After almost a good 7 months of this we thought it would be fun (In a moment of passion) to out him on face book as gay and wow, that I think is when things changed!
Your story is so inspiring
IamVylet! It does seem to be very much the same lines as the journey we went on, although all you juicy details are different.
I, for one, would love to hear those details! Would you be willing to share with us a blow-by-blow of the Facebook posting? What did the two of you say and do that evening as you egged each other on to do it? What did you write and how did you share it? (Status change? Wall?) What were the reactions you got and how fast did they come? Did friends and family react or contact you through Facebook or just phoning you direct or what? I'd love to hear all their reactions.
In fact, I'd love all the horrible, awkward, humiliating details of people's responses. Who was shocked? Who was confused? Was anyone amused? What are your friends like? Were they mostly cool with it? How has it changed your relationships? What was family reaction? What about co-workers, etc.
So much of what is on here is fantasy. I feel such a hunger for the details of how others who live their fantasies out manage to do so in the headwinds of the "real world."
Thanks so much for sharing what you have! I hope you'll be willing to tell us more. (Even PM me if you don't feel comfortable with public postings of such details!) I wish the best to you both.
Pantalone, Wittol, oblate, abnegator, fellator, pathic, irrumatiophile,fop, epicene, cotquean, skivvy, thrall, and pilgarlic.