My wife likes to fuck me with a strap-on. Other than licking her, it's the only sex I'm allowed, I'm not allowed to put my dick in her at all. I'm perfectly happy with our sex life, but lately I've noticed that the power of my ejaculations has diminished quite considerably.
By way of comparimister, before we started strap-on sex about 2 years ago, if I was lying on my back wanking, I could be reamisterably sure of hitting myself in the face when I came. Sometimes, if I was really horny, I could hit the wall above my head. But these days when I cum, it's just a little spurt that only just reaches my belly button, if I'm lucky. And the amount is a lot less too: it used to be about two teaspoonfuls, now it's only about half of one.
I'm a bit concerned: is it the strap-on sex that's caused this? Only the muscles for contracting the prostate are in that area, and I was wondering if they've become a bit slack?
I know many of you would welcome these changes

, but my wife and I do plan to have kids one day (she wants girls so she can raise them as dominant), and I'm worried that I'll be too ruined to get her pregnant.
Is there any way of reversing this development, maybe by exercising the muscles? Or is there possibly some other reamister?
Any advice appreciated...