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Does Size Truly Matter (A rational approach to the question)

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#1 · Edited by: TenderPiece
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Does penis size really matter...?

Now let me clarify that I actually am a big fan of cuckolding Femdom and SPH .. SPH is actually a major fetish of mine especially since my cock is on the small side (13-14cm erect)

But I actually have valid scientific and logical arguments as to why penis size is not really that important as perpetuated by the media and pornography.

1. Survival of the fittest / Natural selection : let me explain... if having large penises is considered a desirable trait then logically speaking the number of men who have smaller penises would decrease significantly. We are talking about thousands of years of human evolution . So if we had during preshistoric times say 50% of men who were below 6 inches and the other 50% above six inches. The women would choose to mate with the men who have larger penises because they would be more desirable. So the offspring of that couple would most likely have a large penis. Generation after generation the "small penis " gene will be completely eradicated. Keep in mind that back in those days there were few societal prehistoric times women wouldn't give much consideration to the status of men or their income or their religious or racial background or anything like that .. So to sum up, I'm saying that the fact that there are men with small penises today is proof that women don't actually attach that much importance to penis size, because if they did they wouldn't have a small penis.

2. Lesbianism: if women only care about the size of the penis, how come Lesbians exist? Lesbians don't have penises.. and yet women are still capable of deriving pleasure from sexual interactions with other women..

3. Anatomy: while I don't pretend to know everything about the female orgasm or female anatomy but a few things are clear to me. Two of the major ways that women achieve orgasm is through Clitoral stimulation which is located outside of the vagina and the G-Spot which is said to be stimulated using a finger with a "come here" motion. Ever notice how Shane Diesel one of the masters of interracial porn would spend a long time pounding a girl with his massive cock only to use his fingers in order to get the woman to orgasm or squirt.. so this goes to show you that "large" penises are not CRUCIAL to making a woman orgasm. Because two of the major ways to please a woman sexually do not need a large penis.

4. Porn myths: Keep in mind that pornography is done for the pleasure of the viewer not for the porn actors/actresses pleasure. So having a large cock (and big boobs) looks better. id happily admit that I like the look of a large 10 inch cock rather than a 5 inch cock .. it looks "healthier" and exudes an air of masculinity and virility and that's why we like it. But is that really more pleasurable? The whole BBC angle in porn is also not very truthful . While it might be true that the average black man is larger than the average white man this does not mean that all blacks have large cocks and all whites have small cocks.

5. The last point is not really a scientific one but it's more based on personal experience. I would often go to webcam sites with models that are more than happy to do an SPH session with me. But get this, sometimes they don't really do it. This one girl told me once that I have a beautiful cock and body and she asked me to masturbate. I was literally paying this girl to humiliate my small penis and here she is telling me it's nice ... lol.. this other time another girl said "I don't see anything wrong with your dick, it's a Normal dick" .. another time I was chatting with a model on a webcam show who indulged me in my SPH fetish. But when we chatted she said that she doesn't really like big cocks ... she said anything larger than 6 or 7 inches is too big for her ... now I hear you saying that "maybe they were just being polite and they didn't want to hurt your feelings " But I don't believe that's true because I was PAYING them to humiliate me and they didn't... and secondly why would they care about my feelings anyway? They don't know me from Adam..they couldn't give two sh$&s about my feelings.


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TenderP. Well written however my thoughts are this is all subjective to the woman, wife or girlfriend.


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Tenderpiece - I think you are right.
Peter C


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#4 · Edited by: Peter C
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I'm inclined to agree with Tenderpiece. A big penis just looks more impressive in the same way that larger breasts do, but big tits don't make a woman any better in bed. Maybe it is better for the woman if the man she is having sex with has a decent-sized penis, but I think technique and demeanour are more important.

My wife and I agreed that she wouldn't go with any guy that I knew so I wouldn't be able to put a face to the name, but eventually an ex-workmate of mine who'd been after my wife's pussy many years before re-emerged on the scene. Mick was quite the ladies man, having fucked another colleague's wife, two female members of staff and our works' social club barmaid and now he resumed targeting my wife. Before we got into cuckolding she'd been tempted by his advances but turned him down, but now things were different. Long story short I agreed to let her take things further this time and one Sunday afternoon she went to his house whilst his wife was out and let him fuck her at last. He fucked her hard, maybe extra excited because finally this was Pete's wife naked in his bed, maybe as a kind of punishment for making him wait so long (21 years!), but quite possibly simply because he had a small penis.

Debbie had already shown me a Facebook message in which he admitted to her that he only had about 3 and a half to 4 inches and when I picked her up after they'd had sex she commented that "Well, that wasn't all that" and remarked that she thought he'd been joking about the size of his dick, but he wasn't. They fucked again a few months later, when he'd left his wife and Debbie went over to his new place to help set up his computer. A little while after, as I undressed for bed, Debbie watched me strip and remarked that "Mick's cock erect is the size of yours soft", which was nice to hear, regardless of the fact that my wife had let a guy I knew fuck her.

Despite his lack of inches Mick clearly knew what to do with it. It wasn't until after my wife and I had split up and divorced that I plucked up the courage to request him as a friend on Facebook and eventually I told him I'd known about him and Debbie all along and had agreed that she should give him what he wanted. He was soon happy to open up and tell all and it turned out that they'd fucked on and off - usually at her request - for 2-3 years, rather than the twice I knew about, including a week away together when I thought she was with someone else entirely, so him having a penis half the size of mine clearly didn't put my wife off one little bit.

I have 7 inches, above average for a white man according to surveys I've read, but I have had many compliments about my size over the years, all unexpected and mostly from experienced women who have seen plenty of cocks to compare mine to - comments such as "Wow! How big!", "You're not exactly small are you?" and "Donkey dick", but having been married and divorced twice and lived with a woman in between marriages, it's fair to say that the size of my penis hasn't been a factor in any of them wanting to stay.
Peter C


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Wow that's quite surprising Peter C I knew about the size of your penis because you told me before, but I didn't know that the dudes penis was 4.5 inches only. I guess that proves my point lol.

I think another factor is how a woman feels and how turned on she is by the man or the situation. Clearly the fact that Mick was a confident ladies man and that he had fucked a few women turned your wife on, confidence is very sexy for women. Also the fact that she is allowing another man other than her husband to fuck her certainly amplifies her sexual pleasure because she believes it is taboo ... it's all in the mind I guess.

A friend of mine once told me that women aren't generally turned on by the same things that turn men on . Men are turned on by the visual aspect of sex , such as big tits or round asses . Women have really strong sexual fantasies and imaginations. The image of a large cock alone might not turn her on . He said that a lot of women did not like "50 shades of grey " as a movie because those women who had read the book had such wild erotic imagination and their fantasies were way more powerful than the movie .


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I would love to hear a woman's opinion on this. I hope a few can contribute to the discussion..
Peter C


Posts: 6921 Pictures: 9 
#7 · Edited by: Peter C
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Wow that's quite surprising Peter C I knew about the size of your penis because you told me before, but I didn't know that the dudes penis was 4.5 inches only. I guess that proves my point lol.

I think another factor is how a woman feels and how turned on she is by the man or the situation. Clearly the fact that Mick was a confident ladies man and that he had fucked a few women turned your wife on, confidence is very sexy for women. Also the fact that she is allowing another man other than her husband to fuck her certainly amplifies her sexual pleasure because she believes it is taboo ... it's all in the mind I guess.

Yes, I'm not an attractive guy and have always been quite meek and mild as well as tall and skinny. Mick on the other hand was of stocky build, heavily tattooed and as you say, confident he could have any woman he wanted and my wife admitted fancying him. He'd put me down at work, criticise the way I did the job, all the time trying to persuade my wife to s1eep with him. I guess he saw me as a weedy wimp who just so happened to have a horny wife, so I was no threat and I suppose fucking Debbie was his ultimate way of putting me down. It took him over 20 years but he got what he wanted in the end and on a regular basis. I also think Mick's more aggressive, dominant style in bed suited my wife more too, regardless of his small penis, his more f0rcefu1 style a welcome change from our normally, more gentle love-making.

It felt quite a relief talking to him about it online, albeit some 10 years afterwards, happy to confess to him that I was in on it and had agreed to her seeing him, knowing they'd end up in bed. Debbie had told me she'd told him that we had an "arrangement", but she hadn't. He thought he'd been fucking her behind my back all along and apart from those first two occasions, he had. I told him she must have needed it and thanked him. He has always been a bit smug, arrogant almost, replying that he was glad to have been of service to us both, adding that he'd felt a little bit guilty fucking my wife, but at the end of the day a fuck's a fuck and she'd wanted it just as much as he did. He said she wasn't as good in bed as he'd expected or hoped, that her younger s1ster who'd he'd already fucked and made Debbie jealous, was better and I apologised that my wife wasn't up to his standard.

That said, he still fucked her whenever she wanted him to so she couldn't have been that bad and to me she's still far and away the best fuck I've ever had, but we can't all be liking the same things can we? I fucked her s1ster too and didn't think she was anything special to be honest. Now of course Mick has seen photos of my new girlfriend on Facebook and says he wants her next. I've admitted that I'd like that, but she's nothing like Debbie and would run a mile if he hit on her or if I tried to set something up. Mick says he likes a challenge though and says he'd be only too happy to report back to me how she compares with Debbie.
Peter C


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Even my dick is good enough (17cm ), but since my wife has been fucked by a big cock (20 cm) and thicker than my she gets orgasms much better than with me . My wife gets orgasm each time she fuck him. Her bull is a black and she enjoy him every time. I am very happy watching her fucked.
Monica Larsson


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I'm making my husband happy in the same way as your wife is doing with you when when I'm taking care by my bull while my husband gets to watch.
My bull has a very big and thick equipment compared to my husbands and I enjoy that a lot as it always gives me wonderful orgasms every time whiles my husband who is much smaller never can achieve.
Good lunch.


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Monica Larsson

Thanks for your input.. can you tell us about the sizes of your husband and bull ?
Monica Larsson


Posts: 322
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My bull is about 9 inches long and, most important, more than 7 inches in circumference, but he very much cares not to hurt me and I love him very much for that.
My husband is less than 2 inches and thin.


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Whoaaa 2 inches ...

I believe that's what they call a micropenis... Lucky for you you have a bull packing 9 inches that's really something. I'm glad your husband knows his place and is happy too.
Monica Larsson


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As my husband can't give me any orgasms he's getting not either.
Out of his cage the closest he will get an orgasm is a ruined one but that's I think is fair, isn't it?


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I guess yeah that's fair lol

Maybe try fucking him in the ass so he can achieve orgasm through prostate stimulation since he can't cum like a man
Monica Larsson


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I'm not sure my bull is prepared to fuck my husband in the ass.


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Monica Larsson

Thats not what I meant..
I meant maybe use a strapon or maybe a cucumber or a dildo


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Monica Larsson

I wonder what would happen if ladies man Mick (who banged our friend, Peter C's, wife ) decided to knock on your door ... I wonder if his 4 inches would be enough to satisfy you ...

Peter's wife didn't seem too disappointed
Peter C


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Peter's wife didn't seem too disappointed

She must have loved his cock despite it being half the size of mine. Not only did she call him whenever she needed a better fuck than I was providing, but she even went away on holiday with him, leaving me at home looking after the kids. She came home very well serviced, proudly telling me that she'd been fucked at least 15 times that week, usually first thing in the morning and last thing at night with the odd daytime session too. The only thing she omitted to tell me was that it was Mick, telling me she was with a young paratrooper she'd met and fucked previously. Mick has since bragged to me that it was him. They came home early and attended the funeral of another of my workmates together. I was at work, so they were still like a couple that day, though no-one ever mentioned this to me at work, probably all suspecting that he was now fucking my wife. Yes, he was!

His confidence with women and his technique and prowess in bed was clearly far superior to mine, despite his smaller dick and I have no doubt my new girlfriend would benefit from a night with him too. She's only ever been with 3 guys and knowing now how submissive I am, he's told me he intends to be number 4.
Peter C


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It's very exciting for me to prepare my wife for her bull. I caress her, liking her cunt and her ass and her tits in order to be ready to be stretched by her bull. I am so excited that I sink in my underpants. It's incredible to see that when she has an orgasm she has tears of pleasure. At the end I lick her stretched pussy!!!


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Sounds like you are a cuckold who knows his place

But in keeping with the main topic of the thread ... how small are you? and how big is your wife lover(s)?


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TenderPiece, my cock is about 17cm long and thick enough but her lover cock is about 20 cm long and thicker than me! He fucks her yesterday, it was amazing she get an incredible orgasm and I jerked off my dick because I was very excited licking her pussy while his cock was inside her pussy!!!


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the main difference is that he fucks her much better than me and he is much more resistant than me, I ejaculate after 5min and if she mentionned his to to me I cum much earlier.


Posts: 550
#23 · Edited by: TenderPiece
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I see.

So this also confirms that size is not the main factor. 17cm is about 7 inches and her lover is only a little bit thicker than you. But the difference is his technique, his demeanor, his stamina etc. Keep in mind also that the fact that your wife is doing this in front of you makes it a huge turn on for her so this is also a factor..


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of course, hearing her moaning while he fucks her is extremly exciting for me!!!


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Any other thoughts on this ? From men or women


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Of course there issome tought, for exemple this situation is sort of addictive because it turn me on and often causes me to sink thinking about it without touching myself! More my wife has a behaviour of a slut more I am excited!!!


Posts: 3135
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My wife Loved Jeromes Big Black Cock,but she also Loved a young college aged white guy dick that was not huge,but Loved it because as she says,He Allways gets my cum.


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That's great.. What were there sizes just so we know?

So that white guy was able to get her to orgasm even though he isn't as big as Jerome. So this also shows that size is not the main deciding factor.


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Jerome was her first Black Cock.I brought him home,she was 23 at that time.She told me when he got in the bed and she put her hand on his cock,it scared her some because he was so big,but like good pussy do,and for his credit he eased into it and then she fucked the hell outa him,Loving it,prompting him after one of their fucks to say,Dam dat pussy scare me,he was used to fuckin girls down and she was right there widit.
The white guy was average in size. When she was closer to 40 and he had actually been in high school with our *** and was college age working for me,when I turned him on to her,something he said he had fantasized about her for years.All Dam Good Fuckin,
Yes I Do Love Being Cuckold.


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This is a pretty good illustration I got from another topic on this forum

I have no idea what my circumference is though

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Basic Cuckold / Basic Cuckold /
Does Size Truly Matter (A rational approach to the question)
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