I have a Nexus Glide prostate Massager (a slightly larger aneros knockoff, available at
The hyperlink is visible to registered members only! if you're curious) and have used this with some success but not the desired result.
Finding my prostate with itis very easy, the dififcult part is providing the right KIND of stimulation. Let me describe how i go about this and maybe someone with experience can help:
1) generally begin with a fairly LONG teasing session. 1 hour or more of light masturbation leading to very near cumming before stopping, then repeating. I keep myself as close to c umming as long as possible without doing so. No fluid other than a little bit of precum from time to time leaves my body.
2) lube up my toy and relax on my bed. Slowly (so as not to casue discomfot) i insert the prostate massager into myself and let my body take it in once its comfortbale doing so. It generally sits nicely agaisnt my prostate, but some playing with it can make it push softer or harder against the bits of my insides that need pushed and proded.
3) I know i've found my prostate when i get the familiar sensation of having to pee when I press on it.
Now.. here is where I kind of run into a block. I have read a lot of articles on the subject and browse teh forums at the aneros website till my eyes feel like they want to red with boys talking about "The Super O" etc.
I am a fairly experienced anal player, and have had dildos, inflatables, plugs and various other fun things inside my bottom.
4) I have tried sevearl positions and approaches to massaging my prostate, from letting my body do it on its own with only muscle contractions to full on fucking myself with the toy and making it rub and drag and grind into my prostate quite vigorously. The most promising results have come from finding just the right spot to press the toy, and holding it there with firm, bordering on HARD pressure. Pressing the rounded tip of the toy against my sensitive parts. I get the strong sensation of needing to pee, i feel my urethra open as if i'm about to, and my body shudders and my heart races and my abdomen gets very very tight. My sphinxter muscles generally do ot conract when i do this, its more a feeling of pushing like when you push to pee.
Now. I've managed to hold this pressure and stimulation for several minutes feelig like any second i'm going to shoot a torrent of cum or piss or both and yet nothing happens. I honestly dont think this is the desired result either, but dam it canf eel good
This i *think* is the borderline of the "Super O" the aneros boys like to talk about. NOt really what i'm looking for.
I want to know how to slowly massage my cock and produce cum without orgsasm :-/
TO that end i've tried more gentle processes also, just letting the toy sit inside me, laying on my side, or my back, or kneeling or tkaing up a meditaive posture and just contracting my muscles over and over. This feels nice, but gets very tiring after about 45 minutes or an hour. Good workout of the PC muscles though.
Alas, I'm beginning to feel like i wont be able to do this by myself and that Goddess' fingers are the requried touch
I have one hope left and thats to try a g-spot stimulating vibrator.