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Neighbors hot tub

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First off, I am a wanna be. Second, my wife says she would never cuckold me. She would sometimes endulge me with play while watching porn, and then sometimes get upset with me if I brought the subject up to often.

A few nights ago I mentioned to her that I had a dream about her making out with the neighbor in his hot tub. Just her and him, alone in the hot tub while I was at home. She has been in the hot tub one other time with him alone (for real)...and nothing happened. Thats where I assume the dream came from. I mentioned it again yesterday about her and the neighbor...she told me today that she had a dream about making out with him. She seemed kinda kiddish about it. I didn't say to much. I came home for lunch and kidded her about another fantasy of mine...which I know she doesn't like...she came out and said..."You have a better chance of me making out with the neighbor, before I would ever do that".

All this after she says "I would never cuckold you". Well, the seed I hope has been sewed. In a few weeks I take her on a 8 day cruise...lets see...hmmm, I hope that she has taken to the idea, if she makes out with the neighbor...maybe soon...someone else. To the future!!!!


Posts: 457 Pictures: 1 
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Good luck man, I think she will come around once she figures out that you really do want it to happen. A lot of women initially say no but once they learn that it will truly make their husbands happy, and they can have a great sex life, they usually come around...


Posts: 3098
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Damn...nothing happened. This is something that I think I will take my time with. I have to make sure not to pressure her, and to not hound her about it. Its so hard not to though. I think that she will eventually come onto him...he does have an interest in her. I think they are both curious to know what the other has to offer. Another plus is she is in her early 30's and has had a relatively slow sex drive that last couple years. She has recently started to ramp it up.

Thanks for the words of encouragement Dropknee. Hopefully soon, but got to take is really slow.


Posts: 3098
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Kinda a small update. Last night my wife started the beginning stages of the monthly "flow"...DAMNIT! And being that next month around the same time we will be on our cruise, I began to think that maybe she should go back on birth control in order to skip "flow". I didn't want to mention it at the time, because I didn't want her to think that I wanted her on birth control just because we were going on the cruise.

As I mentioned in my first post, she would sometimes get upset about me pressuring her to cuckold me. She said she never would. Well, this morning I decided to call her to talk to her about skipping her "flow" to allow for a more enjoyable, cramp free trip. She said "yeah, I was thinking about that to". "and besides, I know you have other thoughts about me going back on birth control". That suprised the hell out of me.

Since she brought up the subject, I said "can I ask you a question", sure she said. I asked "if by chance you were to have sex with the neighbor, would you let him cum in you"? She said " I don't think he would cum in me". She also brought up "Do you want me to be vulgarly honest"? I said yes of course..."I haven't been able to get the dream I had about making out with the neighbor in the hot tub...out of my mind".

The only way I can describe my feelings at this like a kid in a candy store, but I know I must exercise restraint. The thougt has enter her mind and hasn't left. I think I may have found a key to open that first door. We shall see....


Posts: 3098
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Thougth a quick pic would be nice.


Posts: 309
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I can see her pussy......


Posts: 3098
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Thanks jonny,

The attitude I am taking with this is kinda like you say. I am taking a stronger role in that instead of a cuckold like situation I would say its more like a hotwife situation. I agree that she is a sub and most likely is not into seeing me in the sub situation. I have told her that I have no interest in seeing other women, so I think that makes her feel more secure as well.

Our neighbor has become a great friend of ours and he is not a dom bull type...or I don't picture him as one. He is definately not a threat to me, I have never been the jealous type and she knows that. I view this situation as one in where I am willing to just play along and let her have what she wants, with my blessing...alowing her to act out the fantasy. I don't plan on "joining in" unless she asks me to. This would be hers alone, or whatever she wants of me during...If it were to happen.

Tonight, I am plan on going over to the neighbors to hang out, have some takes, and see where the conversation leeds. I also don't plan on bringing up the situation to her for a day or two unless she asks. I don't want to put pressure on her and have her get upset. Well, I am off to see the Wizard.


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We cooked out last night at the neighbors house. He and I were standing over the grill takeing beers. After a short time my wife came out with the kids. She said that the deep frier was plugged in and almost ready. She then me to go in the house and get the fries going. It was obvious to me she wanted to be alone with the neighbor.

After we ate we decided that when the kids go to bed we would go over next door and sit in the hot tub. While the wife and I were changing I asked her if she wanted me to say anything to the neighbor about her wanting to have sex with him. She told me that she wanted to do it herself, and that he and her would have to be alone. When we got in the hot tub, (we got in before he did) she made sure that I sat on the opposite side from her which left the seat next to her open for him.

I really love her assertiveness in this situation. This is something that she wants...its hers to own. While she is very sure in wanting to have sex with him, she is worried about ruining the friendship we have with the neighbor. I told her that when she does do something, to reassure him that I am completely ok with the situation. I told her that I am fully behind her in this and that any thing she wants or needs from me...she has it.

And then last night while her and I were in bed, she said a couple things. She said "you know, we have been together for 8 years total, and I haven't been with that many people..." and then with "so if you were out of town and I wanted to go next door and have sex with neighbor, you would be ok with it?" I told her that anytime she wants to...she can.

Its funny that I have been trying to get her to relax with another guy for a few years, and that it seems to only have taken a dream I had of her having sex with the neighbor...telling her that dream...her having a dream of her own about her and the neighbor...and now...she is ready to actually do it. Its only a matter of time now before she makes her move...and then its up to him to take her. I hope he does.

And tonight...back to the neighbors house and the hot tub. I think I might need to leave early...I might be coming down with something. We shall see.


Posts: 274
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AWESOME!! You Rock ALLEN! I am happy for you brother!


Posts: 3098
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Thanks cuckjay.

Last night didn't go as planned. The hot tub broke, so we ended up in my rec room instead. Drinks and a couple movies. My wife sat between us, leaning tward him and her feet by me. They flirted mildly with me there, but when I would get up to check on the kids, or take a leak...they flirted pretty heavy. He stuck his finger in her bottle of mikes lemonade..."my finger is in your hole", she said "maybe you should stick something else in my hole"..."well, if it swells, it might get stuck"...she then responded "i guess I will have to help you get it unstuck".

The rest of the night was typical back and forth teasing. He ended up leaving after the second movie. The wife and I went to bed...we talked about her and him for a while...she went to relax happy thinking about him fucking her...i went to bed with a hardon full of angst.

This morning...I woke her up by rubbing her back, and worked my way down to her bald shaved pussy. I massaged her for a while...the told me to get down and eat her out. Which of course I did...I ate her till she came and then hopped on top of her for my turn. Didnt take long, but she was already satisfied. She was thinking about him while I fucked her and damn...that made me happy.

Good news though...the hot tub is fixed, and we will be in it tonight...hopefully no univited guests show up. I will update when I am able to. Till then...carry on.


Posts: 683
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Sounds like things are unfolding nicely. She seems to be getting hot for the idea and ready to give it a go. Keep us posted and love to see more pics of her.


Posts: 142
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Good luck! Sounds like you have a great wife there.


Posts: 457 Pictures: 1 
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See, I knew she would come around. You just have to keep reassuring her it's what you want and will make you happy. Pretty soon your wife will be splitting time between you and the neighbor. Just don't be upset when she is to tired and sore to play with you because the neighbor wore her out

Thanks for the picture man, she looks hot.


Posts: 3098
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Last night didn't go as planned unfortunately. The neighbor ended up hanging out with another mutual friend of ours. His wife was out of town and he was finally able to get out. So he and the neighbor went out on the town and didn't get back till late. The wife and spent the night together. We talked about her being taken by the neighbor along with the usual hubby wife kid talk.

I asked her some details and got the answers. I am not allowd to watch when it happens. She says it would be to weird if I was present. I assume the once she gets into it...(providing he is willing to even do it in the first place)...that she might let me watch at some point. Most likely she will end up in his bed...stay the night and come home early enough to get ready for work (we both get up at the same time to go to work). When it happens, she wants to stay for a while because he is a multiple cummer. I have never been able to give her more than two rounds...we heard through the rhumor mill that he is a 5 or 6 round guy.

Tonight, we cooked out steaks with the neighbor, no more than the usual flirting though. He was at work some of the day, and worked on his truck at a friends shop the rest. After we ate he left for home and the wife and I put the kids to bed...she is as I am typing this taking a bath. Thats about it for now. Hopefully the rest of this week goes better. We plan on going with the neighbor to the home and garden show this coming weekend. Between now and then...I hope for the best....for her!!!


Posts: 274
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So do we Allen! Keep us updated!


Posts: 3098
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This seems like it is taking forever, but I have waited around four years for this. I know its not as long as some have waited, but it still feels like forever. Unfortunately the neighbor is kinda in a funk. He seems really down and depressed, so I am taking him out tonight and see what I can get out of him. I assume it involves his job, because the shop where he works is really slow and he is low man on the totum pole.

Sorry this hasn't been very exciting, but I hope to have things back on track soon.


Posts: 683
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All good things come to those who wait. In this economy there are a lot of people down. I am sure he will open up to you a bit when you are out. I am sure if he knows that your wife is interested it could change his mood some and give him something positive. Let us know how it goes.. and be patient as hard as it is. Remember it took you some time to get your wife thinking of having another.


Posts: 214
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Find out what is wrong- but don't tell your wife the specifics. If she mentions them later on (in an attempt to show understanding and a want to help him "relax")- it will just bum him out more- might even ******* the evening. Just let her know that he needs cheering up. She gets to try her fantasy (maybe even a little farther than she first thought), and she gets to be seductive by simply being "available". He will enjoy how available your wife makes herself to him. Might get him out of the funk he's in.


Posts: 274
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I've got my fingers crossed for ya Allen


Posts: 3098
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By the way, thank you all for the comments.


Posts: 274
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This is getting exciting


Posts: 683
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It appears that things are progressing.. your wife is ready for something to occur and he is slowly getting there. Hopefully for all involved it will occur soon. You have our support and look to your update as well as any additional pics you can share of her. She is a stunner!!


Posts: 53
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I think she has already fucked him, what do ya'll think?

I have a cheating wife and the description fits her to a tee!


Posts: 3098
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I don't have anything exciting to report yet, but they seem to be getting closer to pulling it off. She is slowly building up to it...she says, and I think he is starting to get what she is hinting at. He and I talked last night about her loosing weight, and her renewed attitude. I told him that I was very happy with her and am I am letting her do as she pleases because I don't want to stifle that new attitude. We will be meeting with him and a group of friends later today, and I assume we will meet him later tonight at his place for the hot tub. Hopefully tonight will be the night!!

I am going to try to get some new pics for you guys soon. As for her already having fucked him...I really don't think that she has...I think that she would have told me...but then again...I have been wrong before.


Posts: 683
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It appears to be going at the speed that is accepting to them. You have providing her the support she needs and mentioning to him all the correct hints. It will occur in time; hopefully this evening. Look forward to your update as well as the pics.


Posts: 274
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I wonder what happened


Posts: 3098
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We ended up getting home about the same time as the neighbor last night. The wife did go over to the hot tub with him alone. The same as last time...they just flirted and made a lot of sexual comments, but nothing reported. She is ready to make this thing a go, but I am starting to think that he won't actually do it.

We hung out tonight, cooked out again and the usual comments around to each other. I just don't know if its going to happen. I have to keep thinking is going to least for now.

I did happen to find some pics of the wife...sorry I don't have any nudes, but I am going to work on that.



Posts: 683
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Wish things were moving better for you both. Not sure what his hold up is but if it were me there were not be any hold up. She is very sexy and thanks for the pics. Have you thought about finding another suitor for her as I am sure there would be many. Do you think she would be open to another since things are not moving with the neighbor and/or have you discussed how long you wil both give him to make a move? Has she thought about making a more aggresive move with him? Look to your feedback and update.


Posts: 170
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She is very lovely.


Posts: 274
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Your wife is hot Allen. Stay positive
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