did i say boyfriend?

hey there everyone, this is Deanna Nicole (those who aren't familiar with me, visit here (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/church...guid=318013217)
There doesn't seem to be a ton of females on here so i hope no one gets freaked out or anything LoL Was wondering if there is anyone on here interested in PARTAKING in the finer forms of domination, like cuckoldry, and financial dom. I've been in this lifestyle for about 3 years and been offering it online for nearly 1. i have no problem broadening my horizon's and adding some newbies to My life...
I'm a professional humiliatrix and a dominatrix.(in other words, I've made money off of it) but I'm naturally dominant, and i've been practicing for years before i was turned onto the wide online world of this. I LOVE well hung guys, well built guys. bulging fly and bulging pockets = love.
I'm not going to come to you however, your going to have to come to me. I do realtime and online, but to Me, there's nothing any less real about what I do online, its just that you fuckers get to hide behind a screen.
I'M NOT INTERESTED IN ACTUALLY MARRYING, HUSBAND PLAY, ETC. DUH--THE ENTIRE POINT OF WHAT I DO IS NOT BEING TIED DOWN TO ONE GUY. WHEN I GET MARRIED, IT WON'T BE TO ANYONE ON HERE LOL. *IM NOT A WHORE, AND YOU'LL PROBABLY NEVER SEE A NUDE PICTURE OF ME ONLINE**IM NOT INTERESTED IN ANYONE OVER 55, SORRY GRAMPS**I HAVE FRIENDS WHO LIKE TO JOIN THE FUN SOMETIME. SO HOPEFULLY YOU AREN'T TOO SHY, OR AT LEAST YOU GET OFF ON THE EMBARRESSMENT. THEY ARE ALL IN THE 18-21 RANGE, AS AM I.*THOSE ONLY INTERESTED IN GETTING THEMSELVES OFF, BEAT IT! NO PUN INTENDED! I'll cuckold you, among other things, it helps if we end up being local, but you'll have to get to know me and win me over first obviously, and anyone who tells you any different is lying to you and wasting your time. no worries though, it won't require being a real man, being well hung, or any of the things the men here are incapable of.
I read a few topics on here, basically ranging from pathetic and desperate, to downright hilarious. suprisingly enough I've yet to see anything I'm not interested in, allthoughh I'm not much interested in feminizing anyone, i'd much rather turn someone who considers themself some sort of a man into a bitch for me, I get off on that. those looking for soft stuff need not apply. the further we'd get into a relationship, the blunter and harsher the reality will get for you. I hope you don't mind some competition though, because ive got hundreds of bitches lined up everyday sending me messages ;)
so let's hear it everyone!
ps: Join the group, it's step 1,
The hyperlink is visible to registered members only! -Deanna Nicole
cheat on you once, shame on you, cheat on you twice, shame on you again!