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Who's the daddy?

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Here is just a idea for a impregnation idea.
Say you cuckdress wants to give me the chance to have offspring of my own. There just one thing my sperm must compete with a bulls sperm. He gos in and pumps her first then when he is done I clean up the bull then I must wait 10 minutes giving the bulls supersperm a head start that I cant afford to give him. Even though he dose not need it. Then I finely get my chance and stick my little dick in her. The longer it takes me to cum the bigger the advantage the bulls sperm has. Thus my sperm will have a shooting chance even though its a slim one to have formed a life.
Any cuckdress out there who would like me to be you're hubby?


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Where are you? What is your race? We are playing birth contro; games.



Posts: 48
#3 · Edited by: Bikaz28
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I'm a white guy in az. not shore you want to risk a small dick man Impregnating you're wife/gf. TeeHee.


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are there any wives who have gotten pregnant from their stud(s)?


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few people clam so but I cant say if it really happens. an you cant realy post prof.


Posts: 26
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my wife was impregnated by her boyfriend a few years back. we were both very happy about it they loved it. when they first met at there job he told her he was going to get her pregnent. after they hooked up as a couple and everyone at there job new it, they taled about her moving in wiyh him for awhile so he could knock her up . just the thought of it turned me on after about 1month she came back and we both knew she belong to him know. although she lost the baby they stayed together as a couple . he divorced his wife and married my wife even though i stayed with her i signed over the rights as husbannd to him in front of the witness of her sister and lady who also have lovers. we married 18 years ago she has had a total of 3 other husbands.
christopher l. batten


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you have pix of her preggo?


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I suspect some of my youngren have different mans. My wife denies this, but I know she has been a slut for a long time, and I have seen her fuck many guys without rubbers or birt control. I have found rubbers in the bedroom and outside the bedroom window. My wife said the kids were using them as water balloons. I don't know for sure though.


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Well I know my mister is mine. We are trying for our second but I know for a fact that it will NOT be mine.


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My mister is a product of my first wife having sex with other men. Sh had sex with several other men all the time and never got pregnant. eventually she left me for one of her boyfriends. she only stayed gone a month but when she did come back she was pregnant.


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My wife did the same just before we married I think I'm not the man of the young she had just 8 months and half after our wedding.
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Who's the daddy?
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