Adrian, how does this scenario appeal to you?
We go out as a foursome from a hotel on the south coast where we are both staying. My wife Kirsty is shy, and your wife has been with someone else once already. Hopefully she will help my wife relax and enjoy the experience. We go to a packed pub on a busy night, heaving with guys looking to pick up a slut. The girls are each dressed in shortish shift dresses with sheer stockings attached to a basque. They look slutty enough, like they're after a bloke, and they're bound to get one, especially with their sling back heels and an ankle chain, as agreed beforehand, on their right ankle. They are wearing your favourite panties when we arrive at the pub and when we get there we leave them to their own devises. We have pre-arranged a signal that they will let us know when they've got their prospective cocks for the night by going to the toilet together. All we need to do is watch from afar.
However, to ensure they get plenty of attention as soon as we arrive in the pub we get talking to some blokes at the bar and make a remark about those two birds on the pull over there, and that we bet them �10 they couldn't get their knickers off them. They'll need to deliver the knickers of course, to us, for their �10. We watch and wait.
Before long your wife and Kirsty are recieving lots of attention. After a while your wife goes outside with one of the blokes and is gone for about 3 minutes. We think they've just gone to the toilets, but shortly afterwards the guy comes over to us at the bar and hands me the knickers. They're for you, but he isn't to know that. I he disappears off again with a comment that she's "right up for it". I hand you the panties, but I can tell how wet they are. That's a thrill in itself and things seem to be going very well for you. Not quite so well for me, as Kirsty seems to be holding back. But I do think I can see a bloke with his hand up her skirt. This is progress and I have a tremendous hard-on. There is a heavy music beat in the pub now, and it's so busy that nobody is bother that Kirsty's new friend seems to be trying to get his whole hand in her knickers. Meanwhile, your wife has progressed to some serious kissing. I sense the bond between the two girls is helping them go further. It's not long now before my pantie parcel arrives and another �10 is handed over for the panties. I just say " I didn't think you'd manage it mate" and he just lloked at me with contempt and said "Of course I could, I'll be fucking her before the pub shuts".
We now just need to stay in the pub until the signal, and then we are to disappear. The girls have promised to stay together and come back to the hotel together, whenever that is, but they have promised to ring us to tell us where they are going, but ultimately we are hoping they will have at least one fuck back in the hotel. We have agreed that they would use our bedroom for the girls, and yours for us boys to stay in. Their men friends, if they care, will believe these are two desperate wives on a weekend away together.
The girls go to the toilet together. This is out cue to leave the pub and sit outside in the car. We expect to see them come out but they don't. You take the call on your phone and your wife says they're going on a short pub crawl back to the hotel, and that we should watch from the car. We watch them come out, kissing, snogging, groping and laughing, back to the hotel via two pubs. But what is amazing is that they have two blokes each. I hope Kirsty isn't biting off more than she can chew. We are really turned on by now and we watch them go into the hotel before we follow at a distance.
We go to your room, only to find Kirsty waiting outside for us. I thought the worst, but could tell immediately that she was really high on the occassion. She'd told the boys she was nipping downstairs for something at the bar, but came into the room with us. Firstly she turned to me and asked me if I was still sure. I was tempted to say "actually no", just to see her take no notice of me, because I don't think she could have stopped now. But I said yes. She then turned to both of us and said "right, now the bit where you two do what we tell you while we're fucking our brains out. In that bag over there are two sets of clothes that you are to wear, quietly sitting in those chairs until we come back into this room to be cleaned up by your tongues". We might pop back occasionally to check you're complying "Oh and by the way", she said, "we've both lost our knickers tonight, so please don't soil those ones". At that she went, clearly desperate to get back to her pleasure seeking studs. In the bag were two identical sets of clothes to the ones your wife and Kirsty were wearing.
We dressed, as instructed, in the basques, sheer stockings, glittery sling backs, shift dresses, and some party wigs that were included. There was also some lipstick and an instruction that this was also to be worn. Of course we didn't wear the knickers as we had the originals, all wet and sticky from their autrageous activity earlier. These we put on, I wore your wifes, and you wore Kirsty's. There was also a smaller bag with a set of instructions which read "here are our favourite dildo's - you are to put your lipsticked mouths around these and suck as if you were making them cum, on the hour every hour until we return". It also said "if we are not back by 4 a.m. you are to take a walk out of the room and travel at least two floors in the lift, wearing your tarty clothes. If we are not back by 6 a.m. you are to do the same but go as far as the main bar before returning. And if we are not back by 8a.m. then you should do the same and go outside the hotel and walk at least 100 yards before returning. If you don't do these things we will not tell you anything about our evening - ever". What would anyone do with this ultimatum, but we were gald we were in a big hotel in an enlightened town.
So we sat there all night in our stockings and damp knickers chatting over our fantasies. At exactly 3am your wife pooped her head in the door to check we were BJing the big dildo's. She lifted her babydoll nightie and showed us her swollen and creamed pussy - and left again. At exactly 5 am Kirsty popped her head in to check we were on BJ duty. She came over to me and sat on my leg, very lightly, and wiped herself down the lenghth of my stockinged leg. She was gaping wide and left a trail of cum on my stockings. At exactly 6am they were both waiting by the lifts to ensure we did as we were told. They came into the lifts with us and opened their silky dressing gowns to show how much they had been used. They hadn't returned by 8 am, so we did as we were told. We were full of tredidation, but the threat of not hearing anything about the night was too strong, so we left the room. The hotel was clearly busier now, but luckily being together helped our courage. We walked through the lobby, and out through the front door. There, just outside the front door were the two girls saying goodbye to their lovers in the only way they could - deep deep kissing. They had told them that their husbands would be retuning from a fishing trip about 9, so they'd got them out at the perfect time to check we were fulfilling our instructions. As their lovers left, they pointed to us and giggled and said "carry on for 100 yards before turning". And then we heard them wave and shout to the boys "See you tonight big boys".
The walk up and down the seafront dressed in the same outfits the girls had worn the night before to pull their studs, was incredibly exciting, especially given the anticipation that we knew it wouldn't be long before we heard every tiny detail. But when would they let us take our heels off?
 Kirsty - shift dress, stockings and pantie grope
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