Posts: 103
hi, glad you posted back, you have me intrigued now. we are about 1hr 30 mins from bristol if that helps. look forward to your next post! i might have a place for you as a practice partner, i really do need to get cj up to speed on sucking hard thick cock! for which you may be suitably rewarded!
i have started another thread to try and get more uk members to start posting, take a look, it has a new photo. shellxxx
Posts: 173
Hi shell, well now you have me very, very intrigued too. What exactly did you have in mind for me? Play partner is vague and hence all the more exciting! I'd be interested in playing in pretty much any scenario. As I said before I adore foot worship, cuckolding and being sub generally. I'm fairly new to it (as my profile states) but very eager to learn and experience new things. I'd be happy to serve you with one of your many studs in whatever state of undress, bondage or humiliating outfit you want me to wear as well as serving you in the bedroom with or without the presence of a stud/hubby. I'd love to lick your lovers come from your feet, or wherever else on your body he chooses to deposit his superior seed. I'd love to paint your toenails, bathe you and get you ready for a date, wait on you and your boyfriend at home or in public, maybe worship him too! If there are no studs available I could always double as a bull myself. I hope some of the ideas here, though not very detailed whet your appetite. Look forward to your response, yours hopefully, slavelow.
Posts: 236
when i got home i noticed that my misters mates light was still on and was very tempted to knock, but maybe its a bit close to home!what do you guys on here think? should i?
You're really AMAZING  You're sexy, you have the right age, you love younger men and you have sexy sandals. All things that turn me on!
It's always risky to do it with one of your mister's friends, but way too exciting. Kids of this age, talk and brag a lot, but it depends how you would handle him. You can make him your puppy, coming back for and more. Anyone particular is on your list???
And yes, you are a fuckable MILF, no question about that! Excited to see young black studs + mature white wives!
Posts: 575
A milf without question. Awesome shot with the cream covered dildo. Don't know how to access slavelow's site so that I may weep with envy. I'm sorry you didn't find what you needed over the weekend. I'm sure you will soon, and hubby will have plenty of cleaning to do. Lucky fella.
Posts: 173
#65 · Edited by: slavelow
Mickey my profile page can be found at The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!
Posts: 575
Slavelow, sorry to bother you, but that address doesn't work. Is it written correctly?
Posts: 173
#67 · Edited by: slavelow
I've just changed it, it is not .com, sorry about that.
The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!
Posts: 575
slavelow, you aren't lacking in the cock department. Sounds like you may have shell convinced of your usefulness. Good luck with that
Posts: 173
Thanks Mickey, I certainly hope she finds a use for me.
Posts: 103
hi guys, where have you been? dont lie, ive read your recent posts. ha ha.
where to start, well firstly this page is rather boring with all this writing, needs a bit of livening up i think, i know lets post another pic for you lovely guys to enjoy.
next, slavelow we need to talk! cj and i were enjoying a little mutual wanking last night. (well it beats having his pencil dick stuck inside me) when he asked me what i was thinking of, we were both wanking over the pair of us with you. so if your genuine and your interested then can you email us please, we are planning a weekend away in may for my birthday and a bow around your gorgeous cock would be a perfect present. i will post an address asap. xxxx.
mickey, hi honey hows it hanging, not very low i bet. ha ha. ah baby im sorry. have you been wanking over me baby? i do hope so. i knew youd love the dildo pic, i picked it for you special.
hi jim, nice to meet you, couldnt find out a lot about you from your posts, a man of mystery eh? uhm how horny! glad you seem interested in the milf thing because it is so fucking horny.
i guess my fascination for it came about 10 years ago when i was seperated and living on my own with the kids, some of the other mums in the street had older misters who would pop round and help me out with different chores and errands but there was one lad called mickey (down dicklet not you) who seemed to be about more than the others, anyway one night my babysitter let me down, and feeling very horny and not wanting to miss out on a night out, i rang mickey and in my most flirtiest manner persuaded him to come round and sit the kids.
when i opened the door to him i noticed something different, mickey seemed to have grown up, the normaly scruffy 17 year old mickey was gone and here stood a smart, nice smelling, quite frankly fuckable young adult.
anyway casting those thoughts aside i showed him where everything was found him a couple of beers and left to meet my friends. it turned out to not be such a good night, even the nightclub was empty. so in between bouts of trying to pull a rather dishy barman i found my thoughts drifting back to how mickey looked on the doorstep. so as the time got steadily towards closing and the barman left with his girlfriend i decided to go home.
as i opened the door quietly i heard hurried feet and clicking of the vcr being switched off in a hurry. mickey seemed to be struggling with his clothing! ha ha when i think back now i can still imagine him cock in hand just about to come and then hearing the door key go in. god how he must of panicked.
so without boring you with the details of the conversation mickey and i had we decided that due to the time he should relax on the couch. so saying good night i left him and went upstairs, slipped out of the little clothing i was wearing and into bed. but for all the wine and the time i just lay there. finally i was just drifting off to relax when i heard the bedroom door creak open, and mickeys little voice saying "shell its really cold down there, do you have another blanket?"
"sorry mickey, i dont. why dont you slip in here" i said.
i was very quickly back to a state of being arelax but not if you know what i mean, when i felt his hand touch my bare back, first gingerly almost by accident to see what my reaction would be, then more daring.
i pretended to be arelax as his hand slipped lower onto my hip, again waiting there for me to move away or say something, then slowly his hand slipped upwards untill he found my breast. as he cupped my breast i was aware of his otherhand clumsily pulling down his boxers, grasping his hard cockand wanking him self off. before i had time to decide if i should turn over and fuck him he came, and my god did he cum! ithink he tried to catch most of it, but the first spurt shot up the small of my back looped over my hip and finished on my stomach. i came! then i came and then i came again, in fact i was still cumming as i heard mickey sneaking out the front door.
i am still the same, i only have to see or feel a guy cum and i am having a multiple!
wow got that off my chest, i do have a list of young guys i want to fuck, but i want cj to post them for you while i tell him who they are. there are a few that he doesnt know about yet. got to go. shellxxx
Posts: 173
I am very much genuine shell and would love to meet you on your birthday. The thought of being a birthday present kind of turns me on, an object or fucktoy for you to play with mmmmmmm. Just post your email addy and we'll talk. Can't wait.
Posts: 103
slavelow, will do it tomorrow. untill then imagine this!!!!!!! shellxxx
Posts: 173
oh shell, what an image to leave us with. See you tomorow
Posts: 575
Taking it to the root. That is very impressive....except with mine
Posts: 103
hi all, mickey would you like to see me with two in my mouth?
slavelow hi, would you like to email me, [email protected] glad you liked it, it feels better than it looks, i promise!!!!
guys please dont email me unless i invite you!
well jimz, you really are making us all wait. in answer to your question i have 7 names on my list, and at least 2 are members from this site. ha ha.
hows that for mystery?
dont make me wait too long slavelow! shellxxx
Posts: 173
Just this minute sent you an email shell, I hope to hear from you soon, love low.
Posts: 103
slavelow, just replied. shellxxx
Posts: 575
shell: 2 in your mouth? are you trying to make me bust in my pants? Wow! what a woman!
Posts: 103
hi guys, mickey, if you are giong to shoot over my pics then i want you to shoot in your hand, so you can eat your worhless cum! dont you have a digital camera baby? such a shame i cant see your worhless dicklet..
Posts: 575
Shell: It's worthless as a sex implement to women, but it's useful as a plaything for women, and it's useful to me because it can shoot...albeit not much. I always eat my cum....nobody else will.
Posts: 575
shell, you must be doing naughty things. I'm certain of it
Posts: 103
hi guys,
keep on eating it mickey, who knows it might make your dicklet grow! thats what i tell cj when i feed him spunk. ha ha.
and yes your right i was doing very naughty things, i always am!
come on then guys only a couple more posts and we go to a new page!
and you know what that means, new page = new story, new pic.
any requests?
Posts: 575
I'd love to see you doggie style with a big cock stretching you open and CJ underneath tonguing you both and catching all the tasty drippings. Or you squatting over him and dripping into his mouth. If it could make it grow, my dicklet would be raw from all the spanking I'd do.
Posts: 828
shell you are so hot
just like me ex
Posts: 828
my ex used to make me jack off in the toilet after she told me about how much she fucked (a bigger cock) the night before
Posts: 173
More feet pics please! The one with cum on it was so incredibly hot.
Posts: 575
Just think guys, Shell is probably getting stretched to the hilt while we're here jacking our puny dicklets. Shell's hubby is probably hungrily awaiting her return and his protein dinner. She is one serious hottie.
Posts: 103
hi guys, your right of course. its friday night and she always goes out with her friends. and yes i am at home waiting. it will be a long wait this evening i fear. i overheard her on the phone to her friend emma. once shell gets with that little slut anything could happen! i will keep you posted.cj
Posts: 828
she sounds like how my ex is now / just wild
she waxes now and is on the pill
so shes getting it all
Posts: 575
cj, do you love the creampies she brings you? I'd sure love it