Quoting: luis de toro
If it impoverishes the family it is their own fault as they can terminate the relationship at anytime however this is easier said than done as the slave usually has no way to free themselves from their master.
People here may not agree with me on this but I believe the once the bull takes ownership of the cuck and the wife The bull the has the full right to get her pregnant. He should not need to wear a condom thats or have any form of birth control used. Its a insult to the bull. If she gets pregnant with to many kids to bad the cuck then gets another job. An besides there are many programs out there to help people with so many kids. The Cucks job is to inshore the offspring of the bull is well cared for no matter what. Hell the bulls offspring an him passing on his legacy and in shoring a good upbringing for them is more important then the cuck the cuck is nothing compared to the the bulls offspring. At the same time The bull has no responsibility other then Naming them. Its not his duty to suffer because the cucks not doing his job. If the bull mans 10 kids with the cuck wife Its the cucks responsibility. There is no should be no limit to how many kids the bull sires. You want to be a cuck take on the role and all the responsibility's that come with it.