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UPDATE about Private Cuckold Culb

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Second posting.
Gosh! What a horrible response we got so far. Have a member at this site and over at who keep in constance touch about the club idea. 9incher is the member there, if you want dialog with him.
If you're reading this for first time, here's the scoop:
The wife and I (previous owners of 2 fetish night clubs - members only style) are willing to put together a coalition of interested people to open (build, create) a club exclusively for cuckolds. I could give you several scenarios as to what would happen during business hours, but since it's just 9incher, us and one other, as you join in, we may increase the menu several fold by opening night.
In brief....a place to gather, educate, play, network, socialize. I, myself, would like a home away from home atmosphere. My lady wants an action filled playhouse. 9incher is an old hand (and a bull) in the resturuant biz, so he'd like to see such accommodations.
Anyway, we need investors, contributors, ideas, etc.
Reply here and/or [email protected]


Posts: 31
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the idea is a good one. I just dont see anywhere in your post where you are located.....I know if I am in Germany (which I am) contributing to a Zone of Opportuinity in California wouldnt do me much good. I wish you loads of success though because I do like the idea.


Posts: 31
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Originally we were looking around South Carolina. We had the perfect location but learned that the Bible Belt was not a good location in all. So, we're open to suggestions as to where. We have connections in Florida and New York, but anywhere is open to dialog.
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UPDATE about Private Cuckold Culb
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