Posts: 29
I've been aware of and interested in bdsm since my early twenties. I've been an active Dom for couples and women for nearly 10 years now. I was familiar with the fantasy of sharing one's wife when I first had the opportunity to be the other man for a neighbor of mine. H e asked me if I thought his wife was cute... or sexy... This line of conversation took the three of us on a nearly year-long journey of sexual adventure. I'm very experienced introducing this lifestyle to wives/couples and in helping them understand each others' motivations and needs in this process. I firmly believe that a beautiful, sexy woman should never be limited to just one lover. The sexier she is - the more men should be able to enjoy (safely), what nature blessed her with.
I also believe that 'slut' is a beautiful word - it was coined in an age where a woman who showed any appreciation for - or enjoyment of - sex, was branded a 'slut' ...and the label was very negative. In today's age it's become accepted fact that women have sexual desires as strong, if not stronger than men, but all too often, women allow themsleves to be 'programmed' by society, religion, and family beliefs, and deny themselves the pleasures of their own sexuality.
I am a Dom but I don't use labels like 'bi' or 'straight' as they don't really apply in this lifestyle. Many husbands who have sucked cock suddenly thought they must be gay.. or bi.. when in fact, they are still straight... and expressing their presentation, not a change in orientation. I have enjoyed the mouth of a wimp hubby licking my cock my balls and even my ass - especialy when his wife is getting off on it! The sadist in me enjoys manipulating, punishing, teasing and/or handling the mostly miniature toys between their legs. I have a lot of experience helping couples learn about this lifestyle and with 'convincing' hesitant spouses. Many of the couples on the web were only wannabes before speaking to me. Done properly, this is a lifestyle that will bring couples even closer and make a good relationship even better. I refer to the formation and continuation of my relationship with a couple as 'training' them... If You/you are interested to learn more about my methods for training cuckold couples continue reading.
it's all about applying some imagination....
Preparing her for me I require the husband to help his wife get ready for their evening with me.. or for her night out with me. I make it his job to trim her curls as I like it done and to make sure she's perfectly smooth around her pussy for me. I teach him to use the head of his cock to make sure she's perfectly smooth for me. Of course.. he can't enter her.. she's mine for the night... Dressing her for an evening out. I want her pussy smooth so I can feel it while we're out. I may ask her to open her legs while we're eating dinner together and let others see the cute pussy I have to enjoy. "See how nicely those gorgeous breasts are displayed for me? She wouldn't wear this for her husband but he bought it".
Dressing her for an afternoon with me. When she's my girlfriend, I want to see those pretty breasts all the time and know that when she's not with me... men around her are free to enjoy looking at them. This cami top is simple, semi-sheer, and shows off her breasts and nipples like magic.
Others need to see and feel how sexy she is. I share my dates with close friends and others at times as well. It's always hot to be the first to train a wife for black cock as well.
Expanding her horizons. By surrendering her body to me and being bound, her entire body becomes an errogenous zone for me to lick, nibble, pinch and rub.
Cherished for being my slut. Seeing their expression as they orgasm for the first time with their breasts bound and pussy being lightly slapped is more rewarding than the sex itself... and assures she'll want to offer more of herself to me...
Still interested...? then continue to learn more about my methods for training the submissive husband.
I enjoys hubby too
On my leash. I like having hubby's cock on a leash. If not one like this, then a simple one of rope or a harness with a dog leash will do. He must wear it whenever I am in the house.
Constant ache for her. I teach wives the most effective ways to keep you aroused without relief for hours on end with a combination of their dress, physical teasing and verbal teasing. I might even have her put a condom on you to collect your eager drippings as proof of her teasing you for me... and of your desire for her.
What's good for the goose is twice for the gander. Often when I'm dating a wife... I and my friends become her primary source of cock. Usually because you are too small, too wimpy - or both. The only thing left to do with your penis and balls is tease and torment them.
Punishment sucks . I design my punishments around the permister and their permisterality. I might have your ass whipped and balls swatted by her while I watch (which you might usually enjoy) but then leave you there, preventing one of your greatest pleasures. Watching.
Donations glady accepted. After making my deposit, I've not met the wife yet who didnt want hubby down there, cleaning her up while we lay together.
Be a good boy for us. She will be instructed to ride your face while your pantied penis betrays your real feelings....
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chad cousins
Posts: 139
all husbands that suck cock are gay!!!!! paint it anyway you want to make it sound better for your insecuriities.
For God sake anyone (& I mean men) and everyone that sucks dick, be a fucking MAN and just admit your gay.
Why is it so hard for you to admit that. NO ONE who's straight sucks dick,....period. Call it fetish the "presentation" clause, etc, blah, blah, blah. Just fucking admit you like sucking dick.
chad cousins
Posts: 139
An opinion does not equate hate or narrowmindedness, quit being offended and act like you have a pair,...
Anyone can say anything about my sexuality to me and I dont get offended or go calling glaad, why is it only the homo's???
Here's the deal no one can blame another for their moral compass not going as far as the next guy. Bottom line it's not narrow minded, one can consider it, not like it, and move on. It's taste and opinion that's all!!!!!!
Example one who takes coffee, smokes cigarettes or takes holy water may not want to do Coke or meth or heroin,... my point people have limitations.
So I guess coffe takeers or one in this example would be narrow minded huh? or a heroin-phobe maybe??? dont be such a hater, do heroin then, dont be heroin phobic, do meth you narrow minded hater
I'm just truly sick of pussyfooting around thePC, the oxy-moron people who start out stating," I dont consider myself gay BUT,... I suck a lot of dick!". "I dont really enjoy it or like guys, but I suck dick anyway," it's stupid.
I don't like counrty music or line dancing or cowboy hats either, does that make me narrow minded? NO, am I a country music phobe? NO (preference dumbass doesn't equate hate)
Just an opinion or taste people, Nut up and move on.
I refuse to cater my life or my opinions b/c of one's dick sucking insecuriities. if anything homos ar the narrowminded ones they go after people with the same organs they dont branch out and be "worldly" if you will and go for something different.
Randy quit paiting me or others with the Hate brush or the narrow minded one because your a pussy and get offended by someone making a point.
Nothing you say about me would offend me, but it always does the fags.
Your here, your queer,... WE got used to it how come you haven't yet??