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In Defense of CuckoldPlace

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Multi_Orgasmic Mary


Posts: 2340
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I know there's been a lot of disappointment lately, and I agree that only the offending post and not the whole thread should be removed, but for me it all depends on your perspective. I came to this site religiously every day before I got DSL,,,everybody out there who doesn't have at least that, knows there's no point in even looking at the vid sections. When all is said and done this feels like home, if I want to voice an opinion I can do it, if I want to defend myself I can do it, believe it or not, there are some IR boards out there that would give the Third Reich a run for it's money. The site is user friendly, has an interesting mix of members, and doesn't cost you a thin dime. Granted the "response notice" function that you get in your E-mail whenever someone has posted to a thread you've subscibed to hasn't worked for me for over a year (pretty annoying when you find out people think you're ignoring their responses, makes you seem stuck up), but even with that (and the fact that Mr.BC still hasn't fixed it for me), I still feel "comfortable" here,,,until you receive the treatment I have at some other sites (that seem to operate by the laws of physics from bizarro world), you have no idea what a pleasure it is just to be able to express yourself, without being banned or put on limited access. I remember when I first started selling my vids on e-Bay (this'll make you laugh, or maybe scare you, depending on what country you live in),,,their policy was you couldn't decribe you're video if it was adult in nature,,,okay, but then they went on to say you couldn't "say" that you couldn't describe your video,,,and that you couldn't say that you weren't allowed to say you couldn't describe your video,,,did you get all that? You couldn't say "e-Bay rules won't allow me to describe the content",,,because that would imply two things, 1) that the movie was too much to meet the decency standards (making it more desireable), and 2) they didn't want anyone to know they were tying your hands and limiting free speech. Now I'm an American, and we're known for speaking our minds, so much so we've been known to go to war just because someone tried to stop us. The internet has no such guarantee, especially on privately run forums,,,where each moderator can be a friend, a policman, a king or a tyrant. This forum is not based in the USA, yet it still affords a modicum of free speech, and for that it feels like home.


Posts: 1459
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Great points MOM! I have always liked this site (and appreciated your posts), and it is tough to see the dissatisfaction with Mr. BC for having to crack down on a few that choose to use his good nature.
Unfortunately, the rules and regulations always have to be targeted at the "lowest common denominator" among us, and the rest of us wind up having to suffer the consequences of their actions - pretty much true in all aspects of life! I'm sure we'll survive, and thanks again to Mr. BC for this great site.
Anyhow, thanks for the thoughtful post. Take care!


Posts: 38
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Well, I like the content here and the diverse mix of members (meaning I like some but not others and normal in life)

Its true about your DSL comment.......I too get my movies from better sights that are set up for high bandwidth opposed to a clip sharing community such as this.

It does feel like a nice place to stay, so I will. It is a bit sad that whole threads get deleted when it should be just the offending clip (lazy MODS not spending time to sort it)

I wont listen to moaning from a MOD about how much work is involved.....if they cant handle it, then take on some more MODS to sift through the copy written posts and stop deleting whole threads.

With every loss of member....the site dies alittle. Sure, we can all hang around to chat or use other parts of the forum, but, the vast majority stay for the clips and pics.....and pissing off the posters will only ******* the site slowly like a cancer.

Piracy is a problem, but NUKING whole threads will not help. It will only ******* this web site.

I feel its alread gone beyond saving......we will see.


Posts: 1418
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Multi_Orgasmic Mary
You are a pioneer and an asset to any site; your points expressed here are logical and accurate. I believe the disappointment expressed by some key contributors was due to the use of the nuclear option, rather than 'bad apples' causing trouble. What was acceptable is no longer acceptable due to the problems faced by others; problems that this moderator intelligently choices to avoid. Clear communication and enpowerment where required are key to avoiding member disappointment and maintaining the things you and others enjoy about this board. Proper use of clips can be an asset rather than an infringement to the owners of copyrighted materials.


Posts: 88
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great comments mary! agree with you


Posts: 1903
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I've always enjoyed your videos and now I can say I admire your most articulate communication s*******s! I agree that Mr. Big usually manages to balance the interests of the overwhelming majority of users here, who as a group are friendly and decent, with his understandable need to avoid lawsuits and adhere to copyright-based demands to remove specific videos and/or photos.

As with other posters on this thread, there has to be a way to spike an offending post without *******ing an entire thread. This would be in keeping with the fine traditions of Cuckold Place. Otherwise, we'll see a steady exodus of the most dedicated posters on this site and eventually Mr. Big will have lost his site anyway.


Posts: 1207
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this is my favorite site. i agree with M.O.M. its better than any of the others with this cuckold theme.


Posts: 762
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it started in the french quarter


Posts: 762
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those blasted frenchies.....


Posts: 44
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oh no mom--the apocalypse is upon us--i'm in total agreement with you


Posts: 1914
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MOM, I think if you examine some of your posts here, you have to accept that you are both part of the problem and solution. Many, many people would be completely clueless of your videos if some had not been leaked onto the internet. No one can generate that kind of exposure without it. Witness the Pam video and the Paris one (who the hell was she before that came out). You literally cannot buy that exposure.

So a few leak out, any fisherman will tell you that to catch a big fish, you need a smaller one on a big hook. Yet some of your posts had you acting as if ALL leaks hit your revenue stream. There must be a balance somewhere. Only those interested enough are actually going to join your site (or Jan Bs or ..), the rest are going to look, maybe like, and move on. These people are simply never going to be your traffic and the price all the internet stars I believe must accept is that the leakage, if held at acceptable levels, if the price you pay to attract new members, or drive up attendances for permisteral appearances or whatever else you may want.

I genuinely believe that a small site (in internet terms) like this cannot really create much damage but reacting to it by threats of legal action if certain threads were not removed (maybe not you, I accept) will actually ******* the golden goose of publicity for you and others as well as ******* the site as what is largely an interesting community move on.

Big C is caught between a rock and a hard place. I don't believe the legal threats are genuine, I don't believe they could prove genuine economic damage from the site. But can he take the risk .. And if he doesn't, will we all still be here in sufficient quantities for it to be worth his efforts.

All businesses take and manage risks. If they stop, usually the business stops. That's true of you, Big C and General Motors.

What I am urging everyone here is balance, of risk, of exposure, of publicity, of leakage.


Posts: 2210 Pictures: 23 
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This is my favorite site. I agree with M.O.M.; its better than any of the others with this cuckold theme. It's better that almost every other free site.


Posts: 386
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Quoting: peakmb
of leakage that anal leakage you're referring to?


Posts: 1750
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We really don't give a damn of pro porn or of false amateur making money with their websiste. So what's the loss without them ? There are so many porn sites on the web, we don't need one more...

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Oceancruiser's certified hotpics ! White wifes should all be black BRED !


Posts: 70
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Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
In Defense of CuckoldPlace

Now there is bait for trolls. Who kicked the baby?
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


Posts: 2340
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Quoting: peakmb
MOM, I think if you examine some of your posts here, you have to accept that you are both part of the problem and solution. Many, many people would be completely clueless of your videos if some had not been leaked onto the internet. No one can generate that kind of exposure without it. Witness the Pam video and the Paris one (who the hell was she before that came out). You literally cannot buy that exposure.

So a few leak out, any fisherman will tell you that to catch a big fish, you need a smaller one on a big hook. Yet some of your posts had you acting as if ALL leaks hit your revenue stream. There must be a balance somewhere. Only those interested enough are actually going to join your site (or Jan Bs or ..), the rest are going to look, maybe like, and move on. These people are simply never going to be your traffic and the price all the internet stars I believe must accept is that the leakage, if held at acceptable levels, if the price you pay to attract new members, or drive up attendances for permisteral appearances or whatever else you may want.

First of, this is not me being confrontational, merely setting the record straight (again),,,although when the topic may have come up I was quick to state my permisteral opinion, I have to date had 1 (one, uno, ein) link removed through Mr.BC, and that was Betos full video of my volume #8. Secondly I have stated on more than a dozens occassions that small clips were not only permitted, but appreciated, for the exact reamisters you stated above. I understand the need for people to jump on the bandwagon and go all hyperbolic, but the facts are the facts. And last but not least, I don't have a website,,,per se. All I have are my videos listed on PPV and for sale through me permisterally on DVD. Of course if you wanted to watch my videos you'd only have to google "Frogbutt Productions" and you'll find them on dozens of PPV sites that share the same template, or you can write me direct for DVD copies at [email protected] (Lol). Also for those that think I'm just another greedy bitch,,,for every minute you watch, I only receive between 9 and 25 cents, depending on the site. So don't expect to see me pulling up to the AVN Awards in a limo,,,in fact, I can't even afford to attend.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


Posts: 2340
#17 · Edited by: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
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Quoting: vanilla_thrilla
Now there is bait for trolls. Who kicked the baby?

As opposed to "Bye bye",,,or "I'm outta here"? Those threads only show negativity, I was attempting to point out the positive points of CuckoldPlace,,,,been awhile since we bantered, do I hear the sound of a can opener opining a can of worms? Just out of curiousity,,,I couldn't help but notice the small number of posts under your name. How is that possible,,,did you leave and rejoin? Considering the threads we shared, all the back and forth, and the amount of times you reminded us of your GB parties that you were stumping for, 52 seems unbelievably miniscule.

Nevermind,,,I don't want to argue and get this thread locked,,,people need to read it,,,this is me letting it go, not worth it,,,this time!


Posts: 70
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Quoting: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
out of curiousity

You know what they say about curiosity ? ...Curiosity cooked the goose...
Possibly I had so much to say that my post count clocked over.


Posts: 3621
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Once again there is conversation and argument from within a forum. Its the life of any message board or community really and its never going to change.

I was a mod once on a (and still is) very succesful BDSM site. I watched the site grow from a tiny amount of members to what it is now. The message board, like this one. Has had its ups and downs and in general the management did a good job in watering down flame wars and disagreements etc.

But to the guy who wrote something about lazy mods not doing there not be so quick to cast accusations. Most boards of this sort have mods who are not on any payroll. Sometimes a thankless task I can tell you.

I do like this board and hope it contimues. But it will always have its all the rest.

Multi_Orgasmic Mary


Posts: 2340
#20 · Edited by: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
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Quoting: vanilla_thrilla
You know what they say about curiosity ? ...Curiosity cooked the goose...

I think that was the "cat",,,and he was *******ed,,,I'm pretty sure it was some kinda oven that cooked the goose,,,LOL.
Quoting: vanilla_thrilla
Possibly I had so much to say that my post count clocked over.

That sucks,,,you mean sometime in the future people it'll look like I'm a newbie,,,lose all my credibility? Nah,,,that'll never happen, LOL.


Posts: 38
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Quoting: stevensmiles
But to the guy who wrote something about lazy mods not doing there not be so quick to cast accusations. Most boards of this sort have mods who are not on any payroll. Sometimes a thankless task I can tell you.

yeah..........its just soooo hard isnt it.

Like I said.......I wont have any of that......if the work load is too much, simply take on new mods.........rather than nuke whole threads because its just "way too much hard hard work" to sift through it and do the job properly.

Either do it right or dont do it at all........but dont moan about how hard done the mods are and how much work they do......because they can always lighten the load if its just too much for those poor overworked souls.


Posts: 1040
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Multi_Orgasmic Mary:
I know there's been a lot of disappointment lately, and I agree that only the offending post and not the whole thread should be removed, but for me it all depends on your perspective. I came to this site religiously every day before I got DSL,,,everybody out there who doesn't have at least that, knows there's no point in even looking at the vid sections. When all is said and done this feels like home, if I want to voice an opinion I can do it, if I want to defend myself I can do it, believe it or not, there are some IR boards out there that would give the Third Reich a run for it's money. The site is user friendly, has an interesting mix of members, and doesn't cost you a thin dime. Granted the "response notice" function that you get in your E-mail whenever someone has posted to a thread you've subscibed to hasn't worked for me for over a year (pretty annoying when you find out people think you're ignoring their responses, makes you seem stuck up), but even with that (and the fact that Mr.BC still hasn't fixed it for me), I still feel "comfortable" here,,,until you receive the treatment I have at some other sites (that seem to operate by the laws of physics from bizarro world), you have no idea what a pleasure it is just to be able to express yourself, without being banned or put on limited access. I remember when I first started selling my vids on e-Bay (this'll make you laugh, or maybe scare you, depending on what country you live in),,,their policy was you couldn't decribe you're video if it was adult in nature,,,okay, but then they went on to say you couldn't "say" that you couldn't describe your video,,,and that you couldn't say that you weren't allowed to say you couldn't describe your video,,,did you get all that? You couldn't say "e-Bay rules won't allow me to describe the content",,,because that would imply two things, 1) that the movie was too much to meet the decency standards (making it more desireable), and 2) they didn't want anyone to know they were tying your hands and limiting free speech. Now I'm an American, and we're known for speaking our minds, so much so we've been known to go to war just because someone tried to stop us. The internet has no such guarantee, especially on privately run forums,,,where each moderator can be a friend, a policman, a king or a tyrant. This forum is not based in the USA, yet it still affords a modicum of free speech, and for that it feels like home.

..............PSEUDO PERSON...YMMV!
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


Posts: 2340
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Considering this thread was started 4 years ago, and this site has only grown, and gave birth to the best video clip site out there (YouCuck),,,where anyone who should so desire can view every single video I ever made, and do it 100% legally,,,speaks strongly to all those nay sayers who thought it wouldn't last,,,it's only gotten better!!!
dirty boy


Posts: 56
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I love this place. Its a place the turns me one, gives me advice, makes me feel comfortable with who i am sexually, and is slowly leading to my wife freeing her sexual sluty side for other men just as I have dreamed for years. So thank you to Cuckoldplace and ALL the major players who have made this place such a success.


Posts: 170
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I'm not the big poster because i'm not a native speaker.
I'm not the big sharer because i'm just a wannabe.

But i love this place. Thanks for being still there.


Posts: 160 Pictures: 7 
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Posts: 6899
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Plus, love all the pics of so many delicious looking cocks of ALL SIZES!


Posts: 6899
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Think of all the wonderful, exciting orgasms and handfuls of cum tasted or eaten over the years. Thanks to all contributors!


Posts: 248
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MOM- Mary- I always read what you have to say as I feel your were one of the first to take on the Cuckold Scene and do it well. You and Jan B were the pioneers when nobody else was doing anything close to creampie eating or cum eating husbands. I still consider your vids tops over all of the Pro-Cuckold BS that is out there. I will take amateur any day over all that commercialized garbage. Thanks for your opinion and I agree this site is like an old comfortable place to go to when all the other stuff is not that great on the net!!
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


Posts: 2340
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Thanx Creampieman,,,we started doing this in '84,,,and Jan B. was the only person out there making videos of what we were doing, mainly fucking blacks bareback and letting them cum in me, only I also had hubby fluffing and eating pies,,,so we decided to make our own. We did the same thing with Glory Hole videos and just about single handedly launched the whole genre.
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In Defense of CuckoldPlace
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