That's hot sissyschoolgirl. Some women are just addicted to the thrill of the hunt and the new and strange dick that comes with it. Sounds like your ex was one of them. I think now that I've tapped into my wife's depravity, I've revealed her to be one of those women. She did have at least one affair behind my back that I found out about and then put herself on this sort of no social life plan for years afterwards to avoid the temptation. I hated that though obviously because I'm a cuckold deep down and I wanted her to date and fuck just not behind my back. Now she fucks other men openly which I love.
Now on to the topic. Has anyone been watching the series Succession on HBO? One of the storylines on the show is that of the ******** Shivon, and her BF who turns husband, Tom. Shivon (played by the sexy Sarah Snook) is definitely the alpha type dominant ***** in the relationship. She's also sexy as fuck. Tom is the beta BF/husband who marries into this family or wealth and power. As the series progresses, Shivon is revealed to occasionally fuck other guys behind Tom's back, although Tom is a little bit more aware of Shivon's nature than she seems to believe yet looks the other way. In the episode where they marry, after the festivities when they are back at the honeymoon hotel, Shivon decides to reveal to Tom that she doesn't really desire or believe she can live up to a monogamous marriage. (Nice timing) To which Tom meekly replies, "Before the wedding would have been the right time to talk about this" but ultimately goes along with it. Shivon tells Tom that in fairness, she cannot forbid him from doing the same with other women but Tom professes that he only desires her. It's interesting because while Tom is not an enthusiastic cuck husband, he knuckles under and you can see that he is clearly uncomfortable with it. Also, he now knows for certain that Shivon has been fucking one of her colleagues in the political PR business for certain when before that he only suspected something was amiss. In season 2, which is in progress now, Shivon fucks a different guy and Tom knows about it although they do not talk details. Shivon is sort of bullying Tom by playing on his devotion to her and by portraying their marriage as different and an agreement between responsible adults, provided they are discreet. Interestingly, in one episode, Tom is talking to a beautiful woman in the club, and it appears that he is trying to get into her panties and is potentially having success when Shivon shows up unexpectedly and salts Tom's whole play down. She then grills Tom rather *****fully about whether he was trying to fuck the woman he was talking to when she showed up. Clearly there is not an equal dynamic at play as Tom gets put on the defensive and denies that he was trying to bed the woman he was chatting up. He does however say "but if I was trying to ***** with that woman, it would technically fall under our agreement right?" At this point Shivon bulldozes Tom by claiming that her dalliances are different because a) he doesn't know any of the guys she fucks personally (she claims to know the woman Tom was pursuing prior to the pursuit) and b) he is never around when she is doing her thing. Which is very much opportunistic because Tom was not expecting her when he was in the middle of pursing this other woman in the club, she just showed up. Clearly, she wants the open marriage street to only run one direction, towards her pussy. I'm really hoping they explore this storyline further as the series progresses because although Tom is going along with Shivon's wishes at this point, I can see that he's not quite the clueless and beta husband that she believes him to be and I can see him potentially saying fuck this and evening the score in a big way so to speak. The resulting confrontation will be quite interesting. Personally, I'd love to see his character go the other way and totally delve into his role as a cuck husband by asking Shiv the details of her sexcapades and becoming aroused by her hotwifing. That would be much more interesting and definitely ground breaking subject matter for a popular national television series.
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