulling during night time 'erections'. I would love to be locked but I have not found a suitable device for long term continuous use.

That is just a cop out excuse to avoid chastity. The Points of Intrigue or other accessories can be very effective devices that serve as excellent tutors to prevent escape attempts or erections. The entire concept of chastity is self imposed, masochistic punishment and sexual denial for the wearer of a chastity device. That is its sole "thrill" for those who desire enf0rced chastity! Women don't care if a man wants to keep his pathetic masculinity out of her life. It is no great loss for any woman! There are plenty of other men who are capable and willing to man up to the task of sexual satisfaction for her!

The best time to remove a man's chastity cage is during a good spanking. It is hilarious to watch his unwanted cock and balls ridiculously flail around as she soundly beats his ass. Then it provides her great pleasure to reward him after the spanking by immediately locking his junk right back up!

"Comfortable" chastity is an oxymoron if ever there was one! It is meant to be psychologically and physically demeaning and uncomfortable for the man! Conversely it is meant to be extremely liberating for the wife!
..............PSEUDO PERSON...YMMV!


Posts: 24
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Sorry iasp but I have come to the conclusion that you do not understand real cuckolding and chastity. Points of intrigue are useless as are most male chastity devces. They are all easily escapable and orgasm in one is relatively easy. I am talking about permanent chastity and not just being playfully locked for a day or two of fantasy. Being a real cuckold I can assure you that it is much better if your wife decides whether one has orgasmed inappropriately and adminsters the corresponding punishment.


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Sorry iasp but I have come to the conclusion that you do not understand real cuckolding and chastity.

Well, it sure doesn't look like a hypocrite such as I can pull the wool over the keen eyes of erosduo! Who knows? Maybe I read an article on cuckolding or something and think I am now an expert and understand all things relating to the subject! For sh1ts and giggles, why not humor my cuckold ramblings anyways? Everyone can use a good laugh once in a while!

Points of intrigue are useless as are most male chastity devces. They are all easily escapable and orgasm in one is relatively easy.

Not when it is properly done! You appear to be doing things your way. Of course, anyone who approaches chastity in such a half ass manner will fail to enjoy its benefits!

I am talking about permanent chastity and not just being playfully locked for a day or two of fantasy. Being a real cuckold I can assure you that it is much better if your wife decides whether one has orgasmed inappropriately and adminsters the corresponding punishment.

There is a very simple solution, readily at hand, that will solve this problem! You talk about permanent chastity and yet amuse yourself by circumventing the devices so that you can play with your pecker! Masturbation is cheating on your wife even more than screwing with another woman! Attempting to actually hook up with and maintain a lady on the side is far more difficult than sneaking off for a quick wank! Jerking off is such an easy way to rob your wife of the attention and subm1ssion she deserves from you!

Here is what will easily repair your chastity problem. Tell your wife that you've been very insincere with her regarding your chastity. Ask her to help you choose a real device to keep your hands off of her cock! Chastity for you should be uncomfortable. Your cock hurts when you get hard in a chastity cage? It is supposed to hurt. That is a good, speedy way to teach your cock to remain limp at all times. She is guaranteed to find a method of chastity that will securely keep your foolishness in check! An effective cage is uncomfortable? Good! Your discomfort provides your wife great comfort in the knowledge that she is clearly the boss. Your pleasure is her displeasure!

Being a real cuckold I can assure you that it is much better if your wife decides whether one has orgasmed inappropriately and adminsters the corresponding punishment.

Here is where I believe that you are egregiously in error! Your wife has to go far out of her way to figure out whether you have inappropriate orgasms. If you are securely chaste, it is one less hassle for her to discern your auto erotic cheating. More peace of mind for her! This way, your "corresponding punishment" is much more continuous. It only requires her to "punctuate" it with a damn good spanking when she chooses. She should only have to spank you for her pleasure and not yours! It is time for you to stop trying to top her from the bottom!

If I actually knew anything about situations like this, I'd say that your wife sorely needs and would appreciate a real good spanking for herself from an understanding man!
..............PSEUDO PERSON...YMMV!


Posts: 24
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Thank you iasp for your responses which we will take on board and seriously consider. We do enjoy your comments. We continually update our contract when we feel there can be improvements to our reationship. We have sincerely tried these devices and my biggest problem is severe skin reaction to piercing jewelry. Without a piercing escaping and/or wanking off is relatively easy no matter what the device and continuous long term wear has lots of problems. It is these latter points that we disagree with you about. For us chastity devices tend to distract us too much from the cuckold mood.

I concede that I have a tendency to slip up occasionly and top from the bottom when I am not thinking properly, which nowadays is rare because my wife is fully aware of this and my bum has suffered accordingly.

Thanks for all your contributions here.


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Megan Smith
She spanks me every morning


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having been spanked i beg her to fuck my sissy pussy it was heaven
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