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Ultimate Cuckold

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My idea of me being the Ultimate Cuckold is as follows.

Locked in chastity 24/7, totally controlled by my Wife and Her Black Lover. Only released by my Wife or Her lover when and for how long They deems fit.

I would prepare Her for Her Lover, with Her soaking in a perfumed bath. Shaving Her pussy, selecting Her most sexy outfit, dressing Her and delivering Her to Her Lover, with me driving dressed as Their maid.

Once there I would have to serve them takes, prepare His bed, before descending to carry out more intimate duties.

I would have to slowly strip my Wife, pointing out to Her Lover, Her ample well proportioned assets.

Next while She sipped Her take I would undress Her Lover, prepare His cock with my mouth taking His first load deep in my throat.

I would then follow Them to His bedroom, where He would first punish me with a spanking miss deeds over the last week, be them real or imaginary and then have me get Him hard again.

It would then be my task to present His ten inch cock to my Wife’s pussy, knowing full well that because She was not on birth control and He was not using any, there was a good chance that She may become pregnant.

After He had come deep inside Her I would have to clean His cock, while holding my Wife’s pussy lips together to ensure no cum escaped, this would be repeated a number of time in Her visit.

It would be my job to get him hard and present His cock to Her pussy each time They made love.

His final act of the evening would be Him fucking my boypussy then plugging me to make sure I kept His cum deep in me.

My Wife’s only form of birth control happened when we got home, i‘d have to clean Her pussy of three or four loads of cum with my mouth and tongue. As my Wife says it’s my responsibility to ensure Her birth control.

Eventually He will make my Wife pregnant and then it will be my job to take care of the baby.

Her Lover is going to move into our house, He will be the one in our master bed, when not required to serve Them i’d be confined to a very small room next to theirs, always hearing Them make love.

Its now been six months since my last release, i have challenge each week, I have to throw a set of poker dice, I get three throws, if I manage to get three sixes in one hand then I get to have a release and masturbate to orgasm, if I manage five dice then I get to make love to my wife.

I love my life style. I would have it no other way.
sissy susan


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sounds like utopia to me
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Ultimate Cuckold / Ultimate Cuckold /
Ultimate Cuckold
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