Posts: 12
I/m 18 years old and my dick is 4,25 inch when erect. Its normal?
george nobush
Posts: 406
You're probably in the right place when it comes to women. You should probably get used to being humiliated by most women when they see how small it is. Have you practiced sucking large cocks?  George George Nobush
Follow me on Tumblr.com: http://georgenobush.tumblr.com/
Posts: 11
yes you are normal when i was growing up a six inch cock was considered big. do not believe that there are alot of cocks over ten inches.
Posts: 175
It's more about thickness than length...you have my wife's word for it
Posts: 40
It's on the small side of normal. You can find women who will be satified with you, if you have other good qualities. But most women prefer big cocks. They often hide their preference to spare their men's feelings. I have been fucking married women since I was your age, and I know that many wives enjoy a big cock on the side. Multi-orgasmic stud (it stays hard after cumming), 9 inches long, 6 inches around
Posts: 1459
Quoting: Pablo9plus many wives enjoy a big cock on the side. On the side?? My wife enjoys a big cock right in the middle! Seriously pol, I'm a little under 7" and reamisterably thick and I wish I was larger. I think most guys that aren't hung like a horse wish they had more. I'm sure you will be just fine for the right woman, we're probably more obsessed over that issue than most women.
Posts: 525
#7 · Edited by: afwmisom
that is somewhat small.
more importantly, at 18 your cock is the largest it every will be. by the time you are 40 or so it will be significantly smaller, will not get as hard, and will not stay hard as long.
At this point, you may be able to please other young ladies, particularly virgins. but down the road the ladies get a bit stretched (a BIT, this point should not be overstated), especially if they have given birth, and your cock will become much smaller and softer. in other words they will not be able to feel you very well.
you will need to either find a woman who is happy to be pleased with hand or mouth, or become a cuck. there is no two ways about it.
Posts: 11
pol444 do not worry about cock size. there is someone out there for everyone. if you find a girl you like go for it. if all she is looking for is a big dick tell her to buy a horse. being a cuckold is more of being submisive to males and females. i like to please people. anymore it is more of a fantasy because of all of the sexually transmitted diseases out there. and everyone knows that a fantasy has to grow! be carefull! enjoy sex when you are young do not get hung up on the web!
Posts: 1441
mattie, thanks for sharing that site, it is great submissively
Posts: 208
You have a small dick. Not super-tiny, but on the small side. However, if your girlfriend/future wife isn't a used-up whore, it shouldn't matter too much. Even if she's been with many guys (like most girls have by the time they're in their mid 20s) but not a ridiculous amount of guys, it should all be fine.
Obviously, all girls like a nice sized penis, just like most guys like nice tits and a tight pussy. But things aren't always ideal. If you keep yourself in shape, learn some bedroom s*******s and find a girl(s) who digs you, there's no need to feel self-conscious. Size definitely matters, but it's not everything. General appearance, s*******s, confidence and connection are more important. Plus, your dick looks like it has some nice thickness to it, which is always good. (Just keep those pubes trimmed a bit.)
Posts: 12
please, rate my penis, its normal or small for girls?
Posts: 82
Posts: 14
You should have excellent education, a lot of money, fit body, great character and then girls will see Your cock twice bigger then You have. It is thrue , belive me.
Posts: 53
It;s definately small but don't worry about it. If a girl loves you she'll love your cock too. As for many wives wanting bigger cocks and getting one on the side, well let me tell you my experience. When I was fifteen I was seduced by a married woman 8 years older. I was her bit on the side for seven years. Her husband had a thick eight inch long cock mine is only four inches long and very thin. It's not like I'm good with it either I cum very quickly when I have intercourse, usually about 20 seconds or so. I would like to meet her again just to ask why she wanted me as a lover. My wife is happy with me but thats because she loves me. So do not despair if you are small, there is opportunity for all of us, we're not inferior just different.
Posts: 12
my exgf say my sister, that i'm kid in bed! what its matter?
Posts: 116
In real life, size of cock does not matter. This is all brainwash of porn industry. Just like the most satisfying sex is not with women with large breasts, same holds true for mens cock size too. There is no place in a Vagina that you can bring a women to orgasm deeper then 5-7 cm that you can reach with your cock.
If "size matters" with anything, the size of your confidence, your life goals, your passion (for something other than women), ambition, that's what really matters. Not your penis.
See what Natasha has to say about it:
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I hope it helps you. Create a wonderful life for yourself, dream big, achieve big, in all areas of your life and penis size will be a non-issue.
Just like there are ultra-sexy, attractive, successful women with little or totally flat tits, it will be a non-issue for you.
I "only" have a 5.5 inch cock, but there were several times women preferred me to men with larger cocks.
Posts: 208
Don't kid yourself, wizozz. Size does matter in real life. The way a penis fills a vagina has a direct physical effect on pleasure -- unlike the mere visual impact of breast size.
If you have a small or even average dick, it's not as good as having a big dick (even though there is such a thing as TOO big in some cases). However, I do agree with wizozz in one sense, confidence and overall appeal is more important and can be more of a turn-on than penis size. There's no doubt about that. But a big dick is almost always sure to please. (And if it's between a confident big-dicked guy and a confident small-dicked guy, well, the big dick often wins out.)
Bottom line, size matters. But you can overcome a small dick and still land a hot, sexy, experienced girl and she can still be into you and satisfied by you. Chemistry, regardless of dick size and even regardless of confidence, is a big key. But, if you're cursed with a small penis, start with confidence.