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Bulls beating on cucks

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imagine a scene where you try to stand up to the man who lusts after your wife, and for that you end up with a black eye AND cuckolded!

i like that you'd have to lie to everyone about what happened to you.

any comments?


Posts: 104
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I wouldn;t want a black eye, but that does sound hot. My wife would make me tell everyone the truth.


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On at least a half dozen separate occasions in my school years, i'd gotten a guy pissed enough at me that he gave me a slap in the face. Each time, my pride was delivered a meaningful blow, and my self-esteem crushed. Yet, I'd always later start to have intense fantasies of being cuckolded by that same guy that smacked me. Now its part of my cuckolding fetish.


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When we first started one of her bulls slapped me around until i did as he said.He was black and much bigger than me in every way.she laught and told me he ment business and that i had better do as he says.his was the 1st cock my wife had seem me suck.After that I did as my wife and her lover says
little dick cucky


Posts: 26
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If your wife wants her bull to beat you, and she gets turned on by it, I can only say it is the cucks absolute duty to endure this. Or you do not deserve her and should get out of her life. It is HER choice and ONLY HER choice. Not yours, not the bulls. There is nothing I would not accept if it gives my wife pleasure. A woman that enjoys seeing men beaten, humiliated and in pain should be worshipped as Perfect. End of.


#36 · Edited by: david_pushover
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One of my favorites would be her lover grabbing me by my collar, and doing like in the saturday morning cartoons, and slapping my face back & forth about a half a dozen times.

I can't think of a better way to be put in the frame of mind that an inevitable cuckolding is about to take place and I'm going to have to passively accept it.



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Anyone else into this? We need to hear from more.
Or yahoo msgr david_pushover to chat



Posts: 14
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Has anybody else had this experience? It's a variation on the cuckold theme that I haven't read about. I have a female friend who's married to a guy who's a lot bigger, taller, and much better endowed than I am. They both know that I have always had a huge crush on her, and they think it's "cute" that the "little guy" is in love with her. He's not the least bit threatened, being a true alpha male and recognizing me as a submissive beta male. He even calls me "shrimpy" and told her he saw me in the men's room at a bar and I'm hung like a five year-old, so she calls me "shrimpy" now too! One night a couple of months ago we were all takeing at their house and I told them about my cuckold fantasies. They thought it would be cool to role play a cuckold scenario. I was hugely turned on by their verbally humiliating remarks as they powerd me to watch them make love. We've repeated the scene several times now, and each time he gets more into it and more physically aggressive with me, which turns her on more and more. Last weekend he grabbed me by the throat and slammed me against the wall and she shouted "Punch the little wimp!" so he did, once in the face and once in the gut. I fell to my knees in tears while they laughed and jumped in bed and started making out furiously. At the time I was terrified he would really hurt me, and they were both apologetic afterwards, but now I'm hoping for even more tonight!


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For me, it's punishment when I've been bad somehow...just harsh spankings with a bare hand or riding crop with them laughing while I cry like a baby. Afterward, I'm either sent to bed or made to stand in the corner. I was punched in the stomach one time and been slapped across the face a few times, but that's it. The worst slapping I ever took was once when I was crying about something, and our bull got fed up and gave me 3 or 4 hard slaps across the cheeks...which just made me bawl harder. The closest thing to a real beating I ever took was the time I got caught sharing pictures of her online (and they didn't even show her face). Oh my god...she beat my ass with a hairbrush until her arm was sore, and then he wailed on my ass more when he got home that night. I had welts on my ass and thighs and couldn't sit for days. I was sent straight to bed with no dinner every day after work for a week or more. I absolutely deserved it for being so disrespectful to her, and I wrote an essay explaining why I deserved it. I had to stand in the living room in my sissy clothes and read it to them. Believe me, I will NEVER make that mistake again!


Posts: 36
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Great to see this thread still alive and well


Posts: 79
#41 · Edited by: lipservice
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Fantasy: I tried to get in the way of the arrogant cocky muscular guy in a bar who was man-handling my wife, and he gives me a wedgy, pulling up the waist band of my frilly panties (wife makes me wear them) and the other girls at the bar laugh as I stand coughing, holding my balls to sooth them, afraid to interrupt him again.... my wife is breathing heavy with a strange look in her eye as she drops to her knees and begins to kiss his big thick cock.
forced to suck


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Anyone here who likes this be sure to visit the board's cuckold captions part and look for the thread David's kink... that's me. I think you'll like what you see.
George Miller


Posts: 16
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I have this fantasy too. It all stems from a real incident that happened several years ago. I was hosting a poker night at my apartment with a bunch of my friends and some guys I didn't know. My wife and some other of the gf's were there as well. One of the guys who attended was named Vince. He was a muscular Korean guy. It got to the point where I owed him some money, literally two dollars. I basically acted like I would never pay him. Out of nowhere he overturned my chair and I fell on the floor. Then he said "there's my two dollars." My wife saw this. I was very embarrassed and also kind of intimidated. About twenty minutes later my wife brought in a bowl of chips for us and I stood to receive them from her. As I walked past Vince, my legs started shaking uncontrollably. Vince called attention to it, laughing. He couldn't believe it and everyone laughed. Still my wife pretended not to notice. It was extremely humiliating. I could not stop my legs from shaking as I stood near him. Lamely I denied that my legs were shaking even though everyone could tell they were. Anyhow, I have always had the fantasy since then of Vince slapping me around or humiliating me even more in front of my wife, and then finally seducing my wife because I acted like such a wimp. The moment came and went, but it's still a big turn on. David, maybe you can incorporate this scenario into your "pushover" thread... which I love by the way.


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i am a bull taking over this cucks computer and i wanted to share is slutty wife with everyone here thought it wouldnt be fair for just a cuck like him to have her. lets all tell him what we really think of his wife



Posts: 58
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Honestly I am not sure what my limits are. Sir is a Boyfriend/Lover/Bull to my wife and if for their amusement And sexual pleasure I had to take a beating I would do it but it's not something I would want to happen.
Its me Tony. So if you think you are the man from Shannons past. I miss what we had! I hope your still seeing her and not missing a thing!


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Found and read this tread, and started to think back on a Black guy I was corresponding with on the net.

I found his mails very exciting and got real hot reading them, and I was close to give this guy my real address so he could visit us and be our Master.

He told me about him fucking the wife of a cuck and had her deny the cuck any right to have sex with her, he ended up telling me how he even was fucking the lady in law and cucking and degrading both the cucky husband as well as man in law.

I always got real hot and imagined how this big strong black man would degrade and humiliate my sub husband.

As told I was close to give him our real address to let him take the trip from GB to Denmark, then he made a big mistake, he told about how he would beat up my kind and submissive husband up, just to put him in his place.

I must admit seeing hubby degraded and humiliated turns me on big time, and I know it turns hubby on too, but the fact that "Dave" unprovoked would beat up my husband and knock him out cold, mad me cold inside, the need and hunger for Dave's big black cock was gone in a second, I wrote and told him I have lost interest, he tried to write me 3-4 times asking for the address but in vain.

Some might get turned on by this but not me, one thing is some kind of roleplay is involved without any real violence it might work, but not the real stuff.
Love you all
Lene F


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True story:

My wife and I were out with a group of friends several years ago at a bar & grill. It was after an formal event so my wife was looking very sexy in her dress and stockings (my weakness!) Some local yocal who had too much to take got involved in our festivities. At first he was friendly but became more aggressive the more takes he became. By the end of the evening, he was hitting on my wife, calling me names and trying to start a fight with me. In all honesty, he was no threat because he was half my size - but before it came to fist-to-cuffs, our party left. Needless to say my wife and I had incredible sex that night as she teased me about getting beat up and her being taken from me. I still fantasize many years later about what if she had actually been seduced by my offense and taken by an aggressive stud.


Posts: 78
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that was very exciting. My wife has been with a number of men who are inferior to me in every way (ok - not cock wise), a number of whom I really detested. She did not do it to humiliate me, that was just a by product. she is sub to other men and when these men realized I would not stand in their way, they became quite confident and felt that they should be the Man of the house and that I should not only be grateful for their servicing my wife but should recognize my inferior status to them.

One of them was a short, skinny guy who had a little pot, He was unattractive with something of a weasel face, about 20 years older than us. When I stepped into a store to get change for the parking meter, my wife waited by the car. When I finally got out I saw this little gnome talking to my wife. My wife introduces us and tells me how he is a photographer and thinks she would make a good bra model. What did I think? the guy looked like a turtle, like he wanted to pull his head into his body, expecting that I would recognize what he was up to and take some husbandly action. However, we had just had an argument when I had told her to move her big ass (just kidding around). She did not take it well. She has always had a self esteem problem and to make matters worse, she hung around with skinny girls in college and two of them became models.

I processed everything in nano seconds and knew there was only one answer I could give. I had to agree. If I said this guy is just trying to pick you up and get you to undress for him, she would have said - I knew you do no thing I am good enough to be a model. You always liked Jane (one of the models) more than me. All untrue, but what can you do?

when I said, "yes, I think you would make a great bra model," the weasel stood up straight and flashed a smile. He then and there knew the power had shifted in his favor. My wife was so trusting, helpful, and naive, she did not catch on as to what was really going on.

Before he left, despite my mild protestations, he had made an appointment for my wife to be photographed and I had to write out my wife's contact information: name, address, and phone number and give it to him. It felt like I was giving my wife to him, which in a way I was. He was quite condescending to me and took more and more control of me and my wife at every turn, but I could never muster the courage to defy him despite my physical superiority, but had to recognize him as my superior.


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would love to chat with you - am [email protected] and same name on YIM


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Posts: 78
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sucker00 Loved your tale. Quite a fantasy and one that I have adopted. Thanks for providing fantasy material for me. The way I would finish for you (but imagining me in it) it is like this:

Your friends suggest that you all leave and you agree. However, you first must use the rest room. When you return, you find Mr. Obnoxious hitting on your wif and with his arm around her waist. You see his hand slid down to her a. She tries to brush it away and seems uncomfortable and you are angry. You read him the riot act as you forcible remove his arm from your wife’s body. This causes him to challenge you, to take it outside and settle it. You are angry enough to agree. You follow him out the back door with your wife behind you. He walks a few steps and suddenly turns and delivers a powerful punch to your solar plexus, causing you to double over as you fight for breath. He takes advantage of this to deliver a shot to your temple, which knocks you over, now dazed and breathless. While in this condition, he kicks you in your groin. Now you are dazed, breathless and in great pain, essencially helpless.

He now takes the opportunity to put his boot to your balls once again. Although it is only partially effective since you have taken some defensive action, it nonetheless scores a hit and increases this unbearable pain. You recognize your helpless position and finally croak out, “Please stop.”

He considers it for a few seconds and then grabs you by your hair and pulls your face up a bit so you are now looking up to him. He slaps you in your face then “What did you say?” he asks. The slap is not so painful compared to what you are already feeling, but it is an imposition of power. It is a physical manifestation that you are in his control. You say again in your dazed and pained state, “Please stop.”

He smiles and says, “Well I guess we have settled who is the better man or I should say who is the Man here, haven’t we?” This is too humiliating to be on the ground in the control of another man in front of your wife. Although you believe you could beat him up, you are in no position to do so now. You do not answer, which earns you another slap in the face. “Answer me,” he commands. No response from you. Slap! “I can keep this up until you answer, only the slaps will get increasingly stronger.” He tells you.

“Yes,” you finally whisper. “Yes?!!” he says as he slaps you again. “You had better show me more respect, the respect a superior deserves from an inferior,” he tells you.

“yes Sir,” you answer, utterly defeated that you would be required to address this little cuckolds brownie in such a manner. In some odd way though it feels right to you. After all he did defeat you and did show a superiority in physical combat with you. You cannot understand though why you feel an odd thrill, a thrilling offense, at this act of presentation and acknowledgement of your inferiority in front of your wife. It has implications beyond an admission that you lost a fight.

“well your wife is the winner in all this, she gets to be with a real man, finally,” he says to you. “You understand that, don’t you?”

Utterly humiliated, you say, “Yes Sir.” You are in the perfect position demonstrating the relative balance of power. You are on your knees now, hands at your side, looking up to this small man, who is controlling your head with your hair wrapped in his hand. Your response causes a condenscending smile to cross his face.

Now he turns to your wife, holds out his hand, and says “Let’s go.” Your wife who has witness your defeat and offense, makes her choice and takes the man’s hand and says, “Yes Sir,” echoing your recent responses.


Posts: 362 Pictures: 1 
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I like being fucked but I'd put up with none of this cuckolds brownie. Somebody'll wind up dead. Having said that, I guess you have to cut the bull maybe a tiny bit of slack, because it's common to expect to use the Cuckold, I guess
Old Enough to know better...but I don't!


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You don't have to cut the bull any slack at all. He can behave like a gentleman or get the fuck out of your lives. It is not a S&M scene. Hubby is wifey's bitch. The man asks the cuck's wife to put hubby in his proper place. She eagerly complies and quickly demonstrates her authority as she fixes his errant ass. Women get very uneasy if a cuck scene starts to become violent. She loves her hubby. Hubby takes enough of a beating watching wifey waltz out the door in the arm of a sexually competent man. Knowing they are going to share private and intense sexual intimacies that he isn't man enough to perform.
..............PSEUDO PERSON...YMMV!


Posts: 36
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Been a long time since posing on this thread and actual original incident was so long ago now.

I do not feel as ashamed as I did when I first wrote my story. What I did at time shocked me and I did not put it in writing. Now years on as cuckold pleasures have moved on it is not such a big deal. Have had some major changes since that has put all into a sense of reality.

For those who have asked what else happened it is all pretty tame. Me licking up my cum from the bed sheets, licking his arse but just the once and finally allowing him to spit in my face.

As I said back then it humiliated me but now the memory is such a turn on !

Cheers all.


Posts: 35
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yes, he (Big D.) would come over and go inside with my fiance (Vee) while I cleaned his yukon. in the street.
one time I went in to go to the bathroom while they were going at it. he got pissed and came storing out of our bedroom slapped me VERY hard. while I was still on the toilet. peeing. I fell to the ground. he yelled at me "GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE HOUSE". I franticly pull up my shorts and ran back out side. I finished cleaning his car. He's usually a really nice guy. we talked afterwards and he was really calm then. he just told me not to go inside like that untill he tells me it okay. Like I say he's usually a really nice guy. I totally forgave him a long time ago. For my birthday last month he gave me one of those relly nice camping toilets for the shed. My doctor says I can't have youngren on account of...well I can't so I'm hoping...anyway yea he "beat me up" I did kind of cry about it, but it wasn't like a big deal.
Jersey Guy2


Posts: 104
#56 · Edited by: Jersey Guy2
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I guess I will weigh in on this as well.


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I never was badly beaten like some stories. But I was beaten, spanked but sometimes belted.It wasn't so much being beaten and humiliated as knowing that someone had that power over me.
Monica Larsson


Posts: 322
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Just thinking of my bull beating up my cuck makes me wet in my pants - what a hot foreplay.


Posts: 27
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Would love to see a video on this theme - anyone know of a video where the bull slaps the cuck around or otherwise physically dominates him (not just verbally) and then takes his wife?


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I have done a few captions on this subject, if anyone might like them.

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Bulls beating on cucks
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