Montreal Dom
Posts: 86
RonMack55, you've done a mistake that far too many cucks make. If her first fuck like this was with a bull you'd know for sure you'd be keeping her. Her relaxing with him may be a fantasy but from the story you've told this is not about her jumping in the sack with some guy to satisfy her fantasy or yours. This is a prolonged relationship in which she is developing feelings.
Posts: 43
#62 · Edited by: RonMac55
Time will tell in terms of whether or not I have "done" a mistake Montreal Dom. Time may prove you correct--however, I have been in this marriage long enough to know what my wife's general tendancies and feelings are like. She has remained in the marriage despire our physical challenges--and that says something. I am not a fool off letting this happen because it feeds some hidden fantasy of mine. I am pragmatic, of course, and I felt I risked losing my wife, believe me, I would not be so cavalier. My wife is a pragmatic woman with physical needs. I may be a fool, but I don't think she would see a practical future outside of our marriage, particularly with a 25 year old. Believe me, if my wife is attracted to this guy--as I believe she is--it is only for one reamister.
Posts: 589
some picture of your wife would add a special pleasure to the reading don't you think ? your italian bull in Venice
lets meet over week-ends or full weeks: your gorgeous hotwife will be my slut. From unaware sexy ladies to complete slut in training. Classy and strong. please Pm for detail. Age 49. Looks younger. Will travel to European de
Posts: 43
At this point I'm not about to throw any pictures of my wife up here--really...she isn't a willing participant in this forum--if that ever changes, I'll consider it--until then I intend to protect her privacy.
I have repeated my lunchtime "drive bys" three times--and the black Silverado has been there two out of the three times. Ultimately when I arrive home, everything is normal, exactly as it should be. I have yet to approach the house, or take any more steps, as I'm not 100% sure how to proceed just yet. It is plainly obviously "something" is going on--they're either watching Oprah together or something else...and as little as I know about this guy, I don't think he's Oprah-watching material.
I have been thinking about a least moderately considering it. I'm also trying to figure out where he lives--I should be able to find this somehow--like most cops his number is unlisted, so I have to be creative. I have asked about him specifically--she again has only mentioned emailing of work-out tips, and mentioning the possibility of meeting up with him at the gym...of course, this intrigues me too--she doesn't share freely, but shares at least a little bit of what's going on when I ask. Will keep you posted.
Montreal Dom
Posts: 86
#65 · Edited by: Montreal Dom
Whatever you do, don't get a camera. You know my view on this whole thing, I think she's developing emotions for this guy and you are in trouble. However, I certainly defer to your expertise on your wife. Having said that, as long as your wife is a woman I can assure you a camera would totally piss her off. You need to figure out a way to make her feel comfortable to talk to you about this. It is not at all unusual for women to be completely, 100% uncomfortable talking about this even if their husbands are 100% supportive and actually know its going on. It's a big barrier for some women. Somehow, without actually saying it, you need to let her know that you're okay with it but if it's happening without you knowing then you're not.
P.S.: I have no idea how you can deal with what you're dealing with. There's no way I would have done everything you have done to help things lead up to this; and at this point I would be bursting with anger. And no offense, but I don't know if that is a compliment or insult (I really don't know).
Posts: 43
I'll just take it as an insult and leave it at that.
Montreal Dom
Posts: 86
Posts: 115
What's happenin' Ron
Posts: 56
Been following your story. Please don't keep us in the dark. Would love to find out what is happening.
Posts: 581
Ron, I have been following this withmuch interest. Did you consider parking further down the road and walking around yr house to see what's going on? Another idea: some cellphones have an autoanswer option, so you could putit on silent and leave it home, call it & see. In any event, it seems you are on the road to heaven, only drawback she is so clammed up about it! Please keep us posted! ;)
Posts: 43
Hey sorry it's been so long since I posted...just been busy with work and other adventures.
I have asked time and again about Jamister--but I only get the same vague responses--that they email and that he's met her at the gym a few times to show her some things she can do, physically, to stay in shape--that's it, she goes no further with it. Our sex life has cooled almost completely lately--same issues as always, lack of performance, etc.
I have not, however, sat around doing nothing. Firstly, I found out where Jamister lives--it's hard to track down people with unlisted numbers--and cops seem to have those frequently--but I did find him. He lives in a small townhouse-condo--the same black Silverado parks there. On four ocassions in the past week I have found my wife's car nearby--not right at his house--but a little ways away in visitors parking or on the street--these are either daytimes, or evenings when she's 'shopping' or 'out with friends', etc. Obviously this confirms what I already knew.
Secondly, at the beginning of last week I received an unexpected phone call from a long-time friend of my wife's who insisted we talk immediately. We met up, and it turns out she was meeting me to share that she suspects my wife is having an affair and wanted to share her suspicions with me. She claims my wife has been evasive with her, has cancelled plans without reamister and in her eyes is acting "different". A few weeks back she apparently came by our house during the day--the truck was there. She rang anyway and claimed my wife acted stangely--distracted--and said a repair crew had left the truck there and were coming back to get it later (no repairs done on the house lately, believe me)...they had a quick coffee and my wife insisted she wasnt feeling well--so her friend left. The tip off, aside from the truck was that she noticed a pair of shoes near the door which she said out-of-place--as in they were way too big to be mine (they were mens running shoes) that time she decided just to head home and not mention anything more...she has asked my wife point-blank if she's seeing someone and has gotten a denial. My wife's friend is upset and thought I should know...
Anyway...that's all I have for now. We know now what's going on...just not sure where it will head next--needless to say I'm excited and sick all at once--100X more than I ever thought I would be on both counts.
Posts: 20
maybe it is time to let her in on what you know, with a smile.
Maybe it'll bring back your sex life, especially if you let her know it's ok and she can do it anytime she likes as long as she loves you.
Posts: 43
I tried really hard to get some info out of her--but, all I get is that Jamister's meeting her at the gym and helping her with her routine. I do think he left a tshirt here though--I found one on Wednesday that's definitely not mine--haven't said anything about it--still early I think--the risk is there to scare her off.
Posts: 114
Watch what you say. Manny guys have lost a wife by doing and saying the wrong thing. I'f your'e OK with this then wait and watch. And get as much advise as you can.
Posts: 7
Update please. enjoying the flow of the story....
Posts: 74
I really really really think you should get a camcorder, hide it in the bedroom where it can get a good shot of the bed, put a piece of electrical tape over the red record light, set it to record on extended or super long play, then hit the record button before you leave. You'll have evidence either way and if you want to whack off to it you can. I'd do it every day if I were you (recording, not whacking off, LOL.)
Posts: 93
This is really hot. Your wife running around on you and you loving it. When she goes out with friends or shopping is she dressing different? Or is she maybe taking a change of clothes ? Id love to know more, keep us posted.
Posts: 7
Something must have happened since your last post. Please keep us up to date this is very hot.....
Posts: 239
I have just read your tale from start to finish. I am not going to suggest that you you could have done things differently; that would be a waste of your time and mine. However, I would like to take this opportunity to give you my take on where things stand now and offer you some suggestions on a future course of action.
First off, forget about the cameras, the audio recorders or acting like you are either James Bond or Napoleon Solo. If you really wanted proof positive that this cop has been cucking you with your wife, you could easily employ the services of a professional private investigator who would get you all the proof you need in a totally discreet manner. However, there is no need for you to spend any of your hard owned money. I am permisterally convienced from reading your postings that Jamister has been fucking your wife for sometime now. And he is going to continue fucking your wife because both of them are having the time of their lives, as far as their orgasms are concerned. If I was a betting man (and I am), I would bet the farm on it.
I get the impression that you have a genuine fear of losing your wife to this guy. That is a reamisterable concern on your part, because it is obvious that you truly love your wife. I had to face the very same fear when I was on the verge of becoming a cuckold. But I can see no evidence that your wife is planning to do that. She has shown no disrespect to you and she has not become abusive towards you. As far as I can tell, the only aspect of your marriage that has changed is that your wife is getting her rocks off using another guy's cock. Furthermore, if she was even contempleting leaving you, why hasn't she already done so? Could it be that she fears losing you more than you fear losing her? It would explain why she is being so secretive and coy, she does not want to hurt you. And let's say your worst nightmare becomes reality, your wife walks out on you. Where is she going to go? You think that she will move in with Jamister? I don't think so. Fucking another man's wife behind his back is one thing; having the now ex-wife move in with you full time is another. I believe that Jamister likes his current lifestyle, he likes fucking around with a hot wife, so long as the wife is married to someone else. Finally, how do you know that your wife's honey pot is the only one that Jamister is dipping his wick in? Your wife said it herself, he can have any woman he wants. But why wine and dine another woman when he has total access to your wife's man-pleaser free of charge?
Please pardon my language, but I think you have come to the point where it is time to either cuckolds brownie or get off the pot. I suggest that it is time for you to either make the decision that you are either going to continue to be a closet cuckold for the rest of your life or you are going to sit down with your wife and have that heart to heart talk that you have been avoiding in the hopes that your fairy godlady will come down, wave her wand and make everything OK. Remember that you love your wife. Start the conversation by telling her that. Tell her that you will always love her, that you want to grow old with her; that you would give up your life to save hers. Then be honest and forward. Tell her in no uncertain terms that you know that she has been spreading her thighs for Jamister for some time now. Don't let her answer. Tell her that you are not angry, that she has been a wonderrful wife and that she deserves every happiness, even if it means rooting with another man. Tell her that you want her to continue screwing around with Jamister. Tell her that, much to YOUR surprise, the thought of another guy's cock sliding in and out of her sweet hole excites you to no end. Tell her that you would like to share in her pleasure by becoming her willing cuckold. I think she will accept your offer; working out the details will be a snap. On the other hand, if she storms out for good, well, it would have happened sooner or later anyway. Better sooner than later. At least you can get on with your life.
I wish you the best of luck. I am looking forward to the day when you can join me and your other fellow cuckolds in realizing the great pleasure that comes from watching and/or participating while another man fucks your wife silly. ALL THE BEST to you and your wife! A man has not lived until he watches another man fuck his wife!
Posts: 43
Thanks for the post, I appreciate it Amazonking. I do have a fairly lengthy update, will provide soon--just short on time at the moment. Thanks again!
Posts: 111
Update,Update,pleeeeze....we're on the edge of our seats here 
Posts: 56
Hope we hear from you soon. 
Posts: 216
I think we lost him...
Posts: 43
You didn't lose me. Still alive and well. Don't have time today for a lengthy update, patience, I do have some news, and will have more (hopefully) after this weekend.
Thanks as always for listening.
Posts: 56
Please let us know how you are doing. I can't imagine being in your shoes. The fear the excitment mixing with lust and jealousy, it has to be overwhelming at times. We are pulling for you and hope things are turning out as you had hoped or at least to a place you can deal with. 
Posts: 43
I'm doing fine. It's confirmed. I will attempt to sit down in the next day or so to let you all know what I know at this point.
Posts: 216
We all look forward to your next update, Ron!
Posts: 43
OK--so here goes. It's happening--confirmed. I wasn't getting anywhere with my wife--she was stonewalling--did admit she saw him "in passing" every now and then at the gym they both attend--but that's it. She was still absent long periods during the day, other trips out in the evenings with little explanation--but I still got nowhere.
For whatever reamister--call it morbid curiosity--I turned my attention to Jamister--knowing where he lives and works I did what I could to find out what I could about him--weird maybe, but it's hard not to be a little curious about the guy you think/know is fucking your wife. I admit--strange as it sounds--I hung out near is condo a couple of times--chilled in my car takeing coffee--he'd go for his run everyday, leave for work, etc--saw nothing out-of-the-ordinary really--like a regular 20-something single guy--never saw my wife come or go, which I was also curious about.
Anyway, it all finally broke last Sunday--and it broke because I was horny. We were home together--the ideas, thoughts, insecurities, etc--were racing through my mind--I can't possibly tell you exactly how aroused, excited and fearful I was--but I approached her, using advice that I'd gained here (thanks, btw). I confronted her--said I'd seen his truck at our house and that I'd found the discarded t-shirt. My wife was absolutely ashen--she denied it only briefly, and that admitted--through sobs, that she'd been cheating--that since December she'd been relaxing with Jamister several times a week. She was honestly terrified--like I'd never seen her before--and I was filled with love and sympathy for her. I felt guilt, fear, insecurity, and an abundance of lust--I never asked why, I only tried to reassure her that it was ok...that I understood, and that I was okay with it. She cried, I reassured her again--as best I could. Where do you go from there--it wasn't an easy few days. Things were quiet. I was sick inside, emasculated, but overwhelmed with lust--I can't tell you, despite it all, how turned on I was. My mind has been racing with images.
Midweek I suggested we talk more--and the fear came alive in her eyes again. I assured her again that everything was fine--that it would be fine--and that's when I told her that I didn't expect her to end her affair with Jamister--that that fact that it had gone on now for months told me that she'd found something she needed--I told her I'd noticed the changes in her--that she looked and seeme d younger in many ways. She was utterly shocked at my suggestion that she continue--no doubt she thought I'd insist it end.
Urgghhh...forgive me for about 20 minues, I need to take a phone call--I will be back to conclude...sorry for the suspense...unintentional...but I don't want to retype...
Posts: 43
| call over. So midweek we talked--it took awhile, but I actually assured my wife that I wasnt going to leave her, and that I understood what had happened and why. I reminded her that this is something we'd spoken of during some of our rare, but enjoyable sex play. She decided to relax on it some more, wouldn't commit to whether or not she'd continue seeing Jamister--but was reassured--I was still upset in many ways, but honestly, more turned on then ever. That night while she slept I jerked it 3 times--I haven't pulled something like that off since my teens.
Between our midweek talk and Friday dinner, my wife's attitude relaxed more--some of the bit of despair I felt diminished and we had a great dinner, lots of wine, laughed--honestly talked and connected more than we have in awhile--I admitted to her that in addition to "understanding" her affair, that I was also aroused by it. Though she was a little taken aback--I think she recalled previous talks and foreplay where the issue had come up--so I don't think she was COMPLETELY surprised. The wine helped, we relaxed, went upstairs--I got hard quicker and with more ease than anytime I recently recall--and we actually had decent intercourse--we both climaxed hard. We talked--more foreplay--and my wife admitted more of her secrets to me--at least some for now. As we continued our sex play she confessed that she'd been immediately and powerfully attracted to Jamister--that it was pure lust and nothing else--that she wasn't particularly attracted to his permisterality--that it was pure lust and she'd felt it right away. She was insecure about it--being older, and never assumed there would be reciprocation on his part--he remained to her--the type of guy who could have any woman he wanted--then they went to lunch I'd encouraged--something clicked. She said there was flirtation over lunch, emails, and a few workouts together at the gym--she was powerfully attracted. She said the flirtation was there--but with hesitation--both of them assuming the other wouldn't engage any further. She decided it would go nowhere--she wasn't sure that she could even do it given the chance and she was still reamisterably convinced he wasn't interested. So--further into December, a few days after she makes this decision--she goes out for takes with some friends (this is the norm for her at least once a week). They go to a different place than usual--and lo and behold, Jamister is there, with a few buddies of his. There is small talk--my wife tried to be inconspicous in front of her friends--in short order Jamister asked her if she wanted to just go "hang out" somewhere as he had to work in the morning and wasn't planning to stay late. Without protest or pretense she got in his truck and they drove to his place. Honestly, she's still being shy on the details--but, it sounds like it didnt take long--they chatted, the chat turned permisteral--intimate--and they went to his bed. Of course I recall this evening--I did get a message from her saying she'd be staying at some friends because she didn't want to drive...too much wine (this isnt out of the ordinary either)--she admitted to me the sex was good--that it was repeated--that they were still awake at dawn--and that the sex had been so rigorous that Jamister called in sick to the police department. She again decided this was something she'd never do again--in spite of how good it the early afternoon of that same day she was back at his place--and so the affair began.
Now this story took...hmmm...5 or 10 minutes to tell and I quickly gained the hardest erection I've had in years--I surprised her with a second round of intercourse--she apologized one last time for "everything"--and she cried some more--I'm still trying to reassure her.
So that's where things stand--she's aplogizing less, things are going "sort of" back to normal--we haven't discussed it deeply again so I have no idea yet if she's seen him--no idea if she'll tell him I know--but the one thing I made clear to her was--that if this were to continue--and I do genuine support that--that I expect to at least be informed about it--the effect it has on me beign obvious.
So there you have it for now--happy to update more soon...
Posts: 239
Congradulations! It sounds like everything is starting to go your way. Amazing what a little communication will accomplish. And as FDR once said: "The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself.
However, this is no time to relax your efforts. Positive reinpowerment can only produce positive results. Continue to reassure your wife that you love her; no woman will ever tire of hearing "I love you" from her man (men). Encourage the affair with Jamister. As a matter of simple conversation, ask her when she plans to see him again. Encourage her by asking what turns Jamister on; for example, he is a leg man. Then encourage her to encourage him by wearing heels, hose, garter belt and a mini-skirt the next time she sees him. The more sexual pleasure Jamister gives your wife, the more open minded and relaxed she will become. Once she is totally hooked and at ease, it should be easy to expand your role (and your pleasure) as her cuck.
Keep at it and soon you will join the rest of us in knowing the ultimate pleasure that comes from watching as another man fucks your wife silly.
Oh yeah, remember: pictures, pictures and more pictures. Cuckolding makes for great "Kodak moments." A man has not lived until he watches another man fuck his wife!