I agree you become closer as girlfriends and most of us like that other men are taking care of her sexually and many women love the idea that you are taking yours as a woman too.
Yes, I would love to become that girlfriend of hers again. I think it's starting to happen, my GF has been getting somewhat more dominant again lately with me.
As much as I hate the idea of avoiding sex with her, I am beginning to wonder if that might be a good idea right now. To be honest, though, I think sex is still just going to happen whenever she tells me to. That's nothing new... LOL
I was surprised, though, when she recently brought up me getting fucked. I told her at the time that I would rather it be by her (which is what was on my mind at the time) but since then, I've had a lot of excitement, thinking that she might change her stance of me being on the receiving end from a guy.