Posts: 211
#91 · Edited by: little_T
So far no comments on her toys...
No "Why do I have another dildo?" No "Why are they all thick and Black?" No "Why is my pink dildo gone?" No "Let me go back to she smaller dildo I had before"
She hasn't acted strange. She seems to be Ok with me snuggling with her, and maybe that means she will happily accept the change, because she knows she can get the fucking she needs and some loving cuddles too.
Posts: 211
I've finally ordered the new metal cage.
It's smaller than my plastic cage, and i'm hoping for better comfort and durability compared to that one. I expect it to be better for wearing longer periods with an integrated lock and less need to take off for cleaning.
Will have to see if Locktober ends up continuing to a new lockup duration PB.
Posts: 214
I absolutely loved reading this thread and look forward to future posts to see the progression. I too just bought my wife a black dildo that is larger than her "regular." Funny that my wife's regular is also pink.
Posts: 211
Unfortunately the metal cage hasnt arrived before locktober started, but i'm still locked using my Vice cage until it shows up. I'm hoping the new one arrives soon so i can have a good run through the rest of october so i can review if its better for longer periods as i expected.
Posts: 211
New cage has arrived and i've swapped into it so i can wear it for the rest of Locktober 
Posts: 211
#96 · Edited by: little_T
I've started the new year in chastity, and have a resolution for this year...
I will wear my chastity cage for at least one week per month, and all of October. Thats about 15 weeks all up, or more than a quarter of the year.
I also decided that i will wear my cage on Valentines day, my wedding anniversary, farthers day and my birthday to discourage getting any attention on special occasions. Are there any other days that i should add to that list?
I want my wife to only use her big black toys while i am locked up.
Does anyone else have cuckold resolutions?
Posts: 211
#97 · Edited by: little_T
So i have definitely met my goal for this month, and i took my cage off for a bit, but today i felt like i should put it back on.
No reason i cant exceed my goal? Its a bit different today though. I decided to try wearing panties with my cage. I supposed i should try it out and see how they feel?
Posts: 211
#98 · Edited by: little_T
So, it appears my wife knows i have a cage, although she hasn't caught me wearing it, she likely knows when i'm wearing it.
I put the pouch with the cage and and keys in my underwear draw, a fairly obvious hiding spot, but no reason for her to search it either.
When i was in the ensuite the other day i thought i heard a draw open, but when i came out my wife wasn't in the bedroom. I thought perhaps she had looked in my draw, but wasnt 100% sure (the whole cage was in there at the time).
Since then i'd decided to wear the cage, leaving the anti-pullout and keys in the pouch. Today while in the ensuite i heard a draw open and close although my wife was fully dressed for work so no reason for a draw to open.
I later checked and the pouch had moved. I didnt move it, so she definitely knows it lives there and i'm now certain she has seen the whole cage, and not just the keys, and knows what it means that the cage isn't in the pouch where she'd found it earlier.
I think she might try subtle questions (one question this morning seemed like it could lead down that path) or maybe she will see if she can find reasons to pop into the ensuite while i shower after confirming the cage isn't in the draw.
So now i am thinking when i take my cage off next i should just put it back in my draw like normal and let her check on it until she eventually catches me wearing it or decides to call me out on it. Moving it to a different place doesn't seem like it would be any benefit, because the end game was always for her to be the one in control of it anyway.
I guess the countdown to being a proper caged hubby is ticking fast now.
Posts: 211
#99 · Edited by: little_T
Ok, so i put the cage in the pouch and tucked it back in my draw. I know she will look later so i tried to place it so i could detect if it gets moved. I wanted her to notice it reappear while its fresh in her mind (and so she thinks i dont know that she knows) and for the next couple of weeks i'll avoid wearing it often (perhaps just once for only a day) because i'm thinking of the event thats approaching.
I made a resolution that i'd wear it on valentines day, and right now i'll try to stick to that, but when i made that plan it was gambling that she wouldn't push for intimacy if i didn't, as she wouldn't have known about the cage.
Now that she knows about it, it also means she might realize its not in the draw and cause her to try getting handsy for valentines to make me to reveal it. I doubt going down on her and keeping my trunks on would be enough to distract her now as it might have before.
I guess if she found out on valentines it would be a good day for starting life as a proper caged hubby.
Posts: 211
So i wanted to know just how often my wife checked my draw for the cage, so i put a sensor in the back that reports to my phone. I figure it's not improper spying as its my draw and its not like its a camera/mic.
So my wife checked my draw twice yesterday. After she got home from work she waited until i went out to the shop, and again late in the evening while i was taking a shower. Both times the draw was only opened for a few seconds and the pouch doesnt appear to have been moved.
So i gather from this that some time previously she had a good look at my cage so doesn't need further inspection, shes just checking to find if i'm wearing it. So i'm kinda glad i went the tech way of monitoring, or it would be near impossible to tell when and how often she is checking it otherwise.
If she is checking once or more a day then i certainly wont be able to hide wearing my cage, so i guess i need to put my big girl pants on and decide when would be an ok time to be caught out. I'm still thinking upcoming v-day might be about as good as its going to get.
Posts: 211
#101 · Edited by: little_T
Yesterday, I gave my wife a little test. I moved my cage from the draw in the bedroom to the ensuite cupboard. I knew she had checked the draw and would have noticed the cage missing. I took a shower wondering if she would find any reason at all to open the door to check on me, but i wouldn't put the cage on this time. This was just to see whether she would try something if she thought i was wearing it.
And yes, she found a reason to open the door and i'm sure she had a peek to see if i was wearing the cage. I'm sure she wouldnt have bothered opening the door if she wasnt monitoring my cage.
She showered after me and i'm pretty sure she looked in the cupboards until she found the cage was in there. Obviously she didnt check the draw for some time as she knew it wasnt there, so I later moved it back to the draw, hoping she will just think i was going to wear it but got spooked.
So today she hasn't checked the draw but i think she will if she gets a chance, so i decided to take my own chance and i've actually put on my cage and put the empty pouch and keys in the draw. Thats a pretty sure sign i'm wearing it and i wonder what she'll do with that knowledge...
I'm guessing she won't come straight out and ask, maybe just some subtle comments, so i might have to try again on valentines day and make it super easy, like get in bed under the covers then slip my trunks off and tell her i have a present for her...
Posts: 211
She didn't check the draw last night but one comment had me wondering if she thought i was wearing my cage. I made sure to give her an opportunity this morning before she left for work to check my draw, and she took it. I wanted her to find the pouch without the cage in it so she'd know i'm wearing it, and not just that the pouch and cage moved together.
So today's first test is whether she can be confident enough to tell me I should have a shower. I wont make a move to have a shower unless she asks, and if she asks me to shower I will make it easy for her by not locking the ensuite door. If that happens then the second test will be if she then finds another reason to open the door for a peek. In that case I might shower facing the wall as best i can so she has to come into the ensuite and try to talk to me.
Posts: 211
#103 · Edited by: little_T
Well i did as i said, but seems my wife has decided to be cautious and not open pandoras box.
When she lightly suggested i had a shower the other day, she didnt open the door.
I wore my cage for valentines day and she knew i was, because she checked my draw, but she went to bed a little early. I got under the covers and removed my trunks, but she didnt try to explore, despite knowing i was naked other than my cage. I didnt let on that i knew she was aware that i wasnt entirely naked...
I said i had another present i wanted to give her for valentines and she said she was happy with what i gave her earlier. I'm 100% sure she knew it was about my cage. She seemed nervous so i didnt push.
The keys to my cage will be a present for another time, and hopefully she decides to be bold and take the gift then.
Posts: 211
I don't think i've hit my goal of a week in chastity this month. My wife has still been checking the draw to see if my cage is in there despite not taking the opportunity on the 14th to get it out in the open and take the keys. I guess i need another few days this month, so i'll put it on so i don't fail my NY's resolution...
Posts: 211
35K views! Hope you are all enjoying reading... Comments welcome 😀
Posts: 211
I have been keeping on top of my NY resolution and have made sure to be in my cage for at least 7 days each month, but my wife hadn't been at her toys for a while so no bonus time. It'd been a long time actually since i'd noticed her using her toys, to the point that i thought she might no longer use them and just rely on her hand.
We'll it looks like she's had a session with her 8 inch black dildo, so i'm staying locked for an extra week. It looks like the 7 inch toy is stored as it was, so she didnt reconsider the 8 inch then look for smaller. This will be the most satisfying week in chastity i've had in quite a while, and i'd happily repeat it if it means she returns to using her black dildos regularly.
The only thing better right now would be if she kept using her toys and she also noticed my cage gone and decided to hold onto the keys...
Posts: 211
#107 · Edited by: little_T
My wife checked my draw for my cage today for the first time in a while. I'm still in my cage from when i noticed she'd played with her black dildo the other day.
She's had a shower and not wearing anything under her robe which is not how she behaves usually. Makes me wonder if she's going to try anything. Maybe she'll suggest i have a shower, or maybe she'll try some snuggling...
Last time she behaved like this i don't think she knew about my cage, and when i didn't make moves on her she was using her toy the next day.
EDIT: next day i found she's been in her toy box. Not sure if she played, but both her dildos in there have been moved.
Posts: 211
36000, thx for the views!
I'm in my cage today, not to celebrate views, just because i'm sticking to my goal each month...
Posts: 211
#109 · Edited by: little_T
My wife has been at her black toys again and i'd like to talk it through.
I calculated her ovulation would be wednesday and i knew i'd be out most of thursday with her at home on her own. So i influenced wednesday night so she wouldn't be able to easily grab a shower. I then made sure to get up immediately when my alarm went off thursday and take my time getting through the morning shower routine so she'd have to shower later.
I figured 6 hours on her own she'd stop for some self-care, but when i got home her toys hadn't moved...
Today we were both home so i figured she wouldn't get a chance, but she had an appointment at 330 so asked me to do the school pickup. She didnt grab a shower this morning because we woke up a bit late. Then work got a bit crazy and i was kept busy.
She said at some point she wanted a shower before her meeting. Approaching 230 she asked if i'm about to go do the school run so i called out that i would in a minute. When i walked out she was having a shower so i said i'd see her when she got back from her appointment. In hindsight i missed these clues so didnt check the ensuite when i got back.
Later she went out to the shop and called to ask if i wanted her to grab some dr1nks because i'd be working on her car tomorrow. Pretty thoughtful of her. And when she got back i noticed her wearing a dress when earlier she'd been in jeans.
I figured i'd check and found her 8inch in a basket hadn't moved, but her toy box had. I looked in and found that her 7inch on top had moved, but also that the big 9inch had moved. I was immediately wondering if she's decided to start using it. Its moved once a while back and i was on the fence about whether i thought she'd used it. I hoped she had.
So my mind goes to 3 options. - She used the 7inch and looked at the 9inch but chickened out. - The 7inch moved just so she could get to the 9inch (feels unlikely) - She used the 7inch which made her feel adventurous enough to use the larger one too. I'd be happy for any, but really happy if one of the latter.
So theres some things here to unpack; When did her decision to use her toys get made? Was she nicer to me just because she put herself in a good mood? Was she in a dress because she felt more attractive in it? Or more comfortable to not have jeans rubbing her after she'd stretched herself?
I'd love to hear everyone's feedback and thoughts about it, and also, whether i should adjust my cage time up on the basis that she likely is now taking her biggest toy? I set my goal as one week when she used her 7inch. Is one day per inch of toy enough, or should it be more like an increasing scale?
Posts: 211
little_T: I'm thinking that if she used the bigger one a few times, then perhaps it would be time to 'accidentally' leave my cage somewhere she might find it... Well i didnt have to do this as she already knows about my cage, but its good that shes warming up to her big toy (as far as i can tell). I havent quite picked up if theres a pattern, but she may possibly be more inclined to play when she is close to her ovulation, and perhaps after she also checks if i'm using my cage. I wonder if i can do something to encourage her to hold my keys for locktober? Maybe i should put the keys in her purse or something so she's holding them, even if not aware. And she may well discover them and decide to hang onto them... Still havent decided how long i should be caged this time. 7days, 9days, 14days (based on volumetric calculation), 7+9days, 7+14days, etc. I think if my wife is upping her dildo size, then i should up my cage time by a corresponding amount, if i could decide what that is.
Posts: 211
I ended up deciding that i should wear my cock cage for 2 weeks if my wife uses her biggest 9inch black dildo.
My wife is returning from a trip today, and she didnt play with her dildos before she left, so i am wearing my cage today for her return in case she is feeling frisky.
Posts: 211
Starting another Locktober. My wife isn't my keyholder (yet). I'll make sure my keys are left in my draw where she will definitely find them. Perhaps she will think of holding on to them, or perhaps not. I really want her to take that next big step.
Posts: 211
#113 · Edited by: little_T
Now half way through Locktober and so far things have been pretty ok.
A few days after i started, my wife had checked my draw so she knows i am wearing my cage although she might not associate it with Locktober... I'm sure that by the end of the month she will be very curious why i've worn it so long.
It would be nice if she became my keyholder before Locktober, but i can be patient for this worthy cause.
Posts: 211
Nearly at the end of Locktober and my wife has checked my draw several times so she knows i have been locked up for quite a while, but hasnt said anything about it. The keys and pouch in my draw arent even remotely hidden amongst my clothes in my draw as i had left them any more, so its like shes not being careful to cover her tracks either.
Thanks for 37k views, heres a story from the other day:
I was complaining about how fun-sized snickers have gotten smaller over time. I said it's so small now that they are no longer fun, and her reply to me "Thats what she said". She's not the kind of person to drop a twss joke so i felt like she was saying something front of mind about her opinion on p size.
Posts: 211
Thanks everyone for 38k views.
I still wear my cock cage fairly regularly for a few days at a time, although no goal/resolution to meet.
My wife still checks my draw occasionally, and still uses her black dildos sometimes too, although i wish it was more often.
If you guys want any other more specific updates, feel free to ask...
Posts: 211
#116 · Edited by: little_T
little_T: The keys to my cage will be a present for another time, and hopefully she decides to be bold and take the gift then. I gave my wife the keys to my cock cage today. They are officially now hers to keep... I'd love her to wear them around her neck at least some of the time, and I hope she makes an effort to properly hide them so I can't get to them without her...
Posts: 81
little_T Get her alittle_T Get her a realistic black dildo and use it on her while watching interracial porn. Next start suggesting getting a bull to buck her. Good luck. You'll love it.
Posts: 211
#118 · Edited by: little_T
Read the whole thread and you'll find out all the ups and downs and what toys she has. I promise it'll be an interesting read.
This is not a sprint, but a marathon and taking it slow seems to be getting results that didnt result when trying to go faster. This thread is my [long] account with a wife that is not looking to charge down the hotwife path at breakneck speed, but is still slowly taking small steps based on my encouragement.
Its all genuine. Anyone who wants to talk privately about it for specific ideas/feedback, feel free to PM me.
For example: Last night my wife initiated cuddling and kissing in bed. I think she wanted to see how i would act with her while caged (now that we can be open about it and not me pretending to not know that she knows). Then this morning she said she felt like a shower and she asked how I wanted the temperature. She got herself naked and held the door open for me. She was obviously saying she wanted me to be naked in there with her (well 99% naked). Of course i made sure to be a good caged hubby for her and washed her back and all over. She didnt pay me as much attention, but let me touch her all over and play with her pussy until she was panting heavily. We called our play short when she was getting lightheaded from it, but regardless, it was the sexiest thing we've done together in a long time and its a big win.
This is an unbelievably huge step for her to take and I love her more because of it.
My next goals will be to try to keep up the casual intimacy and progress it until i can go down on her while i'm wearing nothing but my cock cage. I'm thinking that means sleèping naked as much as i can from now on. I'll also encourage her to make sure she keeps my keys with her and secure, and see what it might take to get her to wear them around her neck, perhaps for a shopping trip or something outside home (but not around people she knows). We were planning to see a movie in a week or so, and that sounds like a perfect time. Bonus points if i can take a selfie with her and she isnt thinking about chastity keys being in it.
Later i'll make sure she is aware of locktober, because this will be my year to have her as my keyholder for it.
Posts: 211
#119 · Edited by: little_T
little_T: I havent quite picked up if theres a pattern, but she may possibly be more inclined to play when she is close to her ovulation, and perhaps after she also checks if i'm using my cage. I wonder if i can do something to encourage her to hold my keys for locktober? Seems i might have actually managed a great time to give her my keys. Looks like her ovulation is coming up in a couple of days. These next few days might get me even more progress with her, but i'll have to probably be cautious to take my wins and not push too far until her comfort levels solidify into a new foundation.
Posts: 1289
Sounds like you're doing great on your journey into being a locked up cuck! 😈❤️ x