Hey all,
Sorry we haven't been on for a while, been pretty busy and had to take time to take it all in.
Since we took the plunge our sex life has never been better. We I took some photos/video and we watch them loads and re-live the moment. I will share some with you but I have to be discreet about which ones are put on here, for the anonymity of Mrs Took's 'friend' more than anything else.
At first we were both pretty satisfied with doing it just the once and there was no massive appetite to do it again. However as time has moved on Mrs Took (and me) have got hornier about the thought of it happening again. A few flirty e-mails between him and her have helped that along. We're in no massive rush but I'm sure before too long we will have had another experience to share with you guys.
Here are some pics of our last (first) date with Mrs Took's friend, hope you enjoy!
 Mrs took sizes up his cock
|  Mrs Took's as he slid in to her for the first time
|  Some hard fucking on the floor
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