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True Story and in Shock

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For years I never questioned that our baby was mine! But as our girl got older, I started to question if she could be from another man. Mainly because my wife and I are very short, and our girl has long legs. At 11 she is nearly as tall as we are. Then other people kept making comments about how tall she was. Both of our families are short people, except on my wife's ************ side. When I would make comments about her height, my wife would point out her ************ family very quickly. But she seemed nervous when it came up. Also our girl has green eyes, which nether of us do.
My wife couldn't get pregnant and we adopted our first *****. So we never used protection.
She had a 18 yr old guy she fell in love with, and I was fully aware she was banging him. She was 40 at the time. Being a cuckold I had no problem with her young boy toy.
He fell in love to and wanted her to leave me so they could get married. While she did consider it and loved him deeply, she refused to leave me. He was devastated and broke it off with her. So it was just me banging her during the period she got pregnant.
We had often talked that it would be hot if he knocked her up. Both knowing it was only fantasy, that she couldn't get pregnant. She used to tease me that her 18 yr old lover would make such a beautiful baby. It would make for some very hot bedroom talk and intense bangings from me.
As she was growing up everyone would say how she looks like my wife. Never once did anyone say that to me. But my wife would throw in comments, like "she acts like you", etc. So I never questioned it until recently.
After looking at some ********* photos my sister posted on Favebook, it really hit me. I had the shortest stubby legs as a kid, still do for that matter. But then when other people kept commenting on her long legs, I really had to question if she was mine. The last comment coming last week from a cousin.
So last night my ******** said "look I'm almost as tall as Mom". I was ******** hard and had a good buzz going, so I tested the waters. I said "how in the world can she be so tall?" Right off the bat my wife says "the Parker's were all tall people". This rolled off her tongue like it was rehearsed, and again she seemed nervous. I was a little scared to just outright blame her and start a fight, but I kept throwing out comments, checking her reaction.
When I started insinuating her long legs my be the result of someone else's sperm, she never denied or confirmed, just gave answers that could mean ether way.
Finally I got ***** enough to just throw the cards on the table. I said "you always said RT would make pretty baby's, you didn't lie". Her comment back floored me, she said "well you fantasy came true, but at least she looks like me". I was floored, she didn't even try to hide it. After 11 years I find out my baby does indeed belong to another man. I haven't ask her if he knows, it didn't dawn on me until now.
She admitted sneaking out one night while I was asleep and fucking him, while they were broke up, I had no idea...none. This 18 year old boy knocked up my wife, while I slept, and I had no clue for almost 12 years.
That's a pretty powerful thing to get hit with, and my head is still spinning. It doesn't change how I feel about my baby girl, and never will. We already adopted perviously, so I'm just loving two girls, who aren't mine.
Not really sure what to say to my wife next, do want to find out more details, like if she told him it's his, etc.
Well there is my 100% true story, less than 24 hours ago I could out I've been cuckolded in the most extreme manner, raising another mans baby and was totally blind to it for nearly 12 years.


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Well, you have a lot of catching up to do then, tell her you love her, that you would have treated her like the goddess of femininity she is, even if, no, even moreso had she told you that she got bred by a potent stud...
She deserves to be loved and pampered for her courage to pick superior genes


Posts: 36
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You really can't complain. The truth is that she should have told you, but she didn't. You have a great ******** and it is you who cannot really do the job. Just be a man and don't say anything to her ********. It is not her fault and it is better for her that she think of you as her biodad. The only thing to be prepared for is that men notice legs like hers and guys will be prowling around her. Do you want her to be a more promiscuous version of her mom?
BadGirls are more fun


Posts: 1096
#4 · Edited by: jamesriske
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Random DNA tests proved that about 30% of kids were not the biological offspring of the men who thought they were the biological parent. Women lie and courts have held that even though the kids not their own, the men still have to pay them support. Be careful, men.


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Well she couldn't be more promiscuous than her ******, impossible. Being slutty runs in my wife's side of the family. Her mom was a slut and wanted me to fuck her, back when we first started dating. I never did! Her *********** was a slut according to my wife. So she may carry that gene, but I don't wish for it.

I had the fantasy of this happening for years. But to find out after all these years was very humiliating to say the least. We didn't know she could get pregnant, and when she did I didn't know about her sneaking out. I very surprised she so willingly confessed when I questioned her. I would have guessed she would take it to her grave.

I talked to her a few nights ago and she admitted that he knew it was his all these years. They discussed it many times, before and after she was born. She promised him he was free and clear, no worries, she wouldn't try to get money from him. I was the one in the dark. Guess I'm slow witted, but I finally caught on. She made me promise I never tell our girl the truth. But I would never do that anyway. My head is still spinning trying to understand all of this.


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#6 · Edited by: bpop
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A friend of mine told me a few years ago that her step fat_her was actually her biological fat_her. Her mot_her told her after her legal fat_her passed away.

When she asked her mom why she hadn't told her earlier, her mom said it was because she didn't want to mess up the relationship that my friend had with her legal (non-biological) dad.




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Last night I found her best friend knows, and has from the beginning. Seems everyone but me knew.


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I asked my wife why she told her friend about getting knocked up by the young guy. She said her friend asked her, because she knew my wife was banging another guy. My wife had bragged to her about landing a young stud. Here's the part that floored me! Her friend confessed her 1st ***** wasn't her husbands ether. I about fell out of my chair. But looking back, their *** looks nothing like his ******. So I said Randy is a cuckold too? She said yes but unknowingly. Wow would have never guessed it.
My wife went to a small school with a graduating class of about 30. There is a girl they graduated with who was knocked up by her boss, who is a doctor. The girl and her husband are very white, the kid is Indian like his ******. So the whole world knows her husband was cuckolded. She was the talk of the town for years.
So that makes 3 girls in their graduating class who were married and knocked up by other men. Who knows there may be more of them. That school raised a lot of sluts for sure.
I'm over the shock of finding out my baby isn't mine, but it still feels weird. To be honest it does turn me on knowing. But them I'm just a sick pervert cuck, or that's what my wife called me anyway.
Anyone else have any true story's about wife's getting knocked up by other me? If so please share.


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#9 · Edited by: bpop
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That school raised a lot of sluts for sure.

No different from any other school, in my opinion.

You've probably seen the (sometimes disputed) statistics about how many chil dren are not the biological descendants of their legal fat hers.

But them I'm just a sick pervert cuck, or that's what my wife called me anyway.

You've probably gathered that there is a certain amount of hypocrisy on the part of some women. You're labelled a "sick pervert" by your wife, but she and her girlfriend are perfectly normal. (Yeah, right.)




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Today is ******* Day, well that's the role I play anyway.


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Today is F a t h e r s day but for me it should be cuckold day. My ex-wife on her death bed confessed her infidelity to me with her old boyfriend and to make things worst her lover the f a t h e r of our c h I l d contacted me and told me how they kept it a secret the whole time. I was in shock at first but now like Smitty it turns me on knowing I have always been a cuckold. Happy CUCKOLDS day!


Posts: 243
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Happy ******* day to all cucks and bulls. I have 3 chil dren with my wife and two are from other men.
My wife loves bull seed


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My wife and her friend are going on a week long road trip this Sunday. Both ********* kids that their husbands didn't seed. I would like to be a mouse in the backseat and hear what they are saying. I wonder if my wife will tell her I caught on and found out I'm not the ******?


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If she were my wife, I would ask her to make me a cuckold again, with proof! Lol, thank you for sharing your experience, its hot! Does she know you are here sharing this, or anything about this forum?


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No she has no idea I'm sharing this, and wouldn't approve at all.


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She says she's not that woman anymore, and doesn't like discussing the past. I had to drag to drag it out of her, to get the truth.


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She leaves on her Trip Sunday! I think I will slip some condoms in her purse and luggage, just for laughs.


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I think I will slip some condoms in her purse and luggage, just for laughs.

Okay, but I have a feeling that the only one it will make laugh is yourself.




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True Dat


Posts: 506
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Great share Smitty. All seems to have worked out well on the grand scale. You got what you wanted which was a hotwife / vixen breeder. The Mrs got her needs fulfilled by a young bull stud. Sounds like the young one is healthy as well. All in all you came smelling like a rose. The only prickly part was the thorn of not realizing it from early on that the risk was always there and just lucky for her the stud did his part.
Win some...
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Few are rained out


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Well. I wouldn't change anything, I have a beautiful girl who loves her daddy. I do wish I wasn't the last to learn, 11 years later. If her legs get any longer, everyone is going know I'm a cuckold, including my parents who are still alive. Doubt anyone will say anything to our face, but will be lots of talk behind our backs. In fact it's probably happening already.


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Any update?


Rating: 15, 5 votes.
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True Story and in Shock
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