These are only a few and they are mine. You may or may not agree. Offer others if you wish. Any cuck couples may also add theirs
1. Never...ever...ever... think you are to replace the husband in their relationship. You task is to provide the hotwife with orgasms. That is it.
2. Remember you are more than a cock. If all they want is a large cock they may purchase any number of large dildos and other sex toys. You are to make her feel sexually satisfied and perhaps greatful to her spouse for allowing you to fuck and replace what he is unable to give her anymore.
3. Never meet her without his knowledge unless that is the way they want it. I had an issue with this when he caught her and she to protect herself charged me with battery. What a mess that was. All charges were dropped when they realized they would need to testify in court.
4. Never accept money from a couple. If they want to buy you gifts that is fine but I always give receipts.
5. If you sense any jealousy on the part of the cuck male get out that relationship. He may suddenly develop a pair and try to fuck with you.
These are a few rules I live by.... Post others if you think of them.
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