Posts: 47
Hi, whilst on holiday I've just been told by my girlfriend that she's pregnant by another man. We've gone through a difficult period recently and it happened with a co-worker friend who gave her a shoulder to cry on. She tried to abort but it didn't work and as a consequence she was powerd to tell me. I get off on the cuck fantasy and have watched her having sex on a couple of occasions in the past. I played around a bit in the past (but always told her) and feel upset that she was intending to deceive me but because of our history I can't really complain, I guess she was getting a little payback.
But what happens now? We're having big fun playing around with the idea of her keeping the baby - the pregancy is a huge turn on for both of us and we're having the most amazing sex. I could bring it up as my own though I'm not young (49) and my family know I've had the snip.
Anyone had a similar experience??
Posts: 526
dump her. she can't be trusted. not only did she cheat on you, but she went so far as to abort, and only told you when that failed and she had no other option. she was in a corner.
since you already were an established cuck, why did she need to cheat on you? since you are a long term couple, dont you think she should have gone to you when she first found out she was pregnant so you could work it out together.
you sound like a nice guy. she sounds like a lame girlfriend that would be a very bad choice as a wife.
you should walk out on her.
Posts: 1285
Far be it from me to contradict all these saintly posters with perfect marriages, but I think the decision to stay with her or not is a lot more complex than bumper-sticker slogan about "trustworthiness."
Also, it has nothing at all to do with cuckolding and little to do with the fact that she is pregnant. The issue for you is this: The two of you were on the rocks, she had an affair -- can you both be OK with that? It is easy for these sanctimonious strokers to tell you to "dump her," but the vast majority of married men and women cheat at some point and many couples can work it out.
The baby is obviously a complication, but how much of one? If you both still want to be married to each other, why should it matter? I know, easy to say, sure, harder to feel. How do you feel? Can you handle the idea that it is someone else's?
Time for some real honest blunt talk between your wife and you about the future and this young and what role (if any) you will play and the biological man will play, etc.
Leave how hot you are out of the conversation for now. BUT, if you decide you love each other and want to stick together and are on the same page about raising the young, THEN, you should feel free to indulge in all kinds of fetish cuckold play about what has happened. (In fact, it will be healthy to and help you both to confront things and heal.)
Good luck to all three of you however things work out. Pantalone, Wittol, oblate, abnegator, fellator, pathic, irrumatiophile,fop, epicene, cotquean, skivvy, thrall, and pilgarlic.
Posts: 15
This is a 5 year old thread... wish the original poster would say how it all worked out... but i have to add this, as a lawyer, my advice would have been, back in 2008: if the baby comes out fine, stick it out. but if the abortion attempt fucked the young up, dump her. i just read how in England now their letting defective babies starve to death with their wonderful socialized medicine. If a baby can survive an attempt to ******* it, can it grow to be normal? I doubt it. Abortion should be criminal and cucks should have to live with all youngren their wives bring them.