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I'm seeking a cuckdress

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Posts: 48
#1 · Edited by: Bikaz28
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I don't know If I'm going to find what I'm looking for or not but here it go's any ways.
I want to be a cuckold man to a women that one day would become my wife and even start a family with her. Some one I would love.
However I'm not looking to be you slave. I want to be more or less you equal just not sexual equal. I just want you to be sexual satisfied by being aloud to go out with any other men you want that put my little man to shame. An you are welcome to make fun of my little man hood with them or any one you want to. You can even go bareback with any males you wish to and I have no say, An know if you gets knocked up There is a man who loves you at home who will take on the man role with no questions asked. I will have know say as to who you can be with. (I'm even willing to be a fluffier and do clean up for you're bull/man.)
My only thing is if you want to give me a chance to pass my DNA on with you it would be done this way or somthing like it. You find another man/bull and gets to have you bareback first and then I must orally please you and then must wait one hour be for I get to have you bareback an if my soldiers are worthy they will bet the other mans even if he had a head start. So if you go with another man or give me a chance i will to pass DNA on The will be raised as my own and even put my name on the birth certificate.
An even though you can be with other men. I can only be with you and no other women but you. I will were a chastity device any time you are not around to prove my loyalty to you. I cant even masturbate unless its with you and with you're permission. An will eve go with out porno for you you if it is what you want.
When it comes to sex it will be all about pleasing you. Like many women you have most likely been there were once you're partner is done its over and you are left unsatisfied. It will be different with us. I will be vary oral and if you let me have penetrative sex as a reword for many days of sexually pleasing you I would rub on numbing cream and two condoms so that way you can have a man who will go for as long as you like and when you are done its done and I'm the one who did not cum but happy I have pleased you. Besides there is something sex with a man who is besides you nude with a hard on still want you.
An when you finely want to reword me by allowing me to orgasm for the many weeks I have pleased you then I am aloud to masturbate.
Now this will still be a relationship I need to be able to fall in love with you. This cant all be about sex or me being cuckolded. I want to go to movies with you when you are not out doing that with other men. I want to cuddle on the love set. I want to be able to take you backpacking an take you to see places you never new existed. I want to come home and and see you smile. Or dress up and go out to some fancy place eat. Or go to a play. (Ya, I'm a guy who likes the theater.)
If this sounds like what you want as well lets talk. You're looks, or age are not the main thing I seek as long as we seek pretty much the same thing.


Posts: 48
#2 · Edited by: Bikaz28
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here is a photo of me. and my e-mail [email protected]



Posts: 22
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Ok so let me get this straight,

You cant satisfy me sexually, Intellectually maybe You want to be cucked, yet you dont want to live the life of a cuck fulltime. See in ,my thoughts its not about you. ITS about me and the lover I am seeing. How on earth will we find time to go to a movie when you need to clean me up once a day maybe more. Explain how you think it should work and maybe we can talk.




Posts: 48
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I Don't know what you seek in a cuckold relationship. However I do believe there is a cuckdress out there who seeks the same.
Some cuckdress seek a sisy others slaves an yet some seek a relationship with there cuck.
Finding time to do things together is not hard when the cuckdress want a close relationship with her cuck.
how i see it with out being close to each other will only end badly. But being close to each othere will allow this type of relationship to be strong an lasting.
An I hope to be in a loveing relationship with my cuckdress. At the same time I want her to be sexual pleased by the men she is atracted to. An even have a family with her as husband an wives do even if all the youngren come from bulls (witch they should in my opinion.)
heck the bull can do stuff with us I may even be the bulls friend of corse I would allways recognized him as my suppror an never refuse his right to have sex with you. An will do my cleaning dutys an so on.
I can do ok in the sex department my oral s******* are vary good but a bull with a large penis can do fare better then my 5 in.
I believe this can work but only if this is something the cuckdress wants as well.


Posts: 114
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Looking for cuckoldress in Springfield ILL.

Also want to chat with those in lifestyle.


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wow Daria one very sexy lady
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I'm seeking a cuckdress
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