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She is going to Cheat!

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#1 · Edited by: slut345
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So it's been a while since i brought any of our adventures to this site. I think this particular adventure will generate some interest. This started as a hot idea in my head. I thought it over for a couple nights while unloading in her mouth and finally proposed it to her.

Up until today I've arranged all her meetings, even when she tried out escorting. I've had full control of all aspects of her hookups. Often times down to what she's going to be wearing. This has mostly been out of necessity, she simply wouldn't take the time to do it before.

Another thing to note, up until this point she's always avoided any sort of emotional connection with the men. It was just an off limits area for our relationship. She started falling in love with one of her regulars and we started exploring that when his business went under, and it stressed the poor john out to much. He cant get it up anymore, i guess that's for another story however.

She is going to cheat:
October 20th-31st

"How would you like to cheat?" I asked her on the third night while she was riding me. "WHAT??!" was her response.
I grabbed her head and brought it close to mine and spoke softly into her ear. "How would you like to find a man, and CHEAT on me with him" She let out a moan and a huge gush of cum. I could feel her walls try to power me out as she had a massive orgasm.

She cleaned up and came back to bed. "What do you mean exactly" she asked. I explained that i thought it would be hot for her to experience the emotional side of other men for a change. She's gotten very bored just going out and fucking other guys, so lets spice it up a little. "I just don't know about that" she responded. I snuggled close to her and whispered in her ear "Your pussy disagrees".

Night 2:
While she's giving me my nightly head job i start the conversation again. "I Was thinking you could keep our regular rules, but wait to share them until after the affair is over" She responded with "Yea, i think that's a great idea!" I told her i'd have to think up some more rules and guidelines and we could get started right away.

Night 3:
So up to this point i was already surprised by how quick she was willing to just decide she was ok with it and move forward. Usually she's gotta give these big step ideas a while to sink in. However by the second night she was already talking like the idea was set and it's time to move forward. Of course i'd been thinking for days about rules and ways to make it work without getting to dangerous. I'm sure every horny guy on the site can understand not wanting to loose such a slutty gem of a woman.

Back when she started escorting we agreed she would use her phone to record all her meetings (this only lasted about 6 months). Last valentines i set her up with her first unprotected sex, and then many encounters since. She just needed to let me know when they were done chatting and headed up to have sex. Record everything till the guy leaves then email me the recording. Then let me know when he leaves so i know she's safe. In all the messing around we setup for her she has had lots of guys trying to not use condoms, slip in, ect. In every case she's never let the moment get in the way and done the right thing (usually making sure that condom is taken care of). So there is the backstory on our house rules.

So during my nightly service call i start going over things. So i think all our usual rules should apply. "Agreed she responded". You can choose one guy, and fuck four times. That will give you enough time with him to get into it, but not lost with lust and run away with him. "That sounds great!" she said. All the email and texting you want leading up to it, but i don't want to know about it, or feel like your trying to hide it. "That sounds fair too" She said. We will choose a weekend that you take off and do whatever you want every month. That way you can do what ever you want him, looking ect but i don't necessarily know what your up to. "Oh perfect i was wondering how i could do him without you knowing about it" You cant fall to far in love with him, i mean love but don't leave me. "Well yea" She said rolling her eyes.

So she was sold on the idea by day three.


Posts: 385
#2 · Edited by: slut345
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A few days passed and i refined my thoughts. The topic died down i suppose the initial hotness burned off. I was leaning towards a set time the affair needed to be completed by. The open ended idea of the whole thing was already chewing on me.

Somewhere around a week from the first thought we had time to discuss more details.

"Well what do you think about becoming a cheating wife" I asked her.

"Well i was thinking maybe we should have a set time. You know when it all needs to be over." She said. "Couldn't have put it better myself" I said.

"When were you thinking we should start this?" She asked. "I was thinking you should be looking for guys by this weekend" i responded. "Lets finish the rules and write them down first" she suggested. "Ok, deal" I said.

As the next couple days went by, i got to thinking about this idea of 4 fucks. I really want her to experience the full cheating experience. Once we put an end day on the whole thing it really gave me the confidence to nuke that rule.

That evening while getting my service.
I thought some about our rules. Since your going to have an end date i think the idea of just fucking this guy a set number of times is just silly. (She stopped sucking my cock and gave me those i need fucked eyes as she raised herself up and started to sit on my cock) "That's a great idea, with an end date i'll just get to fuck as much as we can" she said. Well since your now going to fuck him as much as you want, that changes other things a little too. (she's really wet by now, and i have to instruct her to slow down) Since you can fuck him as often as you like, I think you should consider someone local, that way you can fuck him a lunch, between breaks, and when your 'headed' to the store. (By now she was just moaning and had another monster squirting orgasm while barely moving on my cock) "I thought your pussy would like that idea" I whispered to her.


Posts: 385
#3 · Edited by: slut345
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It was a couple more days before i sort of had a moment with some of my rules. We went to great efforts to record everything so really she never felt completely alone. All the texting too was for me to know she was safe, but still that's just very hotwife of her. A cheater would never do those sort of things.

I composed an email to her. In this email you'll notice a few references the weekend and sam. Right before all this i had been painstakingly trying to put together a gangbang. My wife is very sensitive to condoms, so we were trying to arrange one where she didn't need any condoms. Let me tell you, getting a bunch of random guys screened and fresh STD tests is a nightmare. Out of 30 or so guys that made the cut only 2 did the testing. Total pain in the butt. On this night one guy had his results back so to celebrate she was going to do a one on one date with him until the other results came back. Bister is my pet name for her.

Rules Email:

Well i'm thinking you should take this weekend to finish your thoughts on all this. I love that your going to go get stuffed with cum while your thinking about cheating. This Sam guy seems much kinkier.

I think we need to keep the rules simple. Otherwise it's a recipe for disaster. Your biggest question was "Is there anything I could do with him, that would make you mad when you found out"

NO. I cant think of anything at all that would make me mad. This is your one shot, so you need to not hold back and enjoy this to it's fullest potential. It would be a bit of a let down if you didn't have a few experiences that raised the bar to great sex. In this case emotional sex. I know your nervous and very very excited about finally giving into the emotional side of being daddy's slut.

Rules of Engagement:
Have fun! It is the point.
If things get bad for any reamister just stop. We can always do it again after we figure out the problem.
Nothing that puts our family at risk.
Yes you can absolutely use the house / office ect.
Yes you can get caught with him. By anyone. I cant wait it hear how hot it was.
Your the cheater, so if you can come up with plausible excuses you can spend all the over time, weekends, shopping trips you want doing what you want.
If you didn't feel guilt, ect, then it would just be sex, so that's my job ;)
You've gotta keep up with all your Bister duties. I want to help, but seems most days i cant.
You've gotta keep communicating with me, more than usual.
I'm still your best friend, so find ways to talk to me about what you need to. It will help you open up to your NEW relationship.
Record all your thoughts and what happened the best you can, in your journal. Forget recording with your phone, unless it's for your memories too. Cheaters don't worry about those things.
Wedding ring is up to you.

Well it started simple ;)


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So on Oct 28th we finalized our rules with the last change. I composed another email.

Thinking Email
You know me. After thinking through problems i get over them and move on.

Anyway, i'm thinking you can have all the men you want during your play time. The chances your going to find a the guy you want the first try is low. You just wont know till you go there. So feel free to do what you want. Give me your new email when you get it setup and i'll tell sam and chris what it is. You can deal with them after that, so you're at least getting Daddy's pretty pink pussy stuffed with cum on your nights out.
Email End

That evening i took markers to the 4 foot long body mirror i installed in our room a few years ago. I made a grid on it with a few daily tasks. Then added days so she could check them off over the next four months. I listed Ben-Wa (to remind her to use her balls for her partners maximum pleasure), Exercising, Journal time, Self time, husband time. She is expected to take a minimum of 1hr a night to update her journal, make contacts and self reflect. That way she has a daily minimum time to keep in contact with her boy toy, find him, or what ever she needs.
Evening Service:
So while we are fooling around i ask her point blank. "Are you ready to become a Cheating Whore Wife?" "Why a whore?" she asked. That term still gets her. "Because you already became a whore your not just my slut wife" "Oh yea, anyway i am really excited" Excited for what? I asked. "I'm really excited to become your Cheating Whore wife". she responded.

So that was it, we put it into motion. She created a new email to do all her communications in & created a profile on Ashley Madimister. We figure that will turn up more affair type deals than just fucks.


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So that's it guys! The only update since was yesterday. I came home at lunch to grab a shower and she was home with one of our boys. I jumped in the shower and offered to give her a banging if she joined me. While we were messing around she told me a guy offered to meet her for lunch. I asked if she wasn't home with the sick kid if she would have. "Yea I didn't have a picture of the guy, but thought why not, i may get fucked out of it"

She is extremely turned on by the thought of having the freedom to do who she wants, when she wants as often as she wants.

Today i also signed up for AshleyMadimister account. I Contacted her suggesting we get together and fuck without her seeing my face to make it extra hot and interesting. It would be really hot to be fucking her while she thinks she's cheating on me.

Any thoughts or ideas are welcome.
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She is going to Cheat!
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