Posts: 195
Hi folks,
Considering all the talk about cuckolding wives, etc. Does anyone remember Cumslut Oasis?, google her as you'll know what I'm talking about. Pics are abundant on the net, but movies apart fro msome trailers are very rare.
Would be nice to include her in some thread. Post here folks, and not with stooid caps ok! haha S
Posts: 195
Nothing? S
Posts: 195
Still nowt? S
Posts: 195
A great cuckoldress and nobody gives a monkeys? S
Posts: 386
Is this the slut you're referring to?
Posts: 130
I've been a huge Oasis fan for years, but was never allowed to join her site. She has a great blowjob scene in Creme De La Face 50....I believe that's her only "mainstream porn" appearance.
Posts: 195
Anom, yes that's her. Pics are plentyful, but vids are impossible!!! S
Posts: 195
You might be right sissyboystevie. I've seen one trailer, 30 secs long and a shared blowjob with a British girl, UKTrinity I think. Or was she with CreampieCathy? Hmm... S
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
I knew Carol Cox from back around `96, she had a website called "Wild Rose",,,she posted a bunch of my pix, a short while later she had Oasis on her site,,,I permisterall have 4 videos of Oasis, one of them is 15 minutes long and another is 41 minutes long, the other two are short clips.
Posts: 195
#10 · Edited by: Shamusx
Well guys at least we know something more about her! She's very secretive, but also very good. Thanks Mary, valued input there. I vaguely remember the Wild Rose website, but I'm getting old now  Memory fades. Reamister why i ask about Oasis is that she's just a regular looking gal with 'that' look about her, and seems to enjoy the whole scenario judging by the pics. Just that video availability would compliment her better! Q: Is she Am or Pro-Am? And what is she up to now? S
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
#11 · Edited by: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Quoting: Shamusx Q: Is she Am or Pro-Am? And what is she up to now? That IS the question,,,where is the line? I guess I'm a little like the Supreme Court in my thinking, not sure where the lines between am & pro-am are, but I know it when I see it. Jennifer Ashton was an am, maybe after she became "Brotha Lovers, a Jennifer Ashton Production", she became a pro-am,,,Carol Cox and Oasis attended some of the adult conventions in Vegas,,,I couldn't go cause I had a fulltime job that I couldn't put off. Some remain amateur throughout their existence, yet are promoted well and have a large following, others,,,don't. I think it's a balance between doing the stable of pro studs and altering your original lifestyle to please that following to capitalize on a particular genre (I started with "dogging", motel meets, glory holes and adult theatre GB's, by `91 I went black only,,,I'm not all of a sudden gonna do bondage or S&M just because there's money in it,,,I did what I do before it moved into mainstream, and maybe that's another tell as to who is pro-am and who's still am). Lastly I guess it all depends on how you're perceived,,,I think Jackie puts out quality stuff, has done a few pros, yet feels like an am, Janet Mamister feels like she's gone pro. Cathie, Carol, Oasis etc. although they may have been to functions and did the occassional pro stud, didn't do anything I wouldn't have done if I was able to, they do what I wish I could, share in the comraderie of cuckoldry at conventions, parties, web events,,,but it's really all one big party to them, that just happens to promote their stuff. When I first started showing my vids, it was because I was harped on by webmasters (I originally made them for myself), so my hub formed "Frogbutt Productins" and we eventually wound up on VOD,,,but as long as I gotta put in 40 hours a week working at some thankless job, I certainly don't consider myself pro-am (I've only done one guy that I've seen in other videos "Ed Nova",,,really nice dick BTW). So to wrap things up,,,despite the graphics in her videos, and the contacts she's made through parties, events and conventions, I think Oasis is real, a fun girl having a fun time, and definately not pro. Haven't heard of her doing anything new in the past year.
Posts: 195
hm. raised a lot of very valid points. Oasis alone I think is the genuine article and that comes through very well. So, I permisterally classify her as mainly Am, with a taste of Pro-Am, but didn't like the company much  Too commercial and political. The other facts that are hard to ignore is the money. This I think is the lure for most Am's pushed by Webmasters or whoever who flashes the cash and I think that's the defining line. The rubicon has been crossed. It's rare I believe to go Am, turn pro and revert. The cash is the marker really isin't it? Commercialism works, hence no 'luvvy-clubs' of cuckoldry pervades at the conventions. It's all smiles, camera, action! Maybe I'm too cynical, but I thought it would be better to have friends in similar circumstances that can share a coffee and talk about such things and know what they are talking about. Hmm. You've stirred a whole new question to me now about Am/Pro-Am, and it could just help define some of my perspectives on this subject. Many thanks! S
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Yeah,,,I guess that works if you're an athelete trying out for the Olympics, but I feel it's a little different in the porn world. I could get letters from fans all over the world saying if I made a bondage film, or did anal they'd pay any amount of money for a copy,,,I still wouldn't consider it,,,I do what I do, the cameras are running, I would enjoy it just as much if there was no money involved, but if I can do what I do without making any concessions, no googoo eyes at the camera, no dialog that's been suggested, and still make enough to pay my rent,,,what would you do? BTW,,,that just about what I make, enough to pay my rent. CJ & Jonathan became millionaires in under 5 years,,,I drive a Starsky & Hutch Torino and live in a 2 bedrm townhouse and work 40 hours a week,,,so that's how I see the difference between am & pro-am,,,also my studs,,,they're just guys who wrote me and asked to party, family men, business men in town for a few days, soldiers etc. And none of them were paid, some were steady lovers for as many as 6 years. Another thing is the action itself,,,Jan B. has certainly commecialized her stuff, website and videos sold all over, and she's made a lot,,,Tonya made over 150,,,yet they still feel amateur, Jan lets the people do what comes naturally and films it,,,no script, that should definately be a deciding factor.
Posts: 195
yeah, you got it there girl. You can mkae pro stuff, money, camera, lights, scripts and action. But amateur is just all natural. I've seen Jan's stuff, but she has done it the right way I think and it lasts. doesn't age.
If you do it as a normal part of your life, and live it, then it will always remain the same, it reflects you, and that's what the viewers see and appreciate. When I say remains the same, I mean not put on! Naural.
I'm not at all familiar with your stuff, so I can only go on Jan B and I think she keeps it real. Although there is one vid out there where she sits at the edage of the bed, and I thought she was going to give a running commentary! At least it had the fun factor!!! S
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Quoting: Shamusx I'm not at all familiar with your stuff, ARGHHH!!! That means you still haven't checked my profile for what I've posted here,,,it's right here, you were right here,,,what'sa matter you, you got sumptin against free porn,,,am I gonna have to have you whacked,,,or offed,,,or whacked off??? "I'm gonna go take a nap, when I wake up if the money's here, I'll know I have a partner",,,
Posts: 195
Hahaha, I'm just really getting to you now Mary, aint I?????
Mary girl? I checked out your stuff. One word sweetheart. Class.
Nuf said? Sleep well.... S