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maybe i got this all wrong

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ok my wife gets other guys which is fun.but...we both agree on them and places and times there is no i'll see you tomorow or i'm going out i'll see you later no humilation and god hell fucking no no chastizement just isn't going to happen just alot of extra fun as i see an extra partner is an add on to the sex play not an over all doesn't take up our entire life small chunk coulpe times a week thing thats what i see the cuck thing not the powerd fem dick sucking thing i don't get all the extra add ons to the sex do i got it wrong or are some peolpe warping the main theme of the sex play?

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Whatever works for you man. No stress.


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Yeah, whatever floats your boat man. I'd like to help you with that sexy little wifey of yours though.
The best pussy is always married pussy


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thanks for the input it has helped there is no way i would let things get out of control like some of the stories.hey fuckingwives she said thanks and we'll see

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#5 · Edited by: SheDatesHeWaits
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Quoting: jbrown
.so do i got it wrong or are some people warping the main theme of the sex play?

You basically have it right. If your wife sees other guys, you're playing around in the Cuck world. A lot of people add in other sexual dimensions, like male presentation, homosexuality, cross dressing, abstinence, etc. Some take it to the extremes... but I suspect 99% of those wilder fantasies are nothing more than that.

I will say this... as time goes on and you get older, many people gradually try new things. It can evolve. For instance, while we started off like you, I have no problem if my wife wants to see someone alone. Turned out that the anticipation of waiting for her to return from a "date" and letting my mind run wild while she is out can be every bit as stimulating as actually being there or watching. (The imagination is a POWERFUL thing!).

Just find the level of comfort that suits you and keep on enjoying...

cuckold - Pronunciation - kuk-uhld - noun 1) The husband of an unfaithful wife. 2) A husband whose wife has sex with others. NOTE - It does NOT say: Sexually confused, submissive, humiliated, sissified, crossdresser, cocksucker, or piss drinker


Posts: 87
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jbrown, thank you for an intelligently worded, thought-provoking explanation of your flavor or cucking and well-stated question. Our situation is more extreme. We don't see it as "warpng the main theme of the sex play". In our case, my E.D., and my sweet wife's sexual frustration, is how I finally convinced her to cuck me.

She refuses to humiliate me because she is to tender hearted. But make no mistake, other men are getting - and giving - what I no longer can. Are we putting our marriage at risk? Perhaps, but in our case, I trust her fully. She prefers privacy because she's not into three-somes or what she terms as kinky stuff. She just wants some one-on-one lovin'.

I write this as she and her boyfriend are in the next room, possibly relaxing after having what sounded like a satisfying and explosive session. I love her and am very happy that she is willing to get what she needs.

In my case, I have had bi tendencies since I was 21. I'm 49 now. I had attempted to supress my bi desires until I lost my ability to make love to a woman. Now thet her needs are being met by other men, I am enjoying my bisexual activities. It's a chicken-or-the-egg question as to if my bisexuality drove me to become a cuckold or if my being a total cuck drove me back to bi play. The point is that there is no such thing as one specific cuckold situation. It varies, based on everyone's individual needs.

In our situation, it works very well, and I believe our relatiosnhip is strong because we know each others' depth of character and we have strong trust in one another.

Good luck to you, and I wish you more fun and satisfying experiences with your version of cuckoldry.



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SheDatesHeWaits, I began writing the above posting before your post. then I was called away for cream pie (YES!!!!) and finally finished it and posted it after yours. I like what you said and agree.


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thanks palmcoast yes she does already go out and "date" sort of we set up times for them to meet and have fun it is a big thrill also because you'll be looking at the clock thinking yep she getting it right now then the wait coulpe of text pics and videos.then hit it when she gets home.a lot of fun all the way around for everyone envoled.the real fun is the threesomes because sex can go on for quite some time things get messy just alot of fun.thanks for your input guys it has helped
Fred Jones


Posts: 202
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I agree with jbrown on this subject. Some may, and obviously do, enjoy the offense aspect that can be part of the cuckold lifestyle but many do not. In my opinion, the epitome of cuckolding is for a wife, who is still very much in love with her husband, to give her body to another man, preferably a total stranger, while her husband watches. To do so with the full knowledge that her husband is watching and for the husband to know that she knows he is watching. If possible, making eye contact at the moment of penetration. The rest of this stuff is cuckolding, true, but a slightly skewed version.



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i honestly don't feel like a cuck as per say she does nothing behind my back and were both in this together were both just as guilty.i love teasing her telling as shes getting ready thats somebodies gonna get fucked and stuff like of my main obessions is dressing her up and taking different pictures and having fun with that aspect for a total stranger i can't do that i love my wife and to share her with someone is pretty permisteral i have to like them and be comfotable with them and at times be ok and relaxed with them being by themselves.without fear of her being harmed.but yes the look on her face as shes first getting fucked is priceless


Posts: 454
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Thanks for a thoughtful post jbrown.
I think there is a continuum of varieties of the cuckold relationship.
Some of the posts here are a little ridiculous but the seemingly honest ones reflect a range of stuff from major turn on's to major turn off's for us. Different strokes for different folks.
I love my wife very much and our play is something that enriches our sex life together. Right now we are exploring some presentation things and that works for us. Who knows what we'll explore down the road.
We plan everything together. It's not a 24/7 thing.
Our marrage comes first and that a major part of the eroticism: seeing my love totally physically open to another man and me doing whatever she desires to please her.
Your wife is beautiful!
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maybe i got this all wrong
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