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Seeking REAL Cucks to Marry BBC Sluts I know. PLEASE READ THOUROUGHLY

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First of all this is a very real opportunity. I have several sluts that I am in contact with who will be needing cucks but this is for one in particular who is ready to do something in the immediate future. This is for a long term situation hopefully leading to marriage. I am not going to post her pics all over the place nor will I send them to anyone who says they are interested. You will get pics once I feel you meet all criteria we are looking for.

I will tell you a little about her. She is attractive, about 5'6" 130, no kids, natural tits and she's currently married. Once a suitable cuck is found she will be leaving her husband. I am not trying to waste time dealing with every cuck who wants to live out their fantasy w/o having any real intention on making this happen so there are a number of steps that will be taken.

First, you must be willing to relocate to Nashville. This is non-negotiable. To put it plain and simple, I want my slut near me. If you can't do this, do not even bother reading anymore and do not contact me telling me how well you can provide for her in your particular area. Unless you are willing to maintain a 2nd home here...don't waste your time.

Secondly, as I said, she has no kids and I will be breeding with her so you must be willing to welcome our young into your life.

Thirdly, you must be in agreement to these rules b/c this is the type of cuck she wants: (if you have an issue w/any of them, then this is not for you)

The Cuckold White Males 24/7 Rulebook

Here are the rules for the cuckold white male to practice, preach, and perform , and to always remember.

1. If the female says it, don’t question it, just do it.
2. The females sexual satisfaction is a top priority for the cuck and his tongue.
3. The cucks sexual satisfaction is not important and should only be discussed if the female brings up the subject for discussion.
4. The female will decide if, and when, the cuck is allowed to masturbate.
5. If the female allows the cuck a session of masturbation for himself, this session will always be supervised by the female.
6. During any such session of supervised masturbation the cuck must ask for, and receive, permission from the female before being allowed to cum.
7. The female will make all the decisions on any sexual activity that she deems as necessary to obtain her sexual needs. Her decisions are final and not debatable.
8. The cuck will remain celibate at all times. It is his responsibility to keep up, and always know, the number of days it has been since his last sexual intercourse. The female may not ask this question but if she does the cuck must immediately produce the true and correct number of days.
9. The cuck must voluntarily report any and all details of his whereabouts and activities to the female upon returning from any such outing.
10. The cuck must receive permission from the female before planning or leaving for any activity away from home.
11. The cuck must never question the females whereabouts or activities. These are on a need to know basis. If she feels you need to know then you will be informed of such information by her.
12. It is the females luxury to come and go as she pleases. The cuck has no such luxury and will answer any questions the female may produce concerning the who, what, when, where, and how, of his activities.
13. The female will issue all the housework chores that will be the cucks responsibility. This issuance of chores will be stated by her one time and then the cuck will know his duties and will perform them without any further instructions needed from the female.
14. The cucks house working performance of his duties will be graded by the female. These grades could determine any allowed future sexual releases for the cuck if the female should decide that any were earned through satisfactory completeion of his duties.
15. The cucks attire will be decided and controlled by the female. She will decide what, if any, clothes that the cuck will be allowed to wear.
16. When the female decides that her sexual release is needed, she will inform the cuck of such needs and he will immediately begin preparations to have her needs taken care of as soon as possible.
17. When the females sexual needs are announced by her, this does not in any way, mean that the cucks sexual needs will also be fulfilled.
18. When the cuck has been instructed and informed of the sexual needs of the female, then his main duties will be to provide the females release with his tongue only unless otherwise stated by the female.
19. There will be times when the female will be having her female friends over to entertain them and this entertainment very well might require the cuck to provide this entertainment to the females. This might consist of the cuck being totally naked and a masturbation show for the females viewing pleasure.
20. The cuck must never flirt or make any type of sexual advancement towards any females at any time in an attempt to obtain any sexual gratification for himself.
21. The cuck will be allowed to promote or otherwise discuss any type of interracial suggestions to any white females that he may encounter but only as an attempt to persuade such females of the needs to pursuit this activity.
22. The cuck will be required to be obedient to all females at all times.
23. The cuck must show his respect to all females at all times.
24. The cuck must always understand and never forget that the female knows what is best for him and must always follow her orders, her guidance, and always do it with an attitude consisting of cooperation and enthusiasm.

The 7 Things A White Male Cuckold Must Never Do
1.Never attempt to masturbate without the permission or presence of the female.

2. Never disobey, argue with, or hesitate to follow any orders of the females.

3. Never leave an article of clothing still on when told by a female to strip naked. All clothing or cover must be removed and either dropped to the floor or handed to the female.

4. Never ask the female if you can masturbate. This subject will be brought up for discussion by the female only if she sees a need to discuss it.

5. Never ask the female where she has been or what she has been doing.

6. Never try to put your own sexual needs, wants, and desires ahead of hers. NEVER.

7. Never allow your little white dicklet to enter, touch, or come within 2 feet of a pussy unless instructed otherwise by the female.

Next, if you have made it this far and you still feel you are a good candidate for her, do not ask me for her contact info. Once I talk to you and verify things she will be told about you and shown your pics and if she likes what she sees and hears, she will get in contact with you.

This is not something either of us are looking to draw out for too long. She is in a very unhappy marriage and is craving black cock so she is ready. The reamister she is wanting to go this route is b/c she knows she will be nothing more than my slut and she wants the security that comes with having a cuck in her life in addition to having someone to torment and tease as payback for what her husband put her through after years of fucking her with his tiny dick.

So we will try this out and see how many of you can follow directions.� Do not waste my time if you are not willing to conform to everything stated here.

I know of several other sluts who are seeking relationships with cucks also, but they are several months away from actually doing anything.


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what age are you looking for???39 year old male here
joshua langley


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Age is not an issue


Posts: 204
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you have way too much time on your hands for your overactive imagination


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Posts: 48
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[email protected] - very interested Sir


Posts: 167
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hello sir i am ready

[email protected]
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Cuckold Dating / Cuckold Dating /
Seeking REAL Cucks to Marry BBC Sluts I know. PLEASE READ THOUROUGHLY
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