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Does your wife ever go to the bars without you?

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Slut Kathy


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Nigger cum


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My wife has a complet hall pass, I wish she would do this, finda someone out of the blue and have fun with them. She has cucked me with several guys, she did this once with a guy she met at a bar. but only once. Wishing she would do it agian.
dany dingo


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Yes , shes,gone with me and without me , some I found out later amd some when I've gotten upset and also beg her not to go and she left anyway , but I had ways to cope I guess, long dark nights,
dany dingo


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Oh fuuuck , so fucked up . What would u do all night ?if I got into an argument, she make me feel mad and jealous. She has a sharp tongue, dam , I feel u , I would jerk off furiously
dany dingo


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Yea I feel ya, getting high is a coping mechanism. Most probably didn't have a choice and couldn't hold her back , do u watch porn while this went on ? It's maybe conflicting feeling that men are going to hit on her for sure if she is,wearing something slutty , the wull love the attention. If u just had an argument maybe to show u that u a replaceable,
We lived in an all black neighborhood .... she would be the only white girl there
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Does your wife ever go to the bars without you?
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