Posts: 158
One of friends just called me back, to say did I want to meet up next week and she would tell me what went on. She has lots of storys to tell me, that she thinks I should know.
Posts: 509
Posts: 158
Sorry I'ma bit thick (english cousin you know). What does did some spicy vanilla stuff mean?
Posts: 509
Will meet for sissy sex with yor cuck!!
Posts: 509
Quoting: wifesbitch # Posted: 2 Jul 2007 19:19:10 Reply Quote bullfluffnswallow, Capitals means you are shouting Point taken... THANKS Who's Your Bitch.single,cuz not man enuf to attract a woman.
Will meet for sissy sex with yor cuck!!
Posts: 158
Waiting for her to come back. she has phoned but there is something very funny about her. She does not seem her normal self.
Is she pisst off with me for my suggestions OR ?
Posts: 509
Can't see why she would have anything to be pissed at you for. My guess is she may feel guilty.If so she may be a bit off-putting to you as a defense mechanism? Quoting: RANDYJON # Posted: 1 Jul 2007 21:16:07 Reply Quote One of friends just called me back, to say did I want to meet up next week and she would tell me what went on. She has lots of storys to tell me, that she thinks I should know. ???? Just reread this post. m/b this would make her pissed? Anyway,my advice ... Be supportive and encouraging and LET HER KNOW HOW MUCH IT TURNS YOU ON!!!!  ~~ yup shouting Who's Your Bitch.single,cuz not man enuf to attract a woman.
Will meet for sissy sex with yor cuck!!
Posts: 2
Can't wait to know how this ended??? Please let us know Randyjon!
Peter C
Posts: 6921
Hope everything is okay now your naughty wife is back home. The advice above is right. She may be feeling guilty or pissed off that one of her friends or your sister is unhappy with her behaviour, so be tell her how much you love her. Be supportive; encourage her and make sure she knows you're happy with anything that has happened - very happy!
If you show her you are jealous, anxious or insecure with the knowledge that another man or other men have been fucking your wife in Magaluf over the weekend, that will make her feel worse and spoil things. Believe me, that happened to me. Peter C
Posts: 762
Quoting: Peter C If you show her you are jealous u still need to show a little, just be in contol of it. not to disa gree with Peter C. but it will make her feel loved ,special and important
Posts: 762
emphasis on 'a little' hapy 4 july (is that what you say) i like 'festivus 'myself
Posts: 158
Thanks for all the advice
Just a quick note, need to go to work, bt will write more over the next few days when I can.
She snt me a text at 2.30am to say they had just landed (funny that cause the airport web site said they landed at 12.50am ???). she then switched her phone off???
She got home at 3.40am (we live 30 mins from airport)???
I was still up waiting for her return (horny as hell). She was very much awake, she kissed me very passionately and then went off to the bathroom for 10 mins. went to bed and she was really randy, stared to play with her pussy, decided to lick her cunt and it tasted soapy, she stopped me so I just fingered her.
I asked if she had been a good girl " yes" Had she kissed lots of blokes "yes, but not real tongue kissing" Had she had her arse felt "yes" Did she feel any blokes arses "I can't remember" Did anybody feel your tits "I can't remember" Did you feel any guys cocks and balls like you are stroking mine now "NO" Did suck anybody "NO" Did you get fucked then "NO, but I could of and you said it would be alright if I did, you would have liked that wouldn't you if I told you I had sucked a guys cock and then had him fuck me till his spunk filled my pussy, wouldn't you, WOULDN'T YOU" She came!!! She then pulled me on top of her and stuck my cock inside her wet pussy. "You wanted me to get fucked didn't you, you love the idea of some guy doing this to me, some big cock fucking me till I cum and some guy shouting his spunk down my throat" I came.
We talked for a while and she said everyone behaved and she talked about them takeing and having a good time till she fell arelax.
Next day she went off to work early and came back very late. I spoke to my sister and one of her other friends during the course of the day and they told me they all had a good time. But then they told me about my fiancee riding the Bull and flashing her knickers and boobs at everyone, about her dancing on the podium at one of the clubs until some guys helped her down, about a bunch of guys stripping off but she was not there, but later was slow close dancing with one of the men who was still naked??? About how her sister were kissing all the guys and chatting up everybody, but from what I could understand my fianc�e was chatting up loads of guys and kept disappearing to dance they think?? She hadn't told me about any of this.
I spoke to her when she got back from work, told her I had heard loads about what went on "What have you heard and from how" I said "well you tell me" "Oh nothing happened and anyway you have only heard 2 peoples version" "I heard all about your sister kissing all the guys" "Oh yes, she was snogging a few" "and about you dancing on the podium" "Oh yes, didn't I tell you about that then" "and about you dancing with some naked guy" "who told you that" "Well did you" "Yes" "and" "and what did they tell you" "nothing else" "Yeh we danced for a bit, but that was all. Anyway I'm really tired I going to bed" "Me to, I'm as randy as hell" I said "come on then, do you want to fuck me again" "oh Yes" Just then a program came on the tele and she announced that she wanted to watch it. It was a program about police chases and she finds that type of program really boring. We watched the program bt she did not want to talk while it was on. 30 mins later we went to bed and she then says I'm really tired sorry. She turned over and pretended to go to relax. I feel arelax after a while and when I woke up she was in the other bedroom. She got up got dressed and went to work.
Ok I know the last bit is boring, but I put it in to explain her behaviour since she has been back. I know there is a lot more to come out yet and yes I do keep telling her I love her.
But what do you think went on? Why the time delay at the airport? Why was she so randy and not tired when she came back? Why the saopy taste?????
Posts: 5
gotta sat this is the best thread on here at mo. best thing on the net as far as I'm concerned Sounds very familiar to me & I bet your in turmoil at the mo (but still feeling REALLY turned on). IMHO it's pretty certain that she's played around & been getting her brains fucked out while she's away but who knows.... I know one thing....I'm desperate to find out more...... 
Posts: 509
Quoting: joranc Member 182 # Posted: 4 Jul 2007 06:52:32 Reply Quote emphasis on 'a little' hapy 4 july (is that what you say) i like 'festivus 'myse We almost always say happy "fourth", for some reamister? Is that the Seinfeld festivus you like?? AND RANDYJON...Sounds like your hottiehonnie had quite an adventure!!! I just reread the thread(bit of a poet what?) luvvv hearin' about cumming out party's for wayward debutantes=newli slipped sluts!!! my read.....She did more than shes tellin' and afraid of your reaction! When you asked if any guy grabbed her tits, she said "she didn"t remember"!!! Guess she didn't remember ALREADY TELLING YOU ON THE PHONE!!! Doesn't remember means YES!! Soapy pussie? Seems pretty obvious... My guess is she's feeling "bangers remorse" ( in the States, buyers remorse means one has made a purchase and has regrets afterward[can't take back some things ya know?]) I'm guessing shes in as much emotional turmoil as you,if not more. So, my advice... is pretty much the same ...lot's of support and love...BUT,also keep the "fantasy"going!!! You'll have to judge yourself when to move forward and when to back off. GOOD LUCK!!! keep  us posted!!! Who's Your Bitch.single,cuz not man enuf to attract a woman.
Will meet for sissy sex with yor cuck!!
Posts: 762
bullfluffnswallowQuoting: bullfluffnswallow Quoting: joranc festivus bingo, spot on the money, you win the prize
Posts: 25
need an update, intriguing events
Posts: 509
Quoting: joranc Quoting: joranc festivus bingo, spot on the money, you win the prize I hope it's an all expenses paid trip to KIWI ISLAND!!!  " festivus for the rest of us!!!"  AND RANDYJONSON....Any update???!!!! Who's Your Bitch.single,cuz not man enuf to attract a woman.
Will meet for sissy sex with yor cuck!!
Posts: 509
ANY UPDATES???? Hope everything is okay. We're in your corner. Who's Your Bitch.single,cuz not man enuf to attract a woman.
Will meet for sissy sex with yor cuck!!
Posts: 229
This thread really struck a cord with me because it reminds me of a period in my marriage that happened a little over a year ago. The events also revolved around a wedding (but not ours; we've been married for over 10 years), and were also followed by what felt like weeks of evasiveness (although I suppose it must have only been a few days). My wife (picture below) has known about my 'shared wife' fantasies for a few years and has always been accepting if a bit stand-offish about them. But, I never really pushed the idea on her and for most of this time it was a subject I pretty much kept to myself. Then, she went through a period of thinking more about aging, her body and sexuality (which are fine�its just that we are old enough that we can see man time in the rearview mirror). During this time, we had an alchohol- and foreplay-lubricated conversation in which she asked me what sorts of porn I like and what sorts of fantasies I have. I told her in clear terms that it is pretty much naughty nympho wives or nothing for me. She knew this already, but her reaction was refreshingly warm � for the first time she told me that was hot, she asked me if I fantasized about her acting this way, and she said veiled but encouraging things ("so you think about me doing this to some guy?" � takes cock into mouth). In the weeks after this, the level of flirty chat and innuendo stayed high whenever we had sex, and she started wanting to do something a little edgier than usual almost every time (fucking with our clothes on in the basement when people were upstairs; having sex bent over a bedroom desk; giving me an un-asked-for full-service blowjob in the middle of the night; etc.). And I got used to the idea that she would warm up quickly at the first suggestion that I liked to think of her as a secret slut. Then she attended the wedding of one of her old friends. The ceremony was on the other side of the country and she went alone. When we were making out the night before she left, I joked that she would probably take advantage of her weekend away from home by giving some guy a blowjob in the coat room at the reception. She really responded to this and wanted me to paint the whole picture while I touched and kissed her. I played along (obviously!) and by the time she was ready to cum the coatroom door was locked and she was bent over the bed rail getting fucked senseless. She never asked for permission to really do it, nor did she swear it was all just talk, but her responses in the heat of passion ("you'ld love it if I did that, wouldn't you...God, I would suck his cock so hard...") were never retracted or explained away. I didn't get any clue that anything was up while she was away because we were both busy and didn't talk much. But when she returned she was definitely quiet, initially avoided sex, and had little specific to say about the wedding. I finally broke her down with a couple glasses of wine and some foreplay. When I finally asked her if she had 'messed around' or 'been bad' at the wedding, she admitted that she had but felt too guilty to tell me about it. I assured her that I understood it was a moment of weakness likely inspired by the recent turn in our sex life, and she then told me what happened. It was more than I guessed! She had gotten takes at the reception, went with a guy to a car parked in the adjacent lot, made out with him, sucked his cock, and then let him fuck her in the back seat (...of the car; not her back seat). Once she was done telling all, I forgave her and we had great sex. She has not done it again, but this experience has added a huge jolt of electricity to our sex life. The pillow talk about naughty wives takes on a different meaning when she is telling the truth! Anyway, you are not alone! darslangly
Posts: 216
She has a great body... fantastic breasts! Looks like she knows how to have a good time. Let me knwo where her next wedding is ;)
Posts: 96
hi hun, you can assume she fucked some guy(s) in her takesen state. you can also assume that she wont remember much and that she will say sex with you is better! Lukie
my god i just found this thread and it's got me buzzing. i feel the same way as you RANDYJON every time my g/f goes out with her friends. not too often but when it does i always encourage her to be the one in the group that shocks the others with her antics of dancing close with other guys, snogging or even disappearing for a short while.
please post an update for us!!!
Peter C
Posts: 6921
Quoting: DarsLangly She has not done it again, but this experience has added a huge jolt of electricity to our sex life. The pillow talk about naughty wives takes on a different meaning when she is telling the truth! Very true! My wife has only ever cuckolded me the once, with a much younger guy she'd met seven and a half years ago, but I still love to remember it and recall how we lay in bed as she told me all about it. She even phoned him in front of me to thank him! Peter C
Posts: 229
Very cool. So, what happened between her and this other guy? darslangly
Peter C
Posts: 6921
Quoting: DarsLangly Very cool. So, what happened between her and this other guy? Hw was a customer at the shop my wife worked in. This young guy Chris kept chatting her up and I encouraged her to flirt with him and take things further. Debbie was very flattered by his attention and fancied him too. Chris was 23 and Debbie told him she was 34, married with kids, but he didn't care. Chris started walking Debbie to the station for her to catch her train home and he held her hand, put his arm round her waist and soon they were kissing passionately on the platform. They met up for breakfast one day too, but the day after her 35th birthday they went out on a proper date. After a couple of takes, Chris took my wife back to his flat, where he quickly undressed her. Naked on this young guy's bed, Debbie watched him strip, enjoying the sight of his fit, muscular body and his erect cock. He complimented her on her body and tattoos, then set to work warming her up. He fingered her eager pussy and sucked at her tits, before fucking her vigourously. She rang me just after, whilst Chris made coffee. I was shopping in the supermarket with the kids. It was weird knowing my wife was in bed with Chris, but not an unpleasant feeling. After coffee and a cigarette, Chris was ready again, but this time Debbie took the lead and got on top of him for another, slower fuck. Chris wan't finished yet though, and he fucked my wife a third time before it was time for her to come home. The stamina of youth, eh? Peter C
Posts: 216
Peter C: so just curious, why only the one time ever? just to satisfy a mutual fantasy for the two of you?
Peter C
Posts: 6921
Hi SNJ_Dom, Mainly my fault I'm afraid. I loved Debbie telling me all about her evening and was pleased that she'd been fucked by this young guy. She admitted that she was reluctant to tell me that Chris had fucked her 3 times and in a way, she was right. I was a bit shocked, but thinking about it, I should have realised that a young guy would have more staying power and quicker recovery than me - I was 41. That night, Debbie and I fucked too and she said it was nice to back with her husband. She'd enjoyed that young cock too though, and we agreed that she could see him maybe once or twice a week, working around her shifts and mine. Debbie also fancied staying overnight at his, maybe once a month and even suggested taking him out clubbing in our town, rather than his, and taking him back to her sister's empty flat for the night. I didn't want to meet my wife's "bit on the side", but all this sounded okay to me. Later though, in the cold light of day, doubts set in. The fact that Chris fucked Debbie so well worried me. I felt inadequate, anxious and insecure. Still turned on by him having fucked my wife, and not jealous. Chris's ability to fuck Debs three times that quickly made me wonder if she preferred sex with him to our more quiet love-making. What if he had a bigger cock than me? - he didn't apparently. What if she went off with him? What if he turned up here and wanted to fight me for her? He sounded a cocky young guy and had been in trouble with the police before. I was just some puny husband - he'd have beat me hands down. So I asked Debbie to stop. Coupled to this was the fact that Chris did not ring her or go into the shop after their date, so Debbie felt a bit used, dirty and a bit of an old slag. Had Chris just been looking for some easy lay and lost interest after he'd had what he wanted? I doubted that as I've always thought Debbie was a really good fuck, and was sure Chris would have thought the same and wanted some more if it was on offer on a regular basis. Chris did come and see her eventually, saying he'd been working away, and suggested they go to bed again in front of other staff and customers. Debbie was assistant manager now, so quite embarrassed. She turned down his offer and said she would be going home to her husband and kids. "You didn't say that last time", he sneered. We had a few quiet, awkward days, but soon got back to normal and back to making love. I didn't consider Debbie to have been unfaithful, as it had been my idea. She was worried I would think her a slut, soiled goods, and throw it in her face when we had an argument, but I never have. Hindsight is a wonderful thing, but I wish now that I had let things carry on. Maybe Debbie and Chris would have had a thing going for a few weeks, months even. Maybe she would have got herself other guys and sampled a variety of cocks, maybe even black cock. I wanted my wife to have "a bit on the side", then I blew it. She vowed then never to"go down that road again", and hasn't. I wish she would. I want her fucked by other men again, but she won't do it despite my occasional encouragement. She will tell me if she fancies a guy we see and if she mentions being "naughty" in bed, she knows how horny it makes me, but that's as far as she'll go now. I still enjoy her dressing in short skirts and high heels though and catching guys eyeing her up and she quite likes it too. There are pics of her brownietered around this site if you care to look for her. Here's one of her with her thigh autographed by a cabaret act on a night out. I wasn't with her, but I bet he enjoyed signing his name right up there and I bet a few guys enjoyed seeing Debbie with her dress hitched up for him. She came home with a damp pussy, so took her panties off before I took this pic. Tell me what you think. Peter C
whatever happened to the original poster, i would so love to find out how this story turned out.
Posts: 94
I had a similar experience with my wife. The wife and I met when we were 17, I took her cherry when she was 19, “she was a sweet innocent God fearing Catholic girl who went to church at least three times a week with her family”. We married when we were 21, bought our house when we were 25 and had two youngren when we were 28 and 30. When we were 35 I met up with an old friend of mine I used to go to school with and the wife and I got on real well with him and his wife, they eventually told us that they were members of a nudist club and invited us along, the wife was apprehensive at first but did come along and enjoyed herself so we joined the nudist club ourselves, their was an underground movement of swingers in the club we found out after being in it for a while, we became friends with some of the swingers but were never invited to any of their private parties where the swinging went on, and the women that were into the swinging had a strict rule that they would not play with any guys who’s wife was not into swinging. The wife and I had talked about it, but I thought that their was no chance at all of her becoming involved but I did let her know that if it did by any chance happen it was OK by me, (she gave me some funny looks). At this time I was working shift work and their was a straight party on the Saturday night at a member of the nudist club’s house and a lot of the people from the party were going to the nudist club the next day, I had to start work at midnight so we arranged for the wife to get a lift up to the nudist club on the Sunday morning and I would go straight to the club when I finished work, as I was leaving I seen the wife was spending some time with a friend of ours Joe that I thought she was a bit keen on but thought nothing of it. I finished work and drove to the club and pulled up near our caravan, seen my wife sitting talking to some of the women at one of the other vans takeing tea (my wife don’t take holy water at all so everything she does she does stone cold sober out of lust and lust alone) so I went into our van and undressed, as I came out of our van the wife was walking towards me and met me a little way away from our van, kissed me, then she said “I was a naughty girl last night”, my reply was a bit of a flirt and fun was OK and never hurt anyone” and she replied “it was more then a kiss and a cuddle” I started to bar up then and there (not the done thing to do at a nudist club) so I took her into our van and had her tell me what happened, and when she started I eased her down on the bed and started fucking her as she told me what had happened, It turned out that after I left her and Joe really played up to each other and she got all turned on and decided to do it, “after all I had said that it would be OK if it did happen”, Joe and her looked but could not find a place to do it as the house was full of people so Joe went and asked the Carmen the woman who’s place the party was at for a hand, (Joe was also fucking Carman on the side) so Carmen stood watch outside a bedroom door while they had it off and the wife gave me a blow by blow description of what happened with Joe as I was fucking her, (Carmen was in the group that my wife was takeing tea with when I arrived) so they all knew what had happened the night before. The next day the wife and I had a visit from Joe and Carmen and I had it off with Carmen while the wife went with Joe again and then we had an all in together fling, the wife and I were welcomed into the swinging scene with open arms (and legs), we enjoyed it for about 15 years and then sort of slowed down a bit and got more so into M F M threesomes with other guys joining in with us, I love seeing her going with another guy and going sloppy second’s “or third’s”, I love the feeling of slipping my cock into my wife after another guy has been in and empted his seed in her, we stayed in the lifestyle for 25+ years on and off as family commitments allowed and are still very happily married. 
Posts: 158
Hi all Been busy for the last few weeks, but I can give you an update on the hen night and honeymoon if anyone is interested.
Let me know