Posts: 4
I have enjoyed reading your posts FunGal and felt as though you epotimized the best of cuckolding, especially when you turned Bill away because he wanted you to leave your husband. I, like many others on this site, waited anxiously for you to begin posting again but was very disappointed when you finally did. Now, it seems, you are questioning your commitment to your husband, your life's partner, who has made all that you are now enjoying possible.
If your intention is to follow the life that your American correspondent is living, that of keeping your husband in the picture as your cuck while living with another man in order to deepen your relationship with him, then great. In that event, however, I think that you must clearly outline your plans to Danny now, including retaining your right to relieve your husband on a regular basis in order to maintain some degree of sexual intimacy with him. I think, though, you will find that Danny will not be okay with this based on what you have said so far. It seems to me that Danny wants you only on his terms and his terms do not include your husband.
If, on the other hand, you are thinking about leaving your husband, as you seem to be, I hope that you will tell him sooner rather than later (not while you are sexually arousing him but as an honest and open discussion) and that you will make it a clean break rather than stringing him along. He deserves nothing less and, as a cuck myself, i would expect nothing less from my Mistress.
From what I have read on this site over the past several months, there are a number of people who live a fantasy life, wishing to be your husband or some other "lucky" cuck, but the reality of losing your most cherished "possession", your wife and life partner, due to deciding to pursue this lifestyle, would leave many of these supposed cuck's hollow and lonely inside.
Yes, you should pursue your fun and live the life your husband has opened up for you but remember his needs and all that he has given up for you in order for you to live as you are now. He loves you and you should always continue to love him even as your relationship evolves. If you can no longer do that, let him go.
Posts: 1284
Show him zoology and botanics books featuring black snakes, eels and dark skinned oblong fruits and vegetables.
Posts: 233
Quoting: cageme What sounded false was that, before the gangbang, Danny and you talked about this same subject. Soon thereafter, he said he would give you a "surprise"--and you wondered for several days what it could be. I could see it coming a mile away: the surprise was going to be a gangbang. Thanks for clarifying that....I should have perhaps also explained that Danny and I discussed a few things that lovers do. A gangbang was discussed but there were other 'fantasies/things I would like to try' discussed as well. We spent more time discussing these other things and to be honest a gangbang was the last thing I expected.
Posts: 233
Quoting: cuck4mis I have enjoyed reading your posts FunGal and felt as though you epotimized the best of cuckolding, especially when you turned Bill away because he wanted you to leave your husband. Bill and I parted company because he got a bit possessive about me seeing other guys. He had no problem with my relationship with Hubby and never suggested me leaving him. Bill just wanted to monopolize the relationship and I didn't want that. Quoting: cuck4mis If, on the other hand, you are thinking about leaving your husband, as you seem to be, I am not thinking of leaving my husband and have never said so. We are still together as a couple but we no longer have sex and I see other men. The 'separation' thing is something we have made up for the benefit of relatives and close friends etc, who might see me out with other guys and/or when I have a baby and it is obvious that hubby can't be the man. What I have considered is this - still staying with hubby but being with another guy as a couple. My husband will always be part of my life, as long as he wants to of course. It is just a question of how this will eventually be established in terms of status. Quoting: ashes2flames Sweet! I just noticed that little red 'x' next to user names. I haven't a clue what the little red x is for....can anyone tell me? Quoting: name Show him zoology and botanics books featuring black snakes, eels and dark skinned oblong fruits and vegetables. Am I missing something here....or has someone spiked my coffee?
Posts: 463
The "x" is if you want to ban someone from commenting on your thread.
My idea of what you meant by the trial separation being "official" is that you would still live with your husband but no longer be a romantic couple. Your relationship would be officially "on hold" and you'd be more like best friends/room mates. And friends and family members would no longer see you as a couple.
Is that what you are getting at?
Posts: 233
Quoting: dblue1 The "x" is if you want to ban someone from commenting on your thread. Thanks for that Quoting: dblue1 My idea of what you meant by the trial separation being "official" is that you would still live with your husband but no longer be a romantic couple. Your relationship would be officially "on hold" and you'd be more like best friends/room mates. And friends and family members would no longer see you as a couple. Is that what you are getting at? Yes that is what I was trying to say......thanks.
Posts: 463
Can I say, fun_gall that I think it's very hot that you are considering that.
Does part of you already feel separated romantically from your husband?
Do you think he'd get hard if you had the "we need to be just friends for a while" talk?
Posts: 4
Quoting: fun_gall I told him that if I ever did split with hubby it would only be for someone who would allow me to see other men. Quoting: fun_gall I wouldn't say that I am making plans at this moment in time to leave my hubby for good......but at the back of my mind I am beginning to think that this may happen one day These quotes are why I suspect that you are falling out of love for your husband. I hope I am wrong and appreciate you clarifying your thoughts for me but suspect that subconsciously you may already be separating from him. If not, I hope you will keep up with your exciting lifestyle and postings. You make all of us cucks envious of your husband.
Posts: 233
Quoting: dblue1 Does part of you already feel separated romantically from your husband? The answer has to be yes. It is difficult if not impossible to be intimate with another male over a long period of time and still have the same feelings for your husband. Quoting: dblue1 Do you think he'd get hard if you had the "we need to be just friends for a while" talk? Most certainly. We have discussed the possibilty of me falling in love with another man and although he does not want that to happen it does, for some reamister, get him very excited.
Posts: 463
Then it sounds to me like it might be the time to have a "talk" with your husband and make the separation official.
He'll get hard and your lover will be very happy!
Posts: 1285
Quoting: cuck4mis the reality of losing your most cherished "possession", your wife and life partner, due to deciding to pursue this lifestyle, would leave many of these supposed cuck's hollow and lonely inside. There are many ways of losing and fun_gall can (and has) spoken for herself on this. But I don't understand the distinction you are drawing, cuck4mis: Quoting: cuck4mis If your intention is to follow the life that your American correspondent is living, that of keeping your husband in the picture as your cuck while living with another man in order to deepen your relationship with him, then great. It is possible for a cuck to feel "hollow and lonely" even if his wife is still physically present in their shared home. Indeed, isn't all fetish cuckolding a matter of eroticizing exactly those fears and feelings (along with fears of rejection and failure, of course)? So while "many" wannabe cucks might regret to some extent getting what they fantasize about, isn't that implicit in the double-edged sword of cuckolding? It seems to me the real issues are how much risk you are comfortable with and what the cost/benefit of having the fantasy come true is for you. I would also point out that fun-gall has behaved very responsibly towards her husband in this entire matter. Rather than seeking her own interests first last and always (as many would), she has taken it upon herself to shield or soften things for him. But he is a grown-up and if the concern is about his life happiness, surely he has some role in ensuring that and making decisions about it. Pantalone, Wittol, oblate, abnegator, fellator, pathic, irrumatiophile,fop, epicene, cotquean, skivvy, thrall, and pilgarlic.
Posts: 4
I don't disagree that she has handled her situation with much care for her husband and said so in a prior post which is why I admire her so much. I suppose, in a way, I am merely extending to her husband my own fears of possibly losing my wife as we continue along this lifestyle. I think that, while the idea and even the reality might be exciting at first, to permanently lose your wife to another would eventually be very hard to take.
Posts: 233
Quoting: MrsBlackBlowupDoll It is possible for a cuck to feel "hollow and lonely" even if his wife is still physically present in their shared home. Indeed, isn't all fetish cuckolding a matter of eroticizing exactly those fears and feelings (along with fears of rejection and failure, of course)? So while "many" wannabe cucks might regret to some extent getting what they fantasize about, isn't that implicit in the double-edged sword of cuckolding? It seems to me the real issues are how much risk you are comfortable with and what the cost/benefit of having the fantasy come true is for you. I would also point out that fun-gall has behaved very responsibly towards her husband in this entire matter. Rather than seeking her own interests first last and always (as many would), she has taken it upon herself to shield or soften things for him. But he is a grown-up and if the concern is about his life happiness, surely he has some role in ensuring that and making decisions about it. Thanks MrsBBD for explaining things so eloquently. I think cuck4mis and all wannabe cucks should understand that there is always a risk element in these relationships. Living a fantasy can be fun but there are consequences. I know that my hubby loves listening to me and my lovers having sex and I know that he has enjoyed watching too. But after the sex comes the real intimacy of lying there with my lover kissing, cuddling and talking love. The longer this happens the more the bond is built and it is not surprising when the wife falls in love with her lover and the relationship with her own husband/partner diminishes. As I said, my husband gets off on me having sex with other men, but he is aware of the risk and is willing to take the consequences. Similarly, I enjoy the performance too and the dominance over him. It really gives the sex with my lover an added boost when, for example like last night, I got up from the settee and took Danny’s hand and said ‘Come on Darling it’s bed time.’ I knew that hubby was excited too but I also saw the look of hurt on his face. It was only momentary but I knew there was jealousy there, and that turned me on. The danger there is that the longer it continues the more there is the chance that I will loose respect for him. I know from chats I have had with other wives that this is quite common. This happened with my friend from the USA that I have mentioned. Her lover became the ‘real man’ in her eyes and he took over the position her husband once had. What will happen eventually in our marriage is hard to say at this stage. We still have a strong bond between us and I am having a great time with Danny and Malcolm but circumstances can change and who knows how I will feel in a year from now, especially if I am either pregnant or a lady.
Posts: 37
So when will we be graced with an update? Thanks for all the comments thus far.
Posts: 233
Quoting: denny1970 I think you've gone too far, way past the point of no return. That's what separates the reality from the fantasy of cuckolding, or the fact from the fiction!.......once another man starts getting into the marital bed then things will change. Relationships change and so do people. But I have no intention of bread is buttered on both sides so why I should I go back to margarine!
Posts: 233
Quoting: aceone So when will we be graced with an update? Thanks for all the comments thus far. There isn't a lot to tell really...unless its blow by blow accounts you are after! Malcolm couldn't make it last Thursday....his girlfriend is expecting a baby and she wasn't too well. Danny came round on Friday and stayed the night. Sex, as always, was fantastic. Hubby bought him a present...a Kama Sutra DVD and we made a start on some of the positions! I declined Malcolm's offer of another gangbang on Saturday. I was already well satisfied from Danny and did not fancy taking on six guys. They look fun on choreographed films but in reality they are quite exhausting and I did come away from the previous weekend with brusies and scratches. I don't think I will doing another for a long time if ever. Danny came round again on Monday evening and spent the night with me and this afternoon I hope to have the pleasure of Malcolm's company...and whatever else he has to offfer me!
Posts: 233
Quoting: denny1970 You certainly could have had a shot at genuinely having your cake and eating it decisions keeping a husband and guest what you have is really a shadow of a husband and some lovers. What is your problem Denny?If you want to offer advice then fine, other wise keep your nose out! My lifestyle is my business and all parties to it are very happy, thank you! It sounds to me as though you are a bit of a control freak....reminds me of someone I once knew! Quoting: denny1970 This reminds me why I am a "hotwifer" and not a "cuckold"...the real difference between sharing a wife and real-life mess of someone getting carried away with the sub-fantasies If you are for real and what you say is true then you are a cuckold. Call it what you want but if your wife is screwing other men then you are being cuckolded and are no different to my husband or any one else's in the same situation. Also, you are being dominated by your wife and you are a sub because you can't do anything about it.
Posts: 36
IGNORE Denny! I enjoy reading about your life experiences. Don't let one crab-apple spoil the fun!! BrianD43
Posts: 463
Fun_Gal, seriously ignore the Denny dude.
Trolls suck.
Posts: 85
have just the opposite problem - am a married male who would love to share his wife with others - male or female. have brought up the subject to her on numerous occassions - and she says that is my (me) fantasy not hers. However, she loves to read porn and gets really turned on by it. Anyone know of any porn available on the cuckold lifestyle? Maybe if she read some of that.... meanwhile, i'm frustrated. [email protected]
Posts: 8
Yay for the RED X!! Go red x go! What a douche bag.
Posts: 1285
#292 · Edited by: MrsBlackBlowupDoll
Well said ashes2flames. I really can't understand what your point is denny1970. You seem to be deeply threatened by fan-gall's situation. You desperately repeat your accusation that this is all fiction. Who are you trying to convince? Fun_gall? The rest of us? The more likely answer (perhaps the "some reamister" you feel compelled to "critique" her) is yourself. You are quick to deny any controlling impulses, but after castigating fun_gall thus: Quoting: denny1970 You let Bill move you into setting your husband up in Bill's idea of what a "good" cuckold should be. You make clear that she ought to bow to your idea of what a good cuckold relationship is instead: Quoting: denny1970 Even in cuckold marriages, there still needs to be an actual marriage going on that sharing a bed with another man should not remove. The others should always be a guest in your sex life. So, Bill is actually involved with these folks in the flesh and you only know them over the internet, but she should limit her relationship according to your pet theory rather than her lover's requests and her own desires. Uh huh. Quoting: denny1970 That being said, the difference between ME as cuck, and your HUBBY as cuck might as well be night and day, ditto for our marriages. I understand given your situation if you simply cannot comprehend a kink like this that doesn't involve an unhealthy level of domination or frankly any dom at all. Said the pot to the kettle! SHE cannot comprehend YOUR kink. What a laugh! ("It isn't me who's crazy - its all of you!") I particularly enjoy the lead in about how different you and your marriage is from her husband and her marriage. That's right. It could never happen to you. Oh no...your too special and smart. That's right. Nothing to fear here. Quoting: denny1970 At this point I think you are just exercising your sadistic streak over your willing and complicit husband. Why not just bolt? Let us grant for a moment that this statement of yours is true. (Just for argument's sake.) So, if she is enjoying a kink that is not on your approved list, she should just desist? Does she not seem to you a permister perfectly capable of making a decision to leave when and if she is ever ready? Or is it just that people (even internet strangers) engaging in relationships (even ones you deem to be fictional) that frighten you need to stop? Pantalone, Wittol, oblate, abnegator, fellator, pathic, irrumatiophile,fop, epicene, cotquean, skivvy, thrall, and pilgarlic.
Posts: 233
BrianD43 dblue1 ashes2flames MrsBlackBlowupDoll
Thanks for your support and comments. I am trying to make up my mind whether Denny is a wannabe cuck who feels guilty about his fantasies or is a being genuinely cuckolded and would like his wife to stop playing around but cannot stop her.
Judging from the way he is reacting to the way he perceives my treatment of my husband I am leaning toward the latter. Either way he should live and let live and keep out of other people's lives!
Posts: 463
Exactly, Fun_Gall.
I think the problem with a lot of cuckolds is that they want to "top from the bottom" i.e. they want their wives or gfs to cheat on them, but they want to be in control of the experience and have set boundaries.
They forget that their wives/girlfriends are real live human beings - and so are the men their wives/girlfriends have sex with. They'll have unexpected emotions, things will change.
At the end of the day their wives/girlfriends will make their own decisions about what they want and don't want. And, for the cuckolding relationship to work, it really needs to be about the woman's sex drive and desires - not the dude's desire to be humiliated in a weirdly specific fashion.
Your experiences make a lot of sense to me - and match my own experiences and the experiences of other couples I know in real life.
In fact, the only real difference I've seen between you and couples I know in real life is that you are way into the interacial thing, while my partner and the other women I know are mostly just into cute guys who make them happy - be their black, white, green or whatever.
But, I suspect that's just a permisteral preference on your end.
Posts: 233
Quoting: dblue1 I think the problem with a lot of cuckolds is that they want to "top from the bottom" i.e. they want their wives or gfs to cheat on them, but they want to be in control of the experience and have set boundaries. They forget that their wives/girlfriends are real live human beings - and so are the men their wives/girlfriends have sex with. They'll have unexpected emotions, things will change. At the end of the day their wives/girlfriends will make their own decisions about what they want and don't want. And, for the cuckolding relationship to work, it really needs to be about the woman's sex drive and desires - not the dude's desire to be humiliated in a weirdly specific fashion. So true dblue1. This is the difference bewteen doing it your head and doing it for real. As I have already said....'Once another man comes into the marital bed the relationship between husband and wife changes'. The husband has in fact given up all his rights to exclusive sex with his wife for ever. This is what happened in my own relationship. Even though it was me that instigated it, once my hubby handed over his wedding ring to Bill he was in fact handing over his sovereignty. Things could never go back to the way they were. He realises this and knows he has to live with the consequences. Fortunately for him he enjoys what I do and gets his own pleasres from it. Quoting: dblue1 In fact, the only real difference I've seen between you and couples I know in real life is that you are way into the interacial thing, Yes...although I have cuckolded him with a white guy it is far more exciting with a black guy. I find them much more superior in bed and from the offense point of view.......well I just love giving myself to someone of a different race to his.
Posts: 14
I haven?t read this from the start, maybe I will. Anyway, I think Denny had some really good points. I think everyone here has to accept that there are as much opinions as there are permisters. If people here don?t accept that, then where can we expect people to do that?
My point is anyway, when people write a fantasy as it is a reality. Then it really is quite boring. It would also be sad if the above story was reality. To this, I must add, I do sincerely respect all your opinions, as we all are free to think and speak what we want.
Posts: 233
Quoting: erickso It would also be sad if the above story was reality. Why? I am having the time of my life and my hubby commented the other night...."Though I somtimes feel like a nervous wreck living on the edge like this, at least I know I am alive"
Posts: 463
I don't see it as sad either. It's just the way relationships evolve. It looks to me like her husband is becoming her best friend instead of her sex partner. Is that so awful?
And she's certainly preparing them for the time when they won't be a couple anymore.
Posts: 1285
#299 · Edited by: MrsBlackBlowupDoll
I don't get you erikso. Setting aside that you don't have all the facts: Quoting: erickso I haven?t read this from the start You say: Quoting: erickso I think everyone here has to accept that there are as much opinions as there are permisters. Which is, of course, exactly what we think and what denny1970 clearly doesn't. HE insists that our opinions and kinks and even fun-gall's relationship are all invalid because they do not conform to his approved list. People are entitled to their opinions, but they are not entitled to be rude, snotty, and insulting. It is fine for denny1970 to have his own private philosophy about cuckolding, but way, way not fine for him to belittle, insult, and attack fun_gall for having her own. Sadly, I see that you are not above disrespectful boorishness yourself: Quoting: erickso My point is anyway, when people write a fantasy as it is a reality. Then it really is quite boring. It would also be sad if the above story was reality. What do you mean IF? Fun_gall has said it is her true life experience. Why do you feel compelled to call her a liar? Talk about insulting! In this world we all free to accept or doubt the veracity of what we are told. But to step forward an question someone's integrity without so much as a shred of evidence (and in you case while admitting you don't really know anything about the case) is really obnoxious of you. In this context your sign-off: Quoting: erickso To this, I must add, I do sincerely respect all your opinions, as we all are free to think and speak what we want. ...can only be seen as totally insincere. Where is the "respect" in calling someone a liar? Where was the respect in denny1970 decision to join what had been a polite and friendly conversation and start trash-talking the conversation leader? The law may make you free to say what you want, but if you use that by insulting and attacking people, you are certainly subject to indignant rebuttal from your victims and social censure from people of good will. I am shocked that you think denny1970 should somehow be magically exempt. Pantalone, Wittol, oblate, abnegator, fellator, pathic, irrumatiophile,fop, epicene, cotquean, skivvy, thrall, and pilgarlic.
Posts: 463
Right on, Mrs. Black.
And I have to say that fun_gall's story is a lot more like what people I know in real life in cuckold situations have gone through than most of the stuff on this site - so I suspect it is very real.