Kokcold girl
Posts: 2
hubby keeps saying "go, go" and makes up rules that I agree to--namely, any1, anytime, anywhere. But this is not how the reality shows up. Apparently, my "anyone" definition is different than his and I'm s'posed 2 kno this. I'm kinda @ a loss here. He gets really hot when I'm playing but then the "rules" aren't good enuf. I REALLY like playing and have no shortage of takers. But getting them convinced and setting up a date and then being told no is not only frustrating but makes me come off flaky to these men--which makes it harder to get another date. I DO try to schedule dates during non-family time. The 2x he's played, the women got WAY to attached and some of the reamisters were how he played the situation, i.e. single women acting the damsel in distress. And I got upset by these situations. So, he won't play anymore. I do realize that some jealousy is part of the offense he wants. But I don't want that--which makes it hard for me 2 share the experience. If he's being "cool" about it, i can share but if he acts, in the least, that it bothers him, I shut down. Now, we're to the point where I have 3 guys interested and am afraid of doing anything to further any of the situations. Him? Hung up on the size of his penis. And now I can't get off with him or by myself. And don't say counseling. This is not something that a counselor would suggest anything other than "quit that lifestyle". This won't work 'cause I don't know that I can quit. I think he's koko cuck on here and has posted before. But we need some feedback. Where to go? What to do? Are we being unreamisterable? Kok's girl
Posts: 1690
are you two on different computers in the same house? or the same one at different times. interesting story anyway, and you look like a hot couple. good luck finding that middle ground so you can continue to enjoy your perversions. hope you keep us updated too. joguy
Posts: 1690
you two are funny using your laptops, and I love the way she holds your penis in her fingers joguy
Posts: 3396
We have something in common...by myself or by herself, we haven't been able to give my wife an orgasm in about a month. It's basically shut down. Nothing works, not her big dildo, not her fav vibrator, not my mouth and finers and certainly not my dick. It's actually causing us to feel disconnected and making us nervous. She hasn't dated or fucked anyone which means I haven't been cucked yet. She flirts online and gets very excited when she does but she sucks at it and so it usually doesn't go anywhere. I want her to get royally fucked by a real cockmaster but that's not yet happened. She's not really pursuing it either. That means that, so far, we're fighting mental deamons. I'll be interested to hear about any breakthroughs you have in this area.
Kokcold girl
Posts: 2
draclif69--i tried the online flirting. It sux. You get a lot of single wannabes who either aren't really men, young, or good-looking as they make out. And women (or at least me) have to kinda know the other party (male or female). I quit doing the online thing. On another note, me getting on here and getting some feedback has helped OUR sex life. I may even get to go out & play w/o hurting US. Kok's girl
Posts: 29
What you really need for a good orgasm is some passion and excitement, either with each other, or with someone else. Have to get back to the mental state that you were in when it was all exciting, etc. - and just let go of any inhibitions and go for it, knowing that it can really have a positive effect, not a negative effect. Maybe something that is briefly secret, etc. - something that generates excitement and passion.
Posts: 29
What you really need for a good orgasm is some passion and excitement, either with each other, or with someone else. Have to get back to the mental state that you were in when it was all exciting, etc. - and just let go of any inhibitions and go for it, knowing that it can really have a positive effect, not a negative effect. Maybe something that is briefly secret, etc. - something that generates excitement and passion.