Posts: 90
#1 · Edited by: qtbass
For years my wife of over 30 years and I fantasized about her taking a stranger while we fucked. Last June(2013), my wife finally agreed to try it out. We met a guy who offered to give her a massage that slowly turned erotic with the understanding she could stop at any time she wanted. After a 40-45 min massage my baby was asking for a strangers cock for the first time in our lives. After a couple of strangers meeting / fucking her, I noticed that my wife began to need copious amounts of lube when I fucked her, yet never a drop when she was getting "strange". In fact, one guy was fingering her and I noticed she had a solid stream of clear nectar(much like a clear column of water about 1/8th inch diameter) slowly oozing from her pussy, down to the bed. I asked her repeatedly about why I suddenly needed lube. She was reluctant to admit it, but we both knew the truth. Now she ONLY fucks stranger's cocks(not mine anymore) and freely admits that my cock does nothing for her. Also, she used to wake me up by sucking my cock... this went on for a few years and ended a few years ago. Now, she will only suck me when the mood strikes her, and she admits that it doesn't turn her on at all. In less than a year, she went from a reluctant scared, horny wife, to a total whore and slut for strange cock only. She has rings in her nipples, has a permanently bald pussy, and just got a tattoo that symbolizes her as a strange cock only, cuckolding slut, hotwife. She has a profile on adult friend finder and goes by,"ready4strange83" which she uses to prowl for strange cocks. We film all her encounters and it turns her on for me to jack off to her home movies. We are not into cuck ***********, I'm by no means a sub! I had a injury several years ago and meds inhibit my performance. Mine is still the biggest cock she has had, but she tells me that even if mine still worked, she wouldn't want it. I love her So much I want her to be satisfied. Even if that means watching her whore her cunt out. As she once put it," I love her with a ferocity that surprises even her". If you doubt the validity of anything I've said, log on and check out her profile and pics. You can even see the tattoo she had me design for her.
Posts: 1177
I wish I lived near you two
Posts: 3581
Glad to hear your wife is still getting her share of new cock! She's one fine looking woman with a hot pussy.  I looked for her on SLS, but saw her profile was either gone or changed. Is she still on there?? BTW...... it's always hot hearing about her quest for strange. Cuck who loves a creampie.
Posts: 1177
cuckold4one I think he said she is one Adult Friend Finder. I personally like SLS myself
Posts: 1177
Well I too checked SLS under both screen names and came up empty handed.
Posts: 90
We started out with SLS, but she likes AFF better. She says the cock selection is better. She is working on setting up a date for this coming weekend, and has a "2 cocks at once" party planned the following weekend.
Posts: 90
Thanks for the comments guys, I hope you like my pix! slutwife
Posts: 90
Please let me know what you think of my pierced nipples, bald pussy and my cuckold tat...
Posts: 90
Posts: 90
Sorry guys, hub got my profile name wrong, it's ready4strange83 on AFF, had "for" instead of the number,lol
Posts: 3
Hi Qtbass, love the prgress of your wife. I am still much back on the track, but it is promisi g to see where you can get with some patience
Posts: 6938
#12 · Edited by: kennyboy82
Posts: 506
Not bad for 30+ years! Win some...
Lose some...
Few are rained out
Posts: 1177
qtbass >A very sexy gmilf indeed. I would be proud and honored to fuck something that pretty for you.
Posts: 90
kennyboy, My beautiful wife is NOT a bitch. She also has not taken over this posting or anything else which I don't tell her to. Also, FYI, my wife has enough sense not to even talk with anyone who implies that they will be anything resembling a dom/ bull because she doesn't want to be around while I am throwing them out on their ass. Anyone who hopes to meet my wife will be most respectful at all times with both her and I or you will never get to knock on the door, much less get a foot in. Just because I'm generous and share, don't make the mistake to assume I'm submissive in any way. That would be a mistake. Trust me.
Posts: 90
Oh, and I'm glad you like the tat. I designed it for her. everyone else, thanks for the nice comments. It really helps a new slutwife to be playful when people make nice compliments. bellbottom patience , patience, patience pays off. good luck!
Posts: 3581
I loved the hot photo's of her tits and very inviting pussy!  Her tat sends the message of being open for others to enjoy. I could worship her well fucked pussy for hours on end. Cuck who loves a creampie.
Posts: 285
Thanks for sharing you story and the pictures of this beautiful Lady. I think She deserves an active sex life. Please keep updating us.
Sincerely elina
Posts: 90
Thanks Cuckold4one and elina, My hot wife has a play date set up for next Saturday with 2 guys she's already been with and wants to experience 2 in her pussy at once. She tells me she is expecting to come home sore and worn out from playing 3-4 hours. I know she can take 2 at once, she plays with a huge dildo that is approx.15 inches tall and over 3 in. thick at the head. She loves to get "plunge" fucked after she warms up to it, where I plunge it to the bottom then pull it all the way back out at a rate of about 1 stroke per second or so. She is VERY big on anonymity because we have kids so if I can take some pics without her face next Sat I will upload them. I'll ask her when she wakes up where a pic is of her and her huge toy.
Posts: 90
Posts: 298
nice pics! where do you live?
Posts: 1177
Qtbass I would love to see your wife 's pussy after she has just fucked two guys. I certainly hope she lets you share her evening with us. It will be a long crazy wait just knowing that your wife is being double penetrated while you wait at home for her to return all fucked out with puffy and distended pussy lips dripping of sex. She will probably be a little sore so be ready to orally care for her ravished cunt. Some guys have all the fun!
Posts: 90
She only plays with me present, and I video tape all her play dates. We are working on getting some stills and possibly a clip or two of her fucking double stuffed. She also asked and one of the guys volunteered to sixty-nine with her while she got doggy from the other guy. She LOVED having her clit licked while getting fucked. She will definitely be having more threesomes while I watch and film, she's hooked on fucking strangers. Her pussy only gets wet for strange cock now... Will get some stills and clips as soon as we can get it together. We have to keep it anonymous for the guys she played with and we have kids so, don't expect to see her face either. That slutty tattoo though, that's another story; You will definitely be able to know it's my slutty hotwife.
Posts: 90
Oh, and she was sore,... and I soothed her aches and tucked her in.
Posts: 1177
You are a very considerate hubby
Posts: 924
love her piercings and tatoo
Posts: 28
Careful what you wish for? Are you unhappy? Seems like you have what so many of us want.
Posts: 90
It's not that I'm unhappy. I've been wanting this for years. The only thing I didn't want was, I have an injury and the meds I take to function severely limit my performance. I once banged my bride for THREE hours non stop except to change positions. And I mean Banged; not that I licked her, she licked me ,and we had sex lasting three hours. I mean I pounded it for 3 hours. I've always wanted my wife to be a faithful, good girl by day and a total, good slut after dark, but I wanted to be able to participate too. Now she's still the woman of my dreams,... but she only gets wet for, and she only fucks strange cock. She is honestly a strange cock only slut wife. As her tattoo clearly shows, and she swore for years that she would never, ever, ever get a tat, but the slutty, dirty, side of her felt that if she was only for strange cock, then she should be marked as a strange cock owned slut. I hope that answers your question. I'm not unhappy, but once a woman experiences the thrill of fucking who ever she wants, and gets a boost from attracting really young guys.... she might not want the same old cock she's always had anymore. Just saying, be sure that's what you want. I don't really have a choice, so I make lemon ade with the lemons and chicken salad out of chicken ****. I make the best of the cards life deals, and I'm lucky enough to have a totally smokin' hot slut wife to watch play...
Posts: 90
oh, and thanks Starflyer, I LOVE her rings and slut-tat too. I designed the tat for her.
Posts: 6938
qtbass: I LOVE her rings and slut-tat too. I love the pics of your wife playing with that huge dildo, but, where's that cuck tattoo disappeared to? Could this be a faked pic perchance?