Peter C:
Neither of us can work out why Debbie became so secretive. She had my permission to fuck whoever she wanted, but chose not to tell me stuff anymore. I learnt too from a mate of hers that when she used to go and visit her at weekends, Debbie would actually be at her mate's step-dad's. He was more complimentary apparently, saying she gave great blow-jobs and was a really good fuck. When her mate said, "What about Pete?", Debbie's reply was, "What Pete don't know won't hurt him." Strange, considering I loved her doing it. Maybe she got off on it more by not having to tell me. Guess I'll never know now.
You've always been straight with Debbie. You were
too good! She's always basically run her own agenda. "What Pete don't know wont hurt him" translates into "What Pete don't know won't hurt
me. It's none of his business." in girl talk. If you, me or any other guy hires a PI to track the whereabouts of our women, we'd be floored by the difference in her recital of events compared to the hard evidence produced by the PI! Girls tell us what they want us to hear. We believe it. Until we get fucked and have to realize the true situation. It comes with the territory. Sh1t like that can happen to any one of us.
Peter C:
Mick has moved away now, but we still chat occasionally online. Having seen photos of my new girlfriend, he has suggested we go and visit this coming summer. Yes, he wants her next!
I'm very happy to find that you have a new girlfriend! I hope that things work out well for your new relationship. You've been fucked up since Debbie split. I trust that you will establish a strong bond with her and think twice before trying to stuff her into another man's bed!
Good luck!
..............PSEUDO PERSON...YMMV!