Posts: 42
Looking for the right man to seduce my wife while in Las Vegas.
If you think you're the one, email me. Address is in my member profile.
Posts: 42
Maybe I need to post a picture ... Here's a tease ...
If interested, contact me.
Posts: 361
Posts: 25
When are you going to be in LV? I'm going to be there on business for 4 nights in late September.
Posts: 42
Thanks, Buddy;
She's a real woman and those babies really swing when she's getting it doggy style! Wish I could last longer when I'm in her.
Spitnstick: We will be in Vegas in June ...
Posts: 1
She looks likea hottie, I,ll be there the third week of June
billie poster
Posts: 355
Posts: 42
We'll be there the week of June 11. Email me if we can possibly get together...
Posts: 42
billie poster
Thanks. We are both photographers, so I have others but only a few. She is much more comfortable behind the camera.
I'd be a truly lucky man if I could watch and possibly help a longer lasting man give her the pleasure she deserves.
billie poster
Posts: 355
Posts: 42
fuck it have the lot
Thanks ... would love to watch YOU fuck her!
Posts: 42
Tell me what you'd do while I watch & perhaps help...
billie poster
Posts: 355
Hi Gort,
Though i am faithfull to my slut, to have your good lady remove her top,exposing those wonderfull breasts for my inspection, i don't think she would blame me if i wavered a little.
If she then bent over pulling her carbonsmudgeeks apart revealing both her holes saying "Take your choice honey",then i think all would be lost and hang the consequences.I reckon the silent treatment for a month or so would be worth it.
I bet you a shilling she not only swallows,but loves it up the ass!
"Say it ain't so joe,please say it ain't so" nobody's that lucky
Posts: 42
billie poster
Actually ...
Yes, she swallows & loves it.
Yes, she takes it up the ass ... but only occasionally.
I would dearly love to watch as she does those things with another man!
Here's a thank you for keeping this at the top of the list...
billie poster
Posts: 355
Posts: 42
Sorry, no glasses here ... guess you can wait a bit on airing up that tire. Unless that is, you want to think about pedaling out to Vegas in June...
billie poster
Posts: 355
NO GLASSES,you could have told a porky,glasses are a pre-requisite of a true sex goddess.I'm sorry to say she only rates 9.675 in the top tottie stakes,you build her up to be somthing special,and fall at the last fence,fancy leading all us preverts(not a spelling mistake)on, and at the last minute reveal she don't wear glasses.
Your a fecking sadist.;);)
billie poster
Posts: 355
Posts: 42
#19 · Edited by: Gort
Thanks, Billie;
Sorry to disappoint, but you have to know she still rates a 10+ to me.
That's one of the reamisters I want her to be with another man. Someone who can last longer than me and give her the total pleasure she deserves.
Still looking for that one guy in Vegas ... "Anyone ... Anyone ... Anyone..." 
Posts: 7
Wife and I will be in Vegas last weekend in April. Maybe we can trade.
Posts: 42
Emailed you, though we will be there in June ... crap, doesn't anybody go to Vegas in June?

billie poster
Posts: 355
Hi Gort,had any takers yet?
I can't believe nobody want's to lose themselves in those breasts 
Posts: 6
I live in Las Vegas. When are you comming? Perhaps I can Help. Contact me at [email protected]. I will exchange pictures and see if we are a match.
billie poster
Posts: 355
Hi cleanmeup
i know this site is infested with wannabies,but for christs sake gorts misses is a fine looking woman i can;t believe nobodies screwed her yet!!!!!!!
billie poster
Posts: 355
But when you're looking for someone to share your gorgeous wife, well, people don't believe you are genuine.
Good point girl,during our swinging days i did find it incredible that some men wanted to share the most beautifull woman and not want to keep them for themselves.
I must admit the first real looker did intimidate me somewhat,but when she stuck her finger up my ass while blowing me made me realise she was just a dirty bitch like i'd hoped.
We went into the swinging scene to experience different things,for example you cant have someone sat on your cock and face if theres only two of you,dp is also a little hard on your own.
We came to the conclusion that others were seeking the same kicks as us took it from there.
On another point.dont you find the "Staged" cuckold films with everything perfect a little sterile,the real deal movies with their grainy images,maybe the womans not miss world but boy is she having a good time,hubby fussing about talking to her,wedding/kide pictures by the bedside,now they turn me on.
Off on another tangent,you seem a mite frustrated with your own cuckold experiences,i assume from your posts your single,dont take this the wrong way but too my mind unless the woman is married:Quote:"Forsaking all others" then the cuckolding is to a lesser degree in a boyfriend/girlfreind relationship.
On the other hand it must be difficult finding a chap who upon finding the girl of his dreams is then asked to watch while she treats him like he's nothing.
You say you can either find the cuck or the bull but not both at the same time,why do the "cucks"leave it can't be because your an unfaithfull girl.Is it because you treat them harshly in some way.
This is not meant as a critisism,but i'm just curious how you go about finding a boyfreind you can cuck,do you come out with it on your first date or mention it later hoping they dont do a runner'
If you think i'm being too critical then i'm sorry its just that i'd like to know,how you manage
forever in my thoughts your highness
billie p
billie poster
Posts: 355
That's that sorted then.
Only popped home to clean up and wack my kit in the van,going round a mates house to hurt my ears.
Youv'e raised some interesting points,will disscuss later.
Q: Whats a certain cure for sea sickness?
Posts: 184
#27 · Edited by: ninto
Wife and I are honeymooning in Vegas Sept 5th - 11th or so. She's told me that she's going to be in charge and wants to have some fun with it, and would love to have a fun guy to play with while we're there.
Any guys here live in Vegas or will visit early sept want to meet up or chat?
Posts: 6
Vegas stud here. Willing to submit to her also if you would like but top you. Lets discuss your fantasies. Also can be reached at [email protected].
Posts: 184
I don't think she wants another submissive guy, she's more into confident aggressive guys with a bit of permisterality
A nice cock helps too...