Posts: 371
Does anyone have any experience of having to clean, do chores , run errands for wive's lovers, friends or her family??
Posts: 229
My girlfriend's husband does all kind of chores for me: lawn mowing, minor repairs etc creampie chef
Posts: 88
my ex used to have me do chores for her lady on weekends. mom in law was a harsh Mistress too.
honolulu_bull: My girlfriend's husband does all kind of chores for me: lawn mowing, minor repairs etc All reamisterable, given the circumstances
Posts: 371
I have not had the pleasure of a situation like this. But I would LOVE it. I think it would be a constant reminder of my place in life and some offense aspects too.. 
Posts: 126
My wife has offered my services for her boyfriends in the past, first it was to keep me occupied while they enjoyed each other company. Since the BF wasn’t comfortable with me being around, so I was ordered to detail his truck while he was fucking my wife, then it proceeded to free his time up so they could get together, now it just expected of me twice a week to go to his house, change the sheets, do the wash, and general clean the house. Over time between my wife’s encouragement her boyfriend has even taken a bit of command of the situation, often he would say that since I am doing the maids work, I should be dressed as one, so now I have to dress in drag complete with wig and heels when I clean up his house, he even thought it was a blast to line up the instillation of his wide screen TV when I was there cleaning. The service guys had a laugh, I was reminded by my wife that Remember no one has ever died from offense. She gave her boyfriend a special reward for taking control of me. IM thecuckoldone on yahoo messenger
Posts: 3904
Nice! And what was the special reward that she gave her BF?
Christine (a sissy m)
Posts: 126
Wife's BF got special reward was two fold
He got my clean up services 2 days a week.
BF got weekend with my wife at a resort which I paided for. Wife called his stud free since he helped me out with my husbandly duties in the bedroom IM thecuckoldone on yahoo messenger
Posts: 1091
my wife gets me to do errands for her sister, who she doesn't really like, i have a bit of a crush on her sister, if i refuse she keeps mentioning sending her sister some pictures she took of me wearing a pink apron whilst bollock naked and cleaning the kitchen floor, she knows i would die of embaressment if her sister got the picture, its enough having "Anya's Bitch tattooed on my ass 
Posts: 371
Anyone had to clean their wives lovers house or maybe her friends house before???
Posts: 334
I am interested in this idea.
Megan Smith
Posts: 1257
When I send hubby to a friend's house while I am out on a date (or in on a date), I expect him to do some chores for her. After all, if she is giving up an evening out to cuck sit, she should get something in return.
On occasion, I have had my husband clean a boyfriend's car before the boyfriend takes me out. I don't think of that as a service to the boyfriend. It is a service to me since I prefer to go out in a clean car.
I never really considered making my husband clean a boyfriend's house or do other chores for him. Usually, there are plenty of chores to do at our own house. I'll have to keep that in mind in case I need to introduce a new type of punishment sometime.
Posts: 334
I am interested in this scenario
alisha hill
Posts: 167
Yes. If you are not doing these things then you should start. Not everybody in our life knows about our cuckolding. But the one's that do, know that I am happy to be at their beck and call. I do all the chores at our house. I spend every Saturday cleaning her bull's house. I spend every Sunday cleaning for my m0ther in law. And both of my wife's sister's know that I am happy to run errands, give pedicures, or foot rubs. But it is so much fun serving others, I recommend all cucks do this.
Posts: 350
I cleaned my marital bedroom so my wife and her lover could fuck in it and then packed my bag, took the kids, and left. How humiliating.
Posts: 3581
mark01: I cleaned my marital bedroom so my wife and her lover could fuck in it Good cuck hubby! I too have done this many of times before her lover arrived. Must say.... it's always more exciting cleaning up after he's left. Cuck who loves a creampie.
Posts: 371
This is an old post but would love to bring it back up and see if anyone has anything new to add to it.
Peter C
Posts: 6921
For about a year before my wife and I split up, I added a woman we both knew on Facebook. Her husband worked for the same company as me, but in a different department and all four of us had often been to events together some years previously. Unbeknown to me at the time, Louise and her husband had split up and she was a bit wary of me adding her and messaging her as she thought I was trying to find things out to tell her husband. Once she realised that this wasn't the case, we started chatting online regularly and texting one another. Finding out that I'd always fancied her and her discovering out that all was not rosy between me and my wife, our messages became more flirty, though she noticed I had a very submissive side to me which she started to play on.
She said how even back when we all went to events together she could see I was a wimp and that my wife wore the trousers in our relationship. I found myself agreeing with the things she'd say, such as her comments about my weedy physique and how she'd preferred real men with muscles and big cocks. I eventually confessed to her that my wife occasionally went with other men, that we'd talked about it and that I actually encouraged her to come home afterwards and tell me all about the sex she was getting. Louise suggested that I should stop having sex with my wife and let her just go with real men and that if she was married to me, she'd need to to get it elsewhere too.
Once my wife had left me, Louise and I carried on chatting and texting and soon I was being invited over to her house. Once there I was instructed to clean her shower and toilet, wash the bathroom floor, then clean her kitchen, whilst she laid on her bed watching TV. When my chores were done I was allowed to make us a coffee each to take it to her room. I did this once a week for some time. As a surprise to her one week, I stripped off in her kitchen and took our coffee up naked. She smiled as I walked in holding the two mugs, looking straight at the soft dick between my legs and casting her eyes over my puny body. She later commented, "That just confirmed all my suspicions. Very weedy, skinny arms and legs and a tiny little dick. You're not a man. You're a little boy." Peter C
Posts: 384
excellent theme
Posts: 384
very useful
Posts: 384