WSTA Alumni
Posts: 68
WI_wife: I love threads that turn into well balanced discussion about fantasy and reality and all that. it's my favorite part a good intelligent discussion about some of the things that drive us. I couldn't agree more with you. Keeping reality secure in the belief that our young and those with a young heart, should be constant in their watch over one another, as we each strive to live life with gusto. Most graciously, WSTA Alumni
#62 · Edited by: david_pushover
As a cuckolded husband, I am de-facto being dominated by the man who cuckolds me. But yes, he ought to slap me if I object to him having his fun with my wife.  Anyone else have anything to say about this?
Posts: 22
Can't help it, but I think this is hot also. YIM hb195466. If I'm not on, leave a message. I know a few stories and would like to hear more.
UK Yorky
Posts: 198
thirdeye000: Would love to see a video on this theme - anyone know of a video where the bull slaps the cuck around or otherwise physically dominates him (not just verbally) and then takes his wife? Check out the end of this video. Hubby catches them in the act, fight breaks out, bull floors hubby. Not my thing really, but I thought some of you guys might like it. The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!
Posts: 22
That's not a bad video. Can't see much of the beating though.
Posts: 22
This topic has run its course.
Posts: 214
Strange. I guess I can't be counted as a cuck, then. Maybe "puppet master"? I point out the guys I think will work, and my wife goes after them. If we meet, socially, after they have been with my wife, they only look at my shoes, never my eyes. Might have something to do with my time in the army... My previous girl was the same- she spent the night with guys I approved of, and, when one of them made eye contact in a hostile manner, I bruised the long bones of his legs with a billy club I used to carry in Iraq for crowd control (10oz. of lead balls in a 10" long leather pouch)l. After that- he wouldn't look me in the eye, and if requested a certain picture (now lost to a computer crash), or a certain act for my girl, he would perform it. You know what they say about first impressions. I always carry weapons, so first impressions with me can hurt.
This kid Vincent had become fed up with my annoying him. He and his friends converged on me at recess with a plan. His friends grabbed my arms, outstretched, and held me in place. I had to listen to Vincent's stern lecture, at the end of which he smacked me across the face so stingingly that I heard ringing in my ears!! Then, of the kids gathered around watching, he went right over to my girlfriend, Julie, and kissed her right on the lips! I was released and they all walked away laughing. Vincent ever the proud young man! Later, I'd masturbate to the memory... and still do. 
Posts: 631
I just love this topic. To make it more realistic than taking a true beating which can be a bit dangerous, I like to think about wrestling for superiority or presentation. Safe and points out to your wife who the stronger man is. The site of the bull sitting on your chest while you're helpless with your wife knowing that you're safe is a huge turn on for me.
If you have interest in this you may want to take a look at my threads which try to portray the bull humiliating the cuck in front of his wife/girl.
Posts: 213
I would caution people on this one. Some people are not nice. Some people just like to hurt people and as this has progressed, it has gotten more common. Don't get into something where you get hurt. One reamister my wife prefers me to be close at hand is that even though I am a eunuch, I know how to fight. My brother trained as a boxer and used me for sparring and one of my wife's lovers was a Russian ex-Special Forces, Spetsnaz, that taught me how to quickly take a man down ***, and how to pick handcuffs with a paperclip. Be careful and know what you are getting into. It can be lots of fun but then you meet the one who isn't just wanting sexual gratification. Be careful.
Posts: 213
#71 · Edited by: eunuch67
I guess I am the Buzz-Kill on this. It can be fun but then things can turn bad. One of the surprising things is that since I am a eunuch, I have no nuts to be kicked in. I can take a beating, and do from my wife a lot but if needed I can dish out as much or more than I can take. I look soft, but don't mistake it as weak.
Posts: 213
I guess I should just read and not post. I seem to end lots of topics. Sorry.
Seeing tough Alpha-males has ALWAYS made me wonder what it would be like to upset him enough so that he beats me & makes me take a black eye, and grabs my female and cuckolds me immediately subsequent to my punishment! Am I the worst order of pervert???
Posts: 1040
david_pushover: Seeing tough Alpha-males has ALWAYS made me wonder what it would be like to upset him enough so that he beats me & makes me take a black eye, and grabs my female and cuckolds me immediately subsequent to my punishment! Am I the worst order of pervert??? Sounds like the script for a video that UK Yorky put up in post 66 above. Guy cops a punk ass attitude because a brother is tagging his wife. Gets cute and clever and sets up camera to catch them. Guy takes off, wife calls the other dude and he comes over and slips guys wife a good half hour of black pickle. Guy comes back with big balls and starts mouthing off to the other dude about catching him fucking his wife. The brother gets jerked when the guy starts pushing him around and knocks him to the floor with one punch. Then the brother, who is still naked from fucking the guys wife, stands over him waving his big dick at him telling him that he has been fucking his wife, planned on keeping on fucking his wife, and the ladyfucker cant stop him. Then the brother takes the guys video to humiliate him on the internet about fucking his wife and knocking his ass on the floor and he dont have balls to do anything about it. Sets a date to fuck the guys wife for the next day and leaves the guy cowering on the floor feeling anything but Alpha-male, with his freshly fucked, naked wife standing there watching him wallow in total defeat. UK Yorky: Check out the end of this video. Hubby catches them in the act, fight breaks out, bull floors hubby. Not my thing really, but I thought some of you guys might like it. Good video. The last two minutes are the cherry on top of it. ..............PSEUDO PERSON...YMMV!
Posts: 138
I_A_S_P Looks very much like the natural order of things. We'll see it happening more and more as the prevalence of white women choosing black men, even if they are already married, increasing.
I like to take when we go to parties or bars, mostly because the more I get takes, and the more my wife remains flirtatious throughout the night, the more I get the apparent impression that some of the guys around could and maybe even should put me in my place, with a physical punishment, and then have a go at my spouse to humiliate me thoroughly. The more the night wears on, the more I fantasize something like that happening, and the less I'd be able to do anything about it by way of defence. This pathetic fantasy turns me on something fierce. 
Posts: 7
Прекрасная тема-любовник жены сидит на лице у её мужа,а она стоит рядом и смотрит на это.Главное,что-бы любовник был сильнее и тяжелее мужа,что-бы тот не мог самостоятельно освободиться.
Posts: 131
Men are all different, some are ok knowing they have taken your wife, some have to show they are more of a Man than you are. duh I already know that He is more of a Man when He is waking up in bed next to my wife while I am in bed down the hall, alone. however, He chooses to humiliate you as a cuck, I have found I never fight back or even resist. when I have been slapped in the past I realized he is going to slap me as many times as He wants. it is up to me to show Him that even one establishes Him as the alpha male. after two or three slaps I would usually tear up and cower away from Him. When a Man wants to punch me then I usually fall to the floor and hold my jaw or my stomach where ever I was punched and stay down with a very pained look. that would usually end the lesson at that point. He is doing it for a reason that is very important to Him as a Man. I respect that just as I respected my wife's right to find happiness with a real Man. I never had the feeling that it was my place to compete with Him. It was always my place to welcome Him.
Posts: 1830
#79 · Edited by: lilmikey
I have been cuckolded by my ex wife and have done some very h u m i l i a t i n g things, but never beaten by another man. If any bull tried that crap on me, I might put up with a little but if it persisted to bullying. I would stalk the m o t h e rfucker and take a baseball bat to his knees. Fuck that.
We're talking about a fun scenario where the wife gets fucked, not physically hurting the cuck. I am not that good of a cuck. I will fight back. You asshole bulls that are into that, well you're just assholes. Come try that on me, bitch.
Posts: 24
My wife and I were once with a bull who slapped me a few times. it was more of a "look whos in charge" thing than anything else.
The first time it happened, they had just finished having sex and I had cleaned her. He told me to suck him and I kind of hesitated. Thats when he gave me a quick, open hand across the face and said that in his house, I am to do as he says. It never escalated beyond that. In part because I obeyed him but more because we all had a clear understanding of the difference between slapping/humiliating and "beatings".
Posts: 243
Totally agree. I'm not a small man in height or weight. I would slap the **** out of the bull if he tried any of that. My wife loves bull seed
Posts: 1040
#82 · Edited by: I_A_S_P
lilmikey: We're talking about a fun scenario where the wife gets fucked, not physically hurting the cuck. I am not that good of a cuck. I will fight back. You asshole bulls that are into that, well you're just assholes. Come try that on me, bitch. Guys like that never fuck with guys like us. They prefer to express their masculinity by pushing meek, effeminate sissies around. thebrave: My wife and I were once with a bull who slapped me a few times. it was more of a "look whos in charge" thing than anything else. The first time it happened, they had just finished having sex and I had cleaned her. He told me to suck him and I kind of hesitated. Thats when he gave me a quick, open hand across the face and said that in his house, I am to do as he says. It never escalated beyond that. In part because I obeyed him but more because we all had a clear understanding of the difference between slapping/humiliating and "beatings". Girls won't stand for sh1t like that! Gurls should also never allow their wife's lovers to treat them that way! A soft sissy rewards his wife and her lover by being a good gurl. She thrills in acting like the perfect, well behaved little bitch she wants to serve them as. She cheerfully gives him his wife and his bed and happily serves them while they experience the deep joys and pleasures rightfully due him! Gurls like her don't deserve a hard bitch slap as a thank you! You are giving them your best. Never allow them to give you less! Mywifeforyou: lilmikey Totally agree. I'm not a small man in height or weight. I would slap the **** out of the bull if he tried any of that. It wouldn't hurt for people to open their mouth or otherwise take a stand to protect effeminate hubbies when possible. There is no good reas0n to push any cuckold around. His wife is already doing it far better than any man could believe! Please don't hurt the cuckolds! Having spouted all of that sh1t........ I DO know a few gay gentlemen who love living with very possessive and dominating boyfriends. They deliberately play the cheating slut! They really crave the thorough beating coming their way from the jealous, furious, cuckolded boyfriends just waiting for their unfaithful asses to walk through the door. This type involves a pain loving bitch boi doing his best to earn the most severe beating possible from his totally enraged, cuckolded boyfriend! Speaking about "manly men", you would be surprised at the number of tough guys that love to take off their pants, put on "Rough Boys" by Pete Townshend for music, bend over and then enjoy experiencing their own tight, hot, quivering asshole receiving a solid fucking! A man doesn't need to be effeminate to enjoy wiggling his ass on another man's cock like a girl in pleasure! You would be amazed at how many beta men are posing as alphas. True alphas are humble by choice and know how to stand at the proper time. Women are sexually superior to men. All men must accept this fact. The man that beats a cuckold in front of his wife is a beta male of the lowest grade; one that no person should allow in their lives. ..............PSEUDO PERSON...YMMV!
Posts: 1882
Monica Larsson 
Posts: 105
#84 · Edited by: bicouple4202000
I'm pretty sure my wife would enjoy me being beaten up. She's a Latina who's shown a devilish mean streak in her attitude about cuckolding. I think the key is that the Bull be sane and not take things too far. A no limits violent beating is not ok, but a Bull who intends to put you in your place should know to not take things too far, but idealy to go far enough that the cuck is taught proper respect. It's a fine line that would probably take time and trust. Limits would have to be established.
There's just something so wrong but so right about the man conquering your wife and marriage also being a real bully and taking things to that physical level, but of course that will not be everyone's cup of tea, and many cuckolds will find it offensive.
Me and the wife have talked about my getting slapped around by a Bull and I believe her when she says she wants to see it. I think she would hope I get a serious smack down otherwise it would be boring. She seems to think her primary Bull would be into doing this, and I can say he has had no reservations about humli ating and bullying me in multiple ways, but whether he would do this or not I can't say, but it wouldn't surprise me if he were into it. Another Bull, the BBC who she fucked once, seemed to be into taking the bully role and mentioned slapping me in the face in an email. The trust factor wasn't there with him, but had things continued I think he would have wanted to get into hard bullying. I got the impression when he saw me that he would have really enjoyed slapping a white boy around, and I must admit I was scared of him and afraid of how far he might go.
I am very sub and would submit to it within limits. A man looking to subjugate a cuck could take me to and past my limits. I know there are men would would enjoy doing that -- conquering a married woman and adding such total domination of the cuckold husband for some men would be a great thrill. The mark of a true conqueror who will vanquish his rival and claim his conquest. I imagine had my wife's cuckolding continued, my getting slapped around and my ass kicked and balls busted may have become the way I was treated by certain men. A Bull might reign over the cuckold using belt discipline. I've seen my wife actively encouraging the men she's played with -- men who responded to our ads for a Bull and succeeded in getting my wife -- to treat me like sh!t as part of the scene. She knows I'm a willing sub and seems to take a dark and concerningly great pleasure in making sure my cuckolding side of it is hard hitting. The thought both scares me and entices me, but I have no doubt.. my wife and some of her Bull lovers would have enjoyed making this part of the deal. wife loves real men
Posts: 8
#85 · Edited by: alicce
Hot topic! Difficult to distinguish between fantasy and reality here. There's so many different setups in this lifestyle, maybe one for each couple/cuckold. Personally I would love to see my wife and a bull turn on me, challenge me in different ways. It could be with some violence. Difficult to say how much... should I have a safeword or not? But serving them in any humiliating way, cleaning them, making them hard and wet ready for eachother, rimming both, recieve piss and **** from both of them is a huge turn on. But it has proven difficult to find the right person. For the moment I'm in the patience role... hoping one day. Single white male
Posts: 15
I am in a FLR and my wife and I live with her bull/boyfriend in our home. He had been with us for about a year, when he woke up in the middle of the night and watched me chatting online with another bull on the family computer. I had thought everyone was asleep. Needless to say he was not happy. I didn't even see him as I was blinded by the computer screen. He slapped my hard on the right side of my head. I turned to look at him and he slapped me again in the face and knocked me to the floor. He dragged me by my hair to the couch and held me by my neck and explained to me that he will not be wasting his time living with us if we/I was searching for other bulls online. I tried to tell him I was just chatting and he punched me in the face and started wailing on me. I just covered my head and started crying. My wife got up and pulled him off me. He told her what I had done and I was banned from the computer for a month and deserved my beat down for disrespecting him. My wife is in love with our bull and does NOT want to jeopardize that. I lay there sobbing with a nose *****. She apologized to him for what I had done and when back to bed. I had to listen to them have sex while I soaked up the ***** stains from the couch. At that point I really had to wonder if this is the life I wanted. But, its the only thing I know and I'm happy.
Posts: 2517
Have any cuckolds had their balls beaten? Bad enough to be concerned it might have ruined them for life?