Damn already on page 31 and only folder 5.. well folder 6 today... posting to many pics in these folders!...got to cut down some Not only are the folders "fuller" but at the bottom of the folder I usually have anywhere from 20 to 200 pics waiting to go into folder after I empty it! no wonder this thing is so slow!
LikesMMF... ok I can understand
[email protected]... hope I don't get a bunch of junk mail doing that from others.....
subchard.....thank you.... I can't believe with all the sites I hit every month I don't find more pics of her I hit one or two Yahoo/Google groups every day and anywhere from 10 to ? other sites.. looking for new site to gather from...and I am in over 150 different yahoo/google sites under 3 different names
codered... thanks... and yes I am ready!......BTW do you know what happened to Kurt Busch?... Just curious if he was still part of Hendrick or not... he has got to be running out of teams that will take him... don't really like him... but still had to feel sorry for him and all the bad luck/DNF/wrecks he had last year!