Posts: 673
#31 · Edited by: luvpain
women shave not because someone calling himself a 'Bull" orders her so. She does or does not, cause she thinks its usefull, beautifull or just handy. The way i see it, its not at all about you, bull, or whatever you tend to call yourself. Its a game between husband and wife. The "bull" nothing more than a breathing dildo. stupid questions dont exist...
stupid answers however....
Guess you never really met a bull.....
Posts: 110
Oh, well, I started when I was gymnastics. You don't want to be up there on the beam in one of those skimpy competition leotards on one leg with your other foot behind your ear and then get a deduction for having a TUFT showing.
I mean, I don't compete any more, but I still keep it smooth. It's more of a permisteral fetish than because some guy likes it. People ink themselves and put steel through body parts all the time. I can't do that because it's frowned upon in classical dance. It's unnatural and spoils the line, and it's way too much trouble to pull the metal and cover the ink whenever you go on stage. I mean, April used to spend an extra hour in makeup, and then she finally went down to this place in Deep Ellum and got 'em nuked.
I hooked up with one of those "bull dom" guys when I was still an undergraduate. I was like, "Wow, this is going to be soooo hott!" It was when I was Young and Foolish. Ok, ok, youngER and foolishER, anyway, big freakin' deal, he just wanted to call me "slut" and "bitch" and have me take his cuckolds brownie to the cleaners. Well, that was a little better than my soon 2BX boyfriend, but not much. not so you'd really notice.
I mean, some guys like it, and some don't. Some are like, "Eeewwe, Jamie, it's lke fingering my little sister," and then others are like, "Ohh, Jamie, it's like fingering my little sister." So you never know, but you can't please everyone, so you gotta please yorself, which I am very, very good at, by the way.
Posts: 1
Shaved -- looks great, feels great! And the psychology of doing it for her or seeing her doing it herself, knowing that she's getting ready to fuck somebody else, is delicious!
Posts: 74
Nothing better than lowering my face into a nice hairy messy pussy to eat after its been used. I love the natural scent it hold and all the extra juices. Give me natural and hairy anytime. YUMMYYYYYYYYY
Some men do, (dick size has nothing to do w/ this) but I can assure you that some are quite adept and competent at controlling the space around them.
Insecurity is not a core component of all men as you seem to infer.
If any of you haven't read T.S. Elliot's: The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock then i highly suggest you do. It's a wonderful poem with a lot of symbolism. Here's your chance to read it if you haven't already....Look it up: The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
In my opinion, this man is in a room looking for love. He watches the "women come and go talking of michelangelo." This man goes unnoticed by the women he is trying to get attention from. He feels very alone, and its making him numb and he wants to feel love. He wants to ask a woman to marry him, but he is afraid of being rejected. He is self concious of his baldness " with a bald spot in the middle of my hair -" By stating an insecurity, he shows that he fears rejection. He has "measured out his life with coffee spoons;" I think this means that he spends his day contemplating what to do with his lonely life. He seems to be in conflict with time, and the last of his days because he's worried that a woman will not want him and he'll have to spend the rest of his life alone. "Sprawling on a pin" I think is the same pin on his tie. He's stuck to his life like a fly would on fly paper. If he's not too careful he could get pricked.”
All so permisterally thinks.
Posts: 8086
I prefer shaved for the white girls and unshaved for the black girls 
Posts: 1461
hairy is the way it is meant to be. shaving is disgusting!!!!!!!!!!!!! mwc for bbc
You do have clarity.
As you suspect, most of what you read here is simply fantasy. As you and I know, cucks for the most part react quite differently that the wanna be's who pine here.
And, the essence of this, which most seem to miss entirely, the hot wife is the facilitator, the controller of this lifestyle. Never really the cuck on so many levels.
One aspect that I have observed is the confusion between a Hot Wife relationship and a cuckolding one. It is my opinion that the main difference between the two is in a cuckolding relationship the wife controls the relationship sexually. She makes the decisions about the lovers that she will meet and play with. The cuckold may or may not get to participate in the wife's illicit affairs. In a Hot wife relationship the husband often makes the decision or it is made jointly. The husband always participates is some aspect of the affair. In both types of relationships the wife is referred to as a Hot Wife. Lately, Hot Wives in the Cuckold lifestlye are being referred to a Cuckoldress.
Real cuckold couples are rare…… Real Bulls are more rare ……
Posts: 673
and on that one i totally agree. I would even dare to say that if my husband would rather stop it, i would. stupid questions dont exist...
stupid answers however....
but he'd have to ask you...yes?
Posts: 673
oh yes, no doubt about that, grin! stupid questions dont exist...
stupid answers however....
Contrary to what the sissy boys here fantasize, my antidotal experience indicates that most true practicing hot wives are in fact dominating. Does that make their experience with their bull incongruent? Hardly. It enhances the total experience, particularly for their cuck. Will a dominant female hot wife demur to me? Sure, …….all the time? Nope, seems that they have a vote. Does this somehow make me less dominant. Not at all. Ends up more of a partnership of sorts.
It is quit fun watching a cuck with a dominating hot wife as she takes my direction with relish. A mix of amazement, insecurity, confusion, even shock, all mixed in the sensual envelope. In short, drives him quite crazy.
Posts: 148
Shaved I will love to see how my wife make a Cornudo Me gustaria ver como se la cojen a mi mujer y me hacen Cornudo
Posts: 383
#45 · Edited by: newatthis17
another poll...interesting to see most people would recommend permanent laser treatment....but what do your wifes or girlfriends have? let see....
New at this
Mister Mystery
Posts: 57
I like it hairy but my wife shaves hers anyway because she says it's more comfortable.
Posts: 1975
HAIRY big muff fan here!
Posts: 383
#48 · Edited by: newatthis17
interesting: 60% of people would "prefer" the clean shave by laser treatment...but only 10% do it. I guess that it is like the bbc fantasy...lots of people have it but much less do it! New at this
Posts: 11
H.... A.... I... R !!!!!!!!! Smack some miracle grow on it even!! 
Posts: 383
i would like to hear more about the ones who are laser was it? does it grow back? how much to get it done? New at this
Posts: 1
Bald and smooth! tttexpress
Posts: 1040
Very hairy and totally untrimmed, dirty or clean. ..............PSEUDO PERSON...YMMV!
Posts: 330
shaved! and wife keeps my sissy clit shaved too! sissy lindsey
Posts: 80
I like it hairy,but it has to be neat.
Posts: 97
Hairy! Gets wet & Stays wet! Better transfer of sensation when wet.
Have done women who are shaved and found that air moving around can also be a stimulant
Posts: 5
My Wife has a wonderfully hairy pussy. She prefers that I keep my pube waxed smooth though.
Posts: 55
newatthis17 hI how are you?
show me your wifey
Posts: 196
Shaved, I had to shave my balls so my piss would stop dribbling through the hair and running down my balls making my pants wet at work. My little man clit struggles to extend past the bulge of my balls. At home I normally sit down to piss like the sissy I am.
I have been shaving so long my wife prefers me that way. I recently changed my shaved area to include my penis and asshole area. the only hair I have in that area is a quarter inch above my worthless dick to my waist line and it is less than an eighth of an inch long in that area.
In the winter time i go further and shave my arm pits and trim all of my body hair very short, on the other hand I always ask my wife to cease her shaving habits in the winter months because woman with hair turn me on.
So for her I like it both ways, shaved in the summer, growing wild in the winter. ShortSupply
SO how about some pics of your fav??? 
Posts: 383
#60 · Edited by: newatthis17
| is wifey...lying down....with the bush....would you like to lie down on top of her? rub your cock on her body, between her legs then inside her warm pussy? play with her tits and nipple?....i love to hear what people would like to do and what could happen....fantasy for now but it could turn to reality. New at this