Posts: 63
Last weekend my wife invited two of her girlfriends and one of her favourite boyfriends around to our home have a small party to watch the Mens Wimredon Tennis Final. All three guests are aware of my wimp cuckold hubby status. All three are aware that from time to time my wife likes to use a spanking on me to keep me in check.
I, of course was invited to their little party but I also was expected to take on the job of dutiful husband, serving them takes and preparing and serving little bites to eat.
Once I had served everyone a take we all sat around the TV to watch the match. Nicola my wifes best friend, who always enjoys seeing my embarrassed, asked me if I had given her cause to spank me recently. The other two guesst both chuckled as they saw me squirming from the intimate nature of the question.
I replied I hadn’t been spanked for some time hoping that that would cut the line of conversation. Unfortunately for me my wife interrupted with her view that although it was sometime since my last spanking my recent behaviour certainly had merited one.
Nicola asked if maybe my wife would then give me the spanking I deserve in her friends presence that afternoon. It was so obvious from the tone of Nicola’s voice that they all had this planned, especially when my wife’s boyfriend and her other girl friend so quickly and so enthusiastically agreed with Nicolas suggestion.
Obviously as this was so planned by them all, my wife agreed with Nicola’s request but, as it was a party, offered me a variation to my spanking which may, or may not reduce, the severity. I had a choice to make, Nadal of Federer, the two finalists. Whichever one I chose I would receive lashes, with one of my belts, corresponding number of games that player won in the match. The lashes would be given after each set and would be given across my bare bum. The party thought it a wonderful idea and made me make a choice. I chose Nadal as I thought him to be the weaker opponent. Big mistake. Nadal won the match in 5 sets. His games total each set was 6+6+6+6+9.
So with my choice made my wife sent me to the bedroom with instruction to change into a pair of brief shorts I own and which she likes to see me wearing before making me take them down and bend over for a spanking. Also I was told to return with one of my leather belts which she favoured for lashing me with. She liked to double it over thus giving her greater firmness for swinging. This belt, doured up, has only recently become her favoured instrument for spanking. It certainly stings but does give me a warm glow afterward. Usually she gives me six to eight lashes with it, just enough to punish but not sufficient to cause damage. Much as she tells me she loves to spank me she also tells me she loves me too much to damage me.
I left the room to change as echoes of laughter rang around the room. By the time I returned dressed only in my shorts and carrying the belt, the match had already started and Nadal already won two games in the first set. It soon became apparent that Nadal was going to win the first set. I was sent to the kitchen to prepare some takes; I heard the TV announce “Game and First Set Nadal” and the guests were cheering with delight. Into the lounge I carried the tray of takes, my wife was standing clasping the belt, already looped double. At times like this my little dickie has a mind of its own and most embarrassingly I popped a bone.
Shorts down my wife commanded. Embarrassingly my little erect dickie came into everyone’s view. They all pointed and made cutting remarks like I was looking forward to a spanking or that I was a bum boy. I flushed with the offense of it all.
Over the back of the sofa my wife commanded. I bent over and she laid 6 lashes across my bare bum. They stung like mad and when I straightened up my little dickie had softened and now took a very puny appearance. The audience guffawed at my expense as I quickly tried to raise my shorts to hide my embarrassment. Unfortunaly Steve my wife’s boyfriend pushed me and I fell over as I tripped with my shorts around my knees. As I lay on the floor Steve took hold of my balls and gave them a gentle squeeze, teasing me that it was obvious to all why I was a cuckold hubby. He loves to put me down like this.
The match continued wife loves to tease about my little dicky
Megan Smith
Posts: 1257
My husband has been subject to spanking for several more years than he has been subject to cuckolding. For the most part, the spankings are for punishment for specific offenses. Some times, if I give him a lot of chores to do while I am out, I find he concentrates better if I give him a "preventative" spanking just before I leave.
I rarely spank him in front of my boyfriends. He finds that particularly humiliating, so I save it for occasions when extra offense is deserved. (Like the time I realized in the middle of a date that he hadn't put any condoms in my purse, which is his job.) When I tell him that a preventative spanking will be needed before a date, he is very helpful getting me ready in hopes that I will do it before my date arrives.
None of my boyfriends have ever wanted to spank him. I don't think I would like them to.
One of my female friends sometimes come over to "husband sit" if I will be gone all weekend. I always make it clear to both of them that she should spank him if she decides it is called for. Hubby once made the mistake of admitting to me that she doesn't spank as hard as I do. The next time she came to sit, I gave her a demonstration of what I consider sufficient.