Posts: 38
#1 · Edited by: zulik1
My wife had boyfriend - her boss - a few years. 1 year ago she told me, that she brokes this relationship, and now is faithfull.
Not true - I found on her mail a lot of mails and pictures, so now Im sure that she is fucking him still. Why ? Cheating is better than cuckolding ? I really dont understand...
Can some wife tell me is it normal or not, please ?
Posts: 3098
The man that writes the book on how to understand women...and its true to that...he would be the richest man in the world. 
Posts: 1040
#3 · Edited by: I_A_S_P
Normal? Cheating? She is the quintessential cuckoldress! P(ie OR ea)ce ..............PSEUDO PERSON...YMMV!
Posts: 1040
I guess that sincerely liking and caring for all women in general, always behaving as a gentleman and listening closely to her concerns; may be a good start for understanding the ladies. Could be worth a try. P(ie OR ea)ce ..............PSEUDO PERSON...YMMV!
Posts: 144
You say you are sure she is fucking him. Are you sure, or do you have undeniable, incontrovertible, 100% factual proof? There is a difference.
If you do not have PROOF, then there is the possibility she is telling the truth; that the physical relationship is over with. It is dangerous to make accusations without all the evidence.
Now if she IS still in a physical relationship, that is BAD! Lying to you, violating your trust, that is not what a spouse should do. But think about what might be going on, such as him threatening to fire her if she doesn’t relax with him.
People do things for many reamisters. Maybe he got tired of you watching them have sex, and wanted you out of the equation, so they faked a break up. Maybe she did end it, but now he’s blackmailing her; threatening to fire her. Or maybe she’s dishonest and went back to him behind your back. Or maybe the thrill of doing it behind your back is higher than doing it while you know about it.
If she IS doing him behind your back, there is a reamister, in her mind.
If you have good, hard evidence, then organize it, and then present it to her in a civilized manner. Find out what is really going on.
If you do not have evidence, I suggest you work on getting it before you make accusations you cannot back up. I am not saying that because you cannot prove it, everything is good. I just recommend you get your ducks in a row before a confrontation.
Just my two cents.
Posts: 430
Us men understand women???? Old joke ..... You should live so long 
Posts: 102
My thoughts on understanding women. To steal Winston Churchill's famous remark about Russia, women are a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma. When dealing with women, I learned long ago just to say 'Yes Ma'am' and blithely go about my business. Makes my life a lot less complicated. 
Posts: 1477
What is not really clear is how his wife perceived that zulik1 would react to her open cuckoldry...maybe she felt insecure and thought it best to hide the relationship outside the marriage from her husband. In that way she could have her cake and eat it too...she could fuck her boss/boyfriend and keep her husband who would think she was being faithful. Perhaps if she had been made to feel 199 percent sure that zulik1 would welcome her being a cuckoldress, then maybe she may have opened up to him and admit to her infidelity instead of trying to hide it...which would not be 'infidelity' in the true sense, as it would be done with the husband's permission. If we are to be cucked by our wives instead of just cheated on, we must make sure our wives FULLY understand that we welcome her sexual affairs with other guys, and that we will even love them all the more for having those affairs and letting us in on all the details. Just my 2 cents worth!
Posts: 193
#9 · Edited by: guest
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