if it makes you feel sick then there is nothing you can do about it.
I imagine that most people in here would not describe themselves as being heterosexual, homesexual or bisexual but just "sexual".
Most cucks do not ever give another bloke a second glance whatsoever and love to suck and fuck pussy. But this is a power and control situation. Bulls love to have wives and gfriends act the complete slut with them infront of the cucks - particularly actively and willingly performing sexual acts with their bulls that they have never done (or refuse to do) with their husbands/bfriends.
So too for the bull the cuck sucking him to prepare, lube and clean up afterwards is a power and control gesture –?no more than that. Sure the bulls love a blow job –?who doesn't? But physically I am sure that 99.9% of them prefer to actually get a blow job from the wife than the husband. But this is not just about physical pleasure and enjoyment here. The bull gets extra pleasure knowing just how much of a wimp the husband really is this confirms it and shows the bull how much control he has and how he can do what he wants, when he wants with the wife – with or without his friends too! If the wife gets off on her bull being so dominant that he can make her straight husband get on his knees and lick his cock it will also give her an extra thrill knowing that this real man loves to fuck her and she will do what she can to please him so that she keeps getting his cock!
At the end of the day you have to get off on this power and control thing too and it quite patently isn't for you. Don't beat yourself up over it.
Be a bull and get some slut's husband on his knees to suck your cock dry instead. Oh no! Does that make you gay???!!!
Good luck with whichever path you take!