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Mild Humiliat1on (Embarrasment) Ideas

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There are a lot of topics here about ideas to humil1ate a cuckold/sissy etc.

But what I have in mind are basically humil1ation ideas for people who are just dipping their toes into the lifestyle. They are not too extreme, they are mild. Some of these ideas are not necessarily sexual, but they are embarrassing. Sometimes it's good to put yourself in an embarrassing situation because if it's powerful enough it can be just as humiliating.

The idea is to put yourself in mildly humil1ating and embarrassing situations in order to drive home the fact that you are an inferior, submissive, loser, beta-bitch boy. But not too much... because we are only after mild *********** here.


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1. Buy a girly looking phone cover. One that looks really pink, fluffy and frilly. The more girly it looks the better. Put it on your phone...Walk around with it in a public place.
1A. You can try to walk up to a bunch of pretty girls and then pretend to be speaking on the phone, try to make sure they see it. Take note of their facial expressions.
1B. Do the same as 1A but with a bunch of tough looking guys.
1C. Ask some random guy/girl to take a picture of you with YOUR phone, with YOUR girly phone case on. Take note of his/her facial expressions. There is no doubt in his mind that that phone belongs to you and you are such a sissy bitch

2. Wear feminine clothing underneath your regular clothes. I know this might be too easy for some people, but its a good mild form of humiliat1on.

3. Wear sissy panties and go to a restaurant/or any public place. Stretch and yawn and let the people behind you see that you are wearing sissy panties

4. Pick a word, preferably a word that is not too common. Make a pact with yourself that you can only have an orgasm if you hear that word a certain number of times. You can choose the level of difficulty you like by choosing a more difficult word. For example let's say you work at a bank. You wouldn't want the word to be "check" because that would be way too easy to hear from people around you. But you also wouldn't want the word to be "hippopotamus" because that would just be way too difficult lol. Instead you can let the world be "disappointment". If you hear this world 5 times you can orgasm. However long it takes for you to hear the world "disappointment" Could be 1 day Could be 1 week Could be 1 month

Tha'ts a ll I have for now would love to hear your ideas.


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Loving your post & lets hope that you get many ideas


Posts: 550
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Wow thanks

Appreciate the encouragement


Posts: 261
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Let your wife/girl, bull order for you (cucky) in restaurants. you pay and they do the talking.
it might be painful


Posts: 104
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1. Buy a girly looking phone cover. One that looks really pink, fluffy and frilly. The more girly it looks the better. Put it on your phone...Walk around with it in a public place.
1A. You can try to walk up to a bunch of pretty girls and then pretend to be speaking on the phone, try to make sure they see it. Take note of their facial expressions.
1B. Do the same as 1A but with a bunch of tough looking guys.

Do the same as !A but with a bunch of tough looking girls!


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1. Go to an ATM and take a long time on purpose, and just sort of fool around. chances are you will be yelled at by the long queue of people

2. Parallel park when you know it's gonna cause a traffic jam, and watch people yell at you.

These aren't really of a sexual nature but they are potentially embarrassing situations, where you are made to feel weaker/inferior . That's the point.
Peter C


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Once my wife Debbie met me from work, but then proceeded to get a colleague of mine to give her a lift home, leaving me to catch the bus.
Peter C


Posts: 4631
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My dip into the life of *********** would be wearing lace panties under my work clothes & then to caught out when reaching down to the floor to pick up a dropped item. I imagine the top of my panties coming into view & being seen by a couple of ladies in the office, the chatter would stop, silence & at that point I guessed they knew my secret. In the following days the ladies would leave their lunchtime purchases on the desk with bags from Victoria's Secret or similar shops on display just to tease me.

At the weekend I would be invited to join the ladies for an evening *****, one of them would dance slowly with me & grope my bum & expose my panties for the other ladies to film on their phones


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Try sucking on a pink girly looking lollipop in public , but suck it with some girly playfulness


Posts: 550
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You can try to trip (on purpose) of course. People tend to laugh and giggle at those who trip especially if no one really gets hurt. It's a mild way to embarrass yourself.

Of course you want to be more adventurous you can trip yourself holding some food. That makes it more humiliating and messy


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Couple arrives at the bar or restaurant. Husband says, "My wife will have a rum & coke. I'll just have water" A few minutes later, Bull arrives, waits until the server is right there and can't miss it, then kisses the wife passionately. Cucky says, "my wife will have another and her boyfriend wants a martini, he likes them dry, please." Best done someplace like Hooters .
creampie chef


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Go to Victorias Secret and have your wife buy some sexy underwear as you and her are going through the register, she orders you to pay for them she asks you if you think her boyfriend will like them in front of the cashier. You will get an immediate erection!
its me


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Like, my wife does everyday. I am f0rced to take nair baths and all my hair below my head is off and I go to work.
All my co-workers see my feminine arms and legs when I wear my shorts. Also, made to put on her girly perfume, to smell "pretty"


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Thank you guys for your input

Those seem mild enough but a good way to humiliate yourself hehe


Posts: 260
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First is do you have someone (wife, girlfriend, etc) to help.

It's one thing to do it yourself, but you know you are doing it intentionally, so the humi1i@tion really isn't as powerful. Like trying to tickle yourself.

Ideally, you have your SO, helping as some have already said on here
- have SO order for you, or better yet, correct you on your order in front of waiter/waitress. " no you can't have the steak, you have to fit into your panties". Or maintain your slim figure. Or you need the salmon for the vitamin D for your limp friend.

- let her order but you pay.

- have her chastise you in public for something manly and how you always do it the feminine way but why did you do it this way this time?

- if your SO and you are obviously different sizes, take her to Victoria secret and have her buy underwear with the sales lady's help. When they pick up a smaller size, she corrects them that it's not for her! For some one else. They will ask the size and she can say that it's for someone about your size.


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Lol very good

You put a lot of thought into it


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Go to a sex shop with your wife or girlfriend, preferably if it's a woman who is the clerk, and you have to ask her advice to buy you a chastity cage to control your masturbation while you go see your lover, you can also ask to buy him a plug and take a medium one, saying that when he's used to it, you'll come back with him to buy him a bigger one!
What do you think about TenderPiece?


Posts: 550
#20 · Edited by: TenderPiece
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It's a good idea , but it's a bit above "mild"

But still good


Posts: 20
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Go to Victorias Secret and have your wife buy some sexy underwear as you and her are going through the register, she orders you to pay for them she asks you if you think her boyfriend will like them in front of the cashier. You will get an immediate erection!

Fofo and I appreciate subtlety.
Rating: 3, 1 vote.
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Mild Humiliat1on (Embarrasment) Ideas
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